Mobile SDK
Developers can directly call Autel drones' APIs through Autel Mobile SDK for higher efficiency while cutting costs. Functions include autonomous flying and gimbal and camera control, real-time media stream and sensor data acquisition, and media file download.
Supported Productsthis version is a backward-compatible release, capable of supporting both 1.7 and 1.8 firmware supports the Evo Lite Enterprise, Evo MAX, Evo Alpha, and others.
Updates1. AutelPlayerManager and other multimedia components optimization, supporting multi-stream pushing.
2. Added A-Mesh self-networking functionality based on Autel SkyLink 3.0 for the EVO MAX 4T/EVO MAX 4N networking series firmware products. Added multi-device control functionality for the EVO MAX 4T/EVO MAX 4N networking series firmware products.
3. Added master-slave dual control functionality for the EVO MAX 4T/EVO MAX 4N networking series firmware products.
4. Added support for KMZ file upload and execution for the EVO MAX 4T/EVO MAX 4N networking series firmware products.
Payload SDK
Through the Payload SDK, developers can extend the capabilities of Autel Robotics UAVs. For example, by integrating sensors and mechanical components with the UAV, it can be applied to scenarios such as energy inspection, public safety, emergency rescue, and more.
Supported ProductsEVO Max Series (EVO Max 4T, EVO Max 4N)
Release Notes1. PSDK V1.0 Released
2. Device Registration Support
3. Low-Speed Channel Support
4. Log Function Support
5. UAV Message Subscription Support
6. Power Management Support
7. HMS (Health Management System) Support
8. Network Time Synchronization Support
9. Local Firmware Upgrade Support
10. Flight Control Support
11. Basic Camera Management Support
12. Gimbal Management Support
Cloud API
Supported ProductsEVO Max Series
UpdatesAdd the drone cloud functionality (including live streaming, media management, wayline management, HMS management, DRC, etc.)