Platform Porting
The header file related to cross-platform functionality is uav_platform.h
. This document describes the key information and usage methods for the structures and function prototypes in the uav_platform.h
Table of Contents
Macro Definitions, Enumerations, and Structures
T_UAVTimeFunction Prototypes
Macro Definitions
* @brief Platform handle of thread task operation.
typedef void *T_UAVTaskHandle;
* @brief Platform handle of mutex operation.
typedef void *T_UAVMutexHandle;
* @brief Platform handle of semaphore operation.
typedef void *T_UAVSemaHandle;
* @brief Platform handle of timer operation.
typedef void *T_UAVTimerHandle;
typedef enum E_UAVHalUartBaudRate
Serial port baud rate macro definition.
- This macro definition needs to be used to initialize the
parameter in the serial port handle before registering the serial port.
typedef enum
typedef struct T_UAVHalUartHandler
Serial communication interface.
- Before registering the communication interface, the user must implement this interface.
- For RTOS platforms, only serial communication handles are currently supported. Users can register USB and network communication interfaces through the serial interface.
typedef struct
E_UAVHalUartBaudRate baudRateIndex;
T_UAVReturnCode (*init)(void);
T_UAVReturnCode (*deInit)(void);
T_UAVReturnCode (*write)(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
T_UAVReturnCode (*read)(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t *realLen);
T_UAVReturnCode (*setBaudRate)(E_UAVHalUartBaudRate baudRateIndex);
T_UAVReturnCode (*getStatus)(void);
uint32_t baudRate;
- Parameters
baudRateIndex:Serial port baud rate setting.
init:Serial port initialization.
deinit:Serial port de-initialization.
write:Serial port write function.
read:Serial port read function.
setBaudRate:Set serial port baud rate.
getStatus:Get current serial port status.
typedef struct T_UAVOsalHandler
Operating System Interface.
typedef struct {
int (*TaskCreate)(const char *name, void *(*taskFunc)(void *), uint32_t stackSize, void *arg, uint32_t priority,T_UAVTaskHandle *task);
int (*TaskStart)(T_UAVTaskHandle task);
int (*TaskDestroy)(T_UAVTaskHandle task);
int (*TaskSleepMs)(uint32_t time_ms);
int (*MutexCreate)(T_UAVMutexHandle *mutex);
int (*MutexDestroy)(T_UAVMutexHandle mutex);
int (*MutexLock)(T_UAVMutexHandle mutex);
int (*MutexUnlock)(T_UAVMutexHandle mutex);
int (*SemaphoreCreate)(uint32_t initValue, T_UAVSemaHandle *semaphore);
int (*SemaphoreDestroy)(T_UAVSemaHandle semaphore);
int (*SemaphoreWait)(T_UAVSemaHandle semaphore);
int (*SemaphoreTimedWait)(T_UAVSemaHandle semaphore, uint32_t wait_time_ms);
int (*SemaphorePost)(T_UAVSemaHandle semaphore);
int (*GetTimeMs)(uint32_t *ms);
int (*GetTimeUs)(uint64_t *us);
void *(*Malloc)(uint32_t size);
void (*Free)(void *ptr);
int (*MsToTicks)(uint32_t ms);
void (*TaskList)(char *list);
uint32_t (*FreeHeapSize)(void);
} T_UAVOsalHandler;
typedef struct T_UAVUartStatus
typedef struct
bool isConnect;
typedef struct T_UAVTime
Date and Time
typedef struct {
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
} T_UAVTime;
Function Prototypes
function UAV_Platform_RegHalUartHandler
- Function: Register communication interface function.
- product: all
Register the callback function for adapting the payload device communication interface.
- Before registering the communication interface callback function, please test that the function can properly write configuration information to the HAL layer interface.
- Call this interface before using the payload device functions; otherwise, the payload device will not operate properly.
- On RTOS platforms, only the
interface registration is supported, and there are no separate USB or network communication interfaces.
T_UAVReturnCode UAV_Platform_RegHalUartHandler(const T_UAVHalUartHandler *halUartHandler);
- ParameterhalUartHandler:Pointer to the payload device operating system communication interface function.
- Return Value Outputs the corresponding return value based on the program execution status. For details, refer to: UAV Error Codes.
function UAV_Platform_RegOsalHandler
- Function: Register OSAL interface function.
- product: all
T_UAVReturnCode UAV_Platform_RegOsalHandler(const T_UAVOsalHandler *osalHandler);
- ParameterosalHandler:Pointer to the platform's OSAL interface handler.
- Return Value Outputs the corresponding return value based on the program execution status. For details, refer to: UAV Error Codes.
function UAV_Platform_GetOsalHandler
- Function: Get the OSAL interface handler.
- product: all
T_UAVOsalHandler *UAV_Platform_GetOsalHandler(void);
- Parameternone:
- Return ValueT_UAVOsalHandler * :OSAL handler,=0 if retrieval fails.