Introduction to Android Mobile SDK
Introduction to MSDK
MSDK is a software development kit that allows developers to access a range of Autel UAV functions. For example, developers can realize autonomous flight, control the camera and gimbal, receive real-time video mapping and sensor data, download saved media files, and listen to the status of other components, etc. This allows developers to focus on the status of other components without having to have extensive background in robotics or embedded systems. In this way, developers do not need to have extensive background knowledge of robotics or embedded systems, but can focus on the development of industry applications related to UAV products.
MSDK includes:
- Libraries/frameworks that can be imported into an Android application to access the functionality of Autel's drone products
- Executable sample code for the Android environment
- Tutorial documentation and API documentation
This article describes how the MSDK connects to Autel's drone products, the features provided by the SDK, and the infrastructure of the SDK.
SDK Structure Overview
The SDK architecture adopts a face-oriented approach to programming to make the code structure more flexible, and optimizes the code structure by using commonly used design patterns such as the factory, singleton, proxy, and observer patterns.
The following figure shows the structure of SDK Module 2.5.
Mobile apps can access Mobile SDK through the major classes listed as follows.
Feature | Description |
SDKManager | Manages MSDK initialization and registration |
DeviceMananger | MSDK device management class, responsible for the management of various devices and their status |
IKeyManager | Manages Autel Key, providing read/write access and control capabilities for Autel device software modules |
AutelPlayer | Provides classes for streaming playback |
IMissionManager | Manages intelligent mission tasks and flight management functions |
IDeviceManager | Manages devices, responsible for multi-device connections and device capability set provision |
IRTKManager | Manages RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) features, including Qianxun RTK, custom network RTK, and base station RTK |
ILogManager | Manages flight logs and provides flight record and flight control log retrieval functionality |
IAccurateRetakeManager | Provide interfaces for mission recording, accurate re-shooting, map acquisition, etc. |
IAlbumManager | Obtaining media data from drones, as well as downloading and deleting media data from photo albums. |
ICameraAbilitySetManager | Camera capability set management class, providing interfaces related to camera control |
IADSBManager | Provide interfaces for ADS-B on or off, alarm level setting, etc. |
IAutelDroneDevice | Aircraft equipment interface class, through which you can get the status information of the aircraft as well as album management, route management and other interfaces. |
IMultiDeviceOperator | Multi-Drone interface for networking, providing interfaces related to multi-drone networking functions |
IOTAUpgradeManager | OTA management class, providing functions such as checking versions, upgrading remote controls and drone, etc. |
ILightingManager | Searchlight management class, to provide the searchlight on or off, adjust the brightness and other functions, need PSDK support. |
IMegaphoneManager | Shouting device management class, you can launch the shouting, set the volume and so on, need PSDK support |
IPayloadManager | Payload Manager, interface to access accessory information, etc. |