object ChineseConstants
Description: Chinese key constants
object ChineseConstants {
fun getChineseKey(key: String): String {
return when (key) {
*common interface
* aircraft keep alive heartbeat
MessageTypeConstant.LISTENER_HEARTBEAT_PHONE -> "飞机保活心跳"
* APP keep alive heartbeat
MessageTypeConstant.LISTENER_HEARTBEAT_APP -> "APP保活心跳"
* set system time
MessageTypeConstant.SET_SYSTEM_DATA_TIME_MSG -> "设置系统时间"
* Get system initialization data
MessageTypeConstant.GET_SYSTEM_INIT_DATA_MSG -> "获取系统初始化数据"
* Obtain aircraft equipment information
MessageTypeConstant.GET_DRONE_DEVICES_INFO_MSG -> "获取飞机设备信息"
* Flight control high-frequency parameter reporting
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_SYSTEM_STATUS_HF_NTFY -> "飞控高频参数上报"
* Flight control low frequency parameter reporting
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_SYSTEM_STATUS_LF_NTFY -> "飞控低频参数上报"
* Aircraft working status information reporting
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_WORK_STATUS_INFO_NTFY -> "飞机工作状态信息上报"
* Alarm reporting parameters
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_WARNING_MF_NTFY -> "告警上报参数"
* Joystick calibration status report
MessageTypeConstant.RC_ROCKER_CALIBRATION_STATE_NTFY -> "摇杆校准状态上报"
* Remote control button trigger report
MessageTypeConstant.RC_HARDWARE_BUTTON_INFO_NTFY -> "遥控器按钮触发上报"
* Remote control fixed frequency report
MessageTypeConstant.RC_HARDWARE_STATE_NTFY -> "遥控器定频上报"
* Remote control status reporting
MessageTypeConstant.RC_STATE_NTFY -> "遥控器状态上报"
* Control individual aircraft LED lights
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_CONTROL_LED_MSG -> "控制单个飞机LED灯"
* Query the status of all LED lights of the aircraft
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_QUERY_LED_STATUS_MSG -> "查询飞机所有LED灯状态"
* General Calibration Instructions
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_CALIBRATION_COMMAND_MSG -> "通用校准指令"
* Calibration Event Notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_CALIBRATION_EVENT_NTFY -> "校准事件通知"
* Calibration progress notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_CALIBRATION_SCHEDULE_NTFY -> "校准进度通知"
* Control LED night lights
* Aircraft Equipment Information Notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_VERSION_NTFY -> "飞机设备信息通知"
* Aircraft Incident Notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_EVENT_NTFY -> "飞机事件通知"
* Device temporary connection report
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_TEMP_CONNECT_NTFY -> "设备临时连接上报"
* Aircraft GPS UTC time synchronization
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_UTC_TIME_SYNC_NTFY -> "飞机GPS UTC时间同步"
* Set aircraft country code
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_SET_COUNTRY_CODE_MSG -> "设置飞机国家码"
* Remote control bandwidth, type reporting
MessageTypeConstant.RC_BAND_INFO_TYPE_NTFY -> "遥控器带宽、类型上报"
* clear no fly zone file
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_CLEAN_NOFLY_ZONE_COMMAND_MSG -> "清除禁飞区文件"
* Aircraft Alert Notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_WARNING_NTFY -> "飞机告警通知"
* Aircraft real-time warning notification
MessageTypeConstant.DRONE_RUNTIME_WARNING_NTFY -> "飞机实时告警通知"
* Camera Device Information
CameraKeyConstants.DeviceInfo -> "相机设备信息"
* storage device type
CameraKeyConstants.StorageType -> "存储设备类型"
* SD card status
CameraKeyConstants.StorageStatus -> "SD卡状态"
* MMC Onboard Flash Status
CameraKeyConstants.MMCStatus -> "MMC机载闪存状态"
* Video Encoder Configuration
CameraKeyConstants.VideoEncoderConfig -> "视频编码器配置"
* Video source configuration
CameraKeyConstants.VideoSourceConfig -> "视频源配置"
* camera gear
CameraKeyConstants.CameraGear -> "相机档位"
* camera mode
CameraKeyConstants.CameraMode -> "相机模式"
* display mode
CameraKeyConstants.DisplayMode -> "显示模式"
* Photo parameters
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoParameters -> "拍照参数"
* Recording parameters
CameraKeyConstants.RecordParameters -> "录像参数"
* Metering point
CameraKeyConstants.MeteringPoint -> "测光点"
* image style
CameraKeyConstants.ImageStyle -> "图像风格"
* White Balance Parameters
CameraKeyConstants.WhiteBalance -> "白平衡参数"
* Image color parameters
CameraKeyConstants.ImageColor -> "图像颜色参数"
* Image Exposure Parameters
CameraKeyConstants.ImageExposure -> "图像曝光参数"
* image sensitivity
CameraKeyConstants.ImageIso -> "图像感光度"
* AELock
CameraKeyConstants.AELock -> "AELock"
* Shutter speed
CameraKeyConstants.ShutterSpeed -> "快门速度"
* shutter mode
CameraKeyConstants.ShutterMode -> "快门模式"
* focus on information patterns
CameraKeyConstants.FocusInfoMode -> "聚焦信息模式"
* auto focus mode
CameraKeyConstants.AFMeterMode -> "自动聚焦模式"
* point focus coordinate group
CameraKeyConstants.CameraFocusSpotArea -> "点聚焦坐标组"
* Manual zoom object distance
CameraKeyConstants.CameraMFObjectDistance -> "手动变焦物距"
* AF assist focus enable
CameraKeyConstants.CameraAFAssistFocusEnable -> "AF辅助对焦使能"
* MF assist focus enable
CameraKeyConstants.CameraMFAssistFocusEnable -> "MF辅助对焦使能"
* aperture size
CameraKeyConstants.ApertureSize -> "光圈大小"
* aperture mode
CameraKeyConstants.ApertureMode -> "光圈模式"
*Digital/Thermal Zoom Information
CameraKeyConstants.ZoomFactor -> "数码/热成像变焦信息"
* Camera Interface Mode
CameraKeyConstants.PatternMode -> "相机界面模式"
* PIV recording status
CameraKeyConstants.RecordPiv -> "PIV录像状态"
* HDR configuration
CameraKeyConstants.HDR -> "HDR配置"
* Fog penetration function configuration
CameraKeyConstants.Defog -> "透雾功能配置"
* ROI configuration
CameraKeyConstants.ROI -> "ROI配置"
* Sensitivity mode
CameraKeyConstants.ISOMode -> "感光度模式"
* Video segment packing size
CameraKeyConstants.RecordPacket -> "录像分段打包大小"
* watermark
CameraKeyConstants.Watermark -> "水印"
*Thermal imaging false color information
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalColor -> "热成像伪彩信息"
* Thermal imaging image mode
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalMode -> "热成像图像模式"
* Thermal imaging image enhancement
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalEnhance -> "热成像图像增强"
* Thermal imaging image denoising
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalDenoising -> "热成像图像去噪"
* Thermal Image Gain
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalGain -> "热成像图像增益"
* Thermal Imaging Isotherms
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalIsotherm -> "热成像等温线"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Properties
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalTemperature -> "热成像温度属性"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Alert Properties
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalTemperatureAlarm -> "热成像温度告警属性"
* Thermal imaging emissivity
CameraKeyConstants.ThermalRadiance -> "热成像辐射率"
* Camera photo resolution information
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoResolution -> "相机拍照分辨率信息"
* Camera video resolution information
CameraKeyConstants.RecordResolution -> "相机录像分辨率信息"
* Camera photo type
CameraKeyConstants.PhotoFileFormat -> "相机拍照图片类型"
*Camera AEB photo Count
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoAebCount -> "相机AEB拍照Count"
* Camera Bust Photo Count
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoBustCount -> "相机Bust拍照Count"
* Camera Timelapse photo interval
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoTimeLapse -> "相机Timelapse拍照间隔"
* Video File Type
CameraKeyConstants.RecordFileFormat -> "录像文件类型"
* Video file encoding type
CameraKeyConstants.RecordFileEncodeFormat -> "录像文件编码类型"
* Video subtitle switch
CameraKeyConstants.CameraSubtitleKey -> "视频字幕开关"
* Get the basic parameters of the camera
CameraKeyConstants.GetBaseParamMsg -> "获取相机基本参数"
*Anti-flicker mode
CameraKeyConstants.CameraAntiflicker -> "抗闪烁模式"
* Automatically turn off the arm light when taking pictures and recording videos
CameraKeyConstants.CameraTurnOffArmLight -> "拍照录像时自动关闭机臂灯"
* Linked zoom switch
CameraKeyConstants.CameraLinkageZoom -> "联动变焦开关"
* silky zoom
CameraKeyConstants.SmoothZoom -> "丝滑变焦"
* Visual image transmission
CameraKeyConstants.CameraVisualTransfer -> "视觉图传"
* camera working mode
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WORK_MODE_NEW_MSG -> "相机工作模式"
* camera sub mode
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WORK_MODE_TAKE_PHOTO_MSG -> "相机拍照子模式"
* Camera recording sub-mode
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WORK_MODE_VIDEO_MSG -> "相机录像子模式"
*Image style type
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_TYPE_MSG -> "图像风格类型"
* Image Style Brightness
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_BRIGHTNESS_MSG -> "图像风格亮度"
* Image Style Contrast
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_CONTRAST_MSG -> "图像风格对比度"
* Image Style Saturation
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_SATURATION_MSG -> "图像风格饱和度"
* Image Style Chroma
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_HUE_MSG -> "图像风格色度"
* Picture Style Sharpness
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IMAGE_STYLE_SHARPNESS_MSG -> "图像风格锐度"
*White Balance Parameter Mode
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WHITE_BALANCE_TYPE_MSG -> "白平衡参数模式"
* White balance parameters Color temperature
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WHITE_BALANCE_COLOR_TEMP_MSG -> "白平衡参数色温"
* Whether the PIV recording status is enabled
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_PIV_ENABLE_MSG -> "PIV录像状态是否开启"
* PIV recording state interval time
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_PIV_INTERVAL_MSG -> "PIV录像状态间隔时间"
* Whether the configuration of the fog penetration function is enabled
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_DEHAZE_ENABLE_MSG -> "透雾功能配置是否开启"
* Fog penetration function configuration Fog penetration intensity
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_DEHAZE_STRENGTH_MSG -> "透雾功能配置 透雾强度"
* Thermal imaging image mode type
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_IMAGE_MODE_TYPE_MSG -> "热成像图像模式类型"
* Thermal imaging image mode contrast
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_IMAGE_MODE_CONTRAST_MSG -> "热成像图像模式对比度"
* Thermal Image Mode Brightness
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_IMAGE_MODE_LUM_MSG -> "热成像图像模式亮度"
* Thermal Image Enhancement Enable
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_ENHANCE_ENABLE_MSG -> "热成像图像增强 使能"
* Thermal Image Enhancement Intensity
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_ENHANCE_STRENGTH_MSG -> "热成像图像增强 强度"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Properties Temperature Measurement Mode
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ATTR_TYPE_MSG -> "热成像温度属性 测温模式"
* Thermal imaging temperature attribute Pointing temperature measurement coordinates
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ATTR_TOUCH_MSG -> "热成像温度属性 指点测温坐标"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Attributes Area Thermometry
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ATTR_REGION_MSG -> "热成像温度属性 区域测温"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Properties Limit Temperature Measurements
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ATTR_LIMITTEMP_MSG -> "热成像温度属性 限制测温"
* Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute Enable
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ALARM_ENABLE_MSG -> "热成像温度告警属性 使能"
* Thermal Imaging Temperature Alarm Properties High Temperature Threshold
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ALARM_HOTTHRED_MSG -> "热成像温度告警属性 高温度阈值"
* Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute Low temperature threshold
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_IR_TEMP_ALARM_COLDTHRED_MSG -> "热成像温度告警属性 低温温度阈值"
* Electronic anti-shake switch
CameraKeyConstants.CameraElectronicAntiShaking -> "电子防抖开关"
* task folder name
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_SAVE_MAP_TASK_NAME -> "任务文件夹名称"
* User defined folder name
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_SAVE_MAP_USER_DIR_NAME -> "用户自定义文件夹名称"
* quick zoom
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_TYPE_ZOOM_FIXED_FACTOR_MSG -> "快速变焦"
* Camera data encryption switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_TYPE_ENCRYPT_ENABLE -> "相机数据加密开关"
* Camera Custom Debugging
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_DEBUG_EVENT -> "相机自定义调试"
* Vision camera video switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_RECORD_ENABLE -> "视觉相机录像开关"
* Visual camera video frame rate
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_RECORD_FPS -> "视觉相机录像帧率"
* Video camera recording time
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_RECORD_DURATION -> "视觉相机录像时长"
* The number of visual camera recordings saved
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_RECORD_NUMBER -> "视觉相机录像保存数量"
* Obtaining the version number of the camera capability set
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_CAPABILITY_VERSION -> "相机能力集版本号获取"
* camera switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_ENABLE -> "相机开关"
* Camera watermark GPS switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WATERMARK_GPS_ENABLE -> "相机水印GPS开关"
* Camera watermark SN switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_WATERMARK_SN_ENABLE -> "相机水印SN开关"
* camera vision switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_VISUAL_ENABLE -> "相机视觉开关"
* Photo and video ultra-sensitive switch
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_ULTRA_PIXEL_ENABLE -> "拍照录像超感光开关"
* Image transmission coding type
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_TRANSFER_PAYLOAD_TYPE -> "图传编码类型"
* camera command
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_PREVIEW_RESOLUTION -> "拍照照片预览图尺寸"
* restart camera
CameraKeyConstants.CameraReboot -> "重启相机"
* format SD card
CameraKeyConstants.FormatSDCard -> "SD卡格式化"
* MMC Onboard Flash Formatting
CameraKeyConstants.FormatMMC -> "MMC机载闪存格式化"
CameraKeyConstants.CameraReset -> "恢复出厂设置"
* start taking pictures
CameraKeyConstants.StartTakePhoto -> "开始拍照"
* stop taking pictures
CameraKeyConstants.StopTakePhoto -> "停止拍照"
* start recording
CameraKeyConstants.StartRecord -> "开始录像"
* stop recording
CameraKeyConstants.StopRecord -> "停止录像"
* FFC shutter
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_FFC_MSG -> "FFC快门"
*Video/photo storage type acquisition
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_VIDEO_PICTURE_STORAGE_TYPE_GET_MSG -> "视频/拍照存储类型获取"
* Video/photo storage type setting
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_VIDEO_PICTURE_STORAGE_TYPE_SET_MSG -> "视频/拍照存储类型设置"
* Camera Data Encryption Settings
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_TYPE_ENCRYPT_SET -> "相机数据加密设置"
* Camera status message reporting
CameraKeyConstants.CameraStatus -> "相机状态消息上报"
* Professional parameter information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.ProfessionalParamInfo -> "专业参数信息上报"
* Reporting of photo file information
CameraKeyConstants.PhotoFileInfo -> "拍照文件信息上报"
* Reporting of photo status
CameraKeyConstants.TakePhotoStatus -> "拍照状态上报"
* Recording status report
CameraKeyConstants.RecordStatus -> "录像状态上报"
* Video file information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.RecordFileInfo -> "录像文件信息上报"
* SD card status report
CameraKeyConstants.SDCardStatus -> "SD卡状态上报"
* MMC status reporting
CameraKeyConstants.MMCStatusInfo -> "MMC状态上报"
* Timing countdown report
CameraKeyConstants.IntervalShotStatus -> "定时拍倒计时上报"
* Panorama status reporting
CameraKeyConstants.PanoramaStatus -> "全景状态上报"
*Time-lapse photography status report
CameraKeyConstants.DelayShotStatus -> "延时摄影状态上报"
* Reset camera status report
CameraKeyConstants.ResetCameraState -> "重置相机状态上报"
* AE/AF status change
CameraKeyConstants.AeAfStatusChange -> "AE/AF状态改变"
*Temperature Alarm Event
CameraKeyConstants.TempAlarm -> "温度报警事件"
* Mobile Time Lapse Status
CameraKeyConstants.MotionDelayShotStatus -> "移动延时摄影状态"
* camera exposure status
CameraKeyConstants.PhotoExposure -> "相机曝光状态"
* Task recording waypoint information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.MissionRecordWaypoint -> "任务录制航点信息上报"
* AF camera focus status report
CameraKeyConstants.AFState -> "AF相机对焦状态上报"
*Camera mode switching report
CameraKeyConstants.CameraModeSwitch -> "相机模式切换上报"
* Display mode switching report
CameraKeyConstants.DisplayModeSwitch -> "显示模式切换上报"
* Infrared camera temperature information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.InfraredCameraTempInfo -> "红外相机温度信息上报"
* Report storage status information
CameraKeyConstants.StorageStatusInfo -> "存储状态信息上报"
* Spot metering report
CameraKeyConstants.LocationMeterInfo -> "点测光上报"
* White balance parameter reporting
CameraKeyConstants.WhiteBalanceNtfy -> "白平衡参数上报"
* AELock information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.AeLockNtfy -> "AELock信息上报"
* Focus on information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.FocusNtfy -> "聚焦信息上报"
*HDR information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.HdrNtfy -> "HDR信息上报"
* ROI configuration report
CameraKeyConstants.RoiNtfy -> "ROI配置上报"
* Camera photo resolution information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.PhotoResolutionNtfy -> "相机拍照分辨率信息上报"
* Camera recording resolution information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.VideoResolutionNtfy -> "相机录像分辨率信息上报"
* Decryption progress report
CameraKeyConstants.CameraEncryptProgressReportNtfy -> "解密进度上报"
* Camera image transmission information reporting
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_TRANSFER_INFO_NTFY -> "相机图传信息上报"
* EIS parameter reporting event
CameraKeyConstants.CAMERA_EIS_NTFY -> "EIS参数上报事件"
* Battery
* Self-discharge days
BatteryConstant.BATTERY_DISCHARGE_DAY_MSG -> "自放电天数"
* Self-discharge times
BatteryConstant.BATTERY_DISCHARGE_COUNT_MSG -> "自放电次数"
* battery protection switch
BatteryConstant.BATTERY_PROTECTION_MSG -> "电池保护开关"
* PTZ report parameters
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_HEART_BEAT_MSG -> "云台上报参数"
* Gimbal ROLL axis fine-tuning angle
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_ROLL_ADJUST_ANGLE_MSG -> "云台ROLL轴微调角度"
* Gimbal PITCH axis fine-tuning angle
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_PITCH_ADJUST_ANGLE_MSG -> "云台PITCH轴微调角度"
* Gimbal YAW axis fine-tuning angle
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_YAW_ADJUST_ANGLE_MSG -> "云台YAW轴微调角度"
* Enable gimbal IMU calibration
* Enable gimbal calibration
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_START_CALIBRATION_MSG -> "开启云台校准"
* Rotating four-axis gimbal
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_ROTATE_FOURAXIS_ANGLE_MSG -> "旋转四轴云台"
* PTZ working mode
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_WORK_MODE_MSG -> "云台工作模式"
* Gimbal tilt limit switch
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_PITCH_ANGLE_RANGE_MSG -> "云台俯仰限位开关"
* Gimbal pitch speed
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_PITCH_SPEED_MSG -> "云台俯仰速度"
* PTZ angle control
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_ANGLE_CONTROL_MSG -> "云台角度控制"
* Gimbal direction control
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_ORIENTATION_CONTROL_MSG -> "云台方向控制"
* PTZ laser ranging switch
MessageTypeConstant.GIMBAL_LASER_RANGING_SWITCH -> "云台激光测距开关"
* waypoint mission
* Enter waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_ENTER_MSG -> "进入航点任务"
* exit waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_EXIT_MSG -> "退出航点任务"
* start waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_START_MSG -> "开始航点任务"
* Pause waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_PAUSE_MSG -> "暂停航点任务"
* Resume waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_CONTINUE_MSG -> "恢复航点任务"
* stop waypoint mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_STOP_MSG -> "停止航点任务"
* Waypoint mission breakpoint information
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_BREAK_REQUEST_MSG -> "航点任务断点信息"
* Waypoint status information reporting
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_WAYPOINT_STATUS_REPORT_NTFY -> "航点状态信息上报"
* swarm mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_ENTER_MSG -> "蜂群任务:进入"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_EXIT_MSG -> "蜂群任务:退出"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_START_MSG -> "蜂群任务:开始"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_PAUSE_MSG -> "蜂群任务:暂停"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_CONTINUE_MSG -> "蜂群任务:继续"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_STOP_MSG -> "蜂群任务:停止"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_ACTION_MSG -> "蜂群任务:执行动作"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_STATUS_NTFY -> "蜂群任务:状态信息上报"
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_SWARM_FILE_UPLOAD_NTFY -> "蜂群任务:上传状态上报"
* point of interest missions
* Enter Point of Interest missions
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_ENTER_MSG -> "进入兴趣点飞行任务"
* Exit point of interest mission
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_EXIT_MSG -> "退出兴趣点飞行任务"
* Start point of interest missions
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_START_MSG -> "开始兴趣点飞行任务"
* Stop point of interest missions
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_STOP_MSG -> "停止兴趣点飞行任务"
* Point of interest flight status information reporting
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_STATUS_REPORT_NTFY -> "兴趣点飞行状态信息上报"
* Point of Interest Result Information Reporting
* point of interest
* Task one-key emergency stop
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_ONE_CLICK_STOP -> "任务一键急停"
* AIService
* The aircraft side detects the target and sends the detection frame to the App
MessageTypeConstant.AISERVICE_DETECT_TARGET_RECT_NTFY -> "飞机端检测目标并将检测框发送至App"
* After the user selects the target on the App, the aircraft end locks the target and sends the tracking frame to the App
MessageTypeConstant.AISERVICE_TRACKING_TARGET_RECT_NTFY -> "用户在App上选定目标后,飞机端锁定目标后将跟踪框发送至App"
* Target detection type setting
MessageTypeConstant.AISERVICE_TARGET_TYPE_SET_MSG -> "目标检测类型设置"
MessageTypeConstant.PLANNER_ROS_BAG_RECORD_ENABLE -> "planner bag record 启动设置"
* Airlink image transmission
* Image transmission frequency band reading and writing
ALinkConstant.AirLinkBandMode -> "图传频段读写"
* Image transmission resolution mode
ALinkConstant.AirLinkTransmissionMode -> "图传清晰度模式"
* Radiant Power Mode
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_FCC_CE_MODE_MSG -> "辐射功率模式"
* start pairing
ALinkConstant.AirLinkStartMatching -> "开始对频"
* Reset the linking flag
ALinkConstant.AirlinkResetMatchFlag -> "重置对频标志"
* Report event of frequency linking progress
ALinkConstant.AirLinkMatchingStatus -> "对频进度上报事件"
* Video transmission linking time report
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_MATCH_COST_TIME_NTFY -> "图传对频时长上报"
* Video transmission signal strength report
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NTFY -> "图传信号强度上报"
* User clicks battery to confirm connection notification
ALinkConstant.ALRLINK_CONNECT_CONFIRM_NTFY -> "用户单击电池确认连接通知"
* Control entry/exit of high-speed mode
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_CONTROL_HIGH_SPEED_MSG -> "控制进入/退出高速模式"
* Get high-speed mode interface
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_GET_HIGH_SPEED_MSG -> "获取高速模式接口"
* Frequency band setting interface
* Dynamically adjust the frequency band method
* Enter image transmission silent mode
ALinkConstant.AIRLINK_ENTER_SILENCE_MODE_MSG -> "进入图传静默模式"
* App image transmission display mode
* remote control
* Query remote control device information
MessageTypeConstant.RC_QUERY_DEVICE_INFO_MSG -> "查询遥控器设备信息"
* Set remote control system time
MessageTypeConstant.RC_SYSTEM_TIME_MSG -> "设置遥控器系统时间"
* joystick control mode
MessageTypeConstant.RC_ROCKER_CONTROL_MODE_MSG -> "摇杆操控模式"
* Enter remote control calibration mode
MessageTypeConstant.RC_ENTER_CALIBRATION_MSG -> "进入遥控器校准模式"
* Exit remote control calibration mode
MessageTypeConstant.RC_EXIT_CALIBRATION_MSG -> "退出遥控器校准模式"
* Turn on the remote control fixed frequency report
MessageTypeConstant.RC_START_HARDWARE_STATE_NTFY_MSG -> "开启遥控器定频上报"
* Quick pairing confirmation
MessageTypeConstant.RC_QUICK_MATCH_CHOOSE_CONNECT_MSG -> "快速配对确认"
* Quick pairing to clear the blacklist
MessageTypeConstant.RC_QUICK_MATCH_CLEAR_BLACKLIST_MSG -> "快速配对清理黑名单"
* Toggle Aircraft Live Video Stream
MessageTypeConstant.RC_SWITCH_DRONE_VIDEO_STREAM_MSG -> "切换飞机实时视频流"
* vision
* Visual Radar Chart Alert
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_REPORT_EMERGENCY_MSG -> "视觉雷达图告警"
* Horizontal obstacle avoidance switch
* Horizontal obstacle avoidance braking distance
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_HORIZONTAL_BRAKE_DISTANCE_MSG -> "水平避障刹车距离"
* Horizontal warning distance
* Upper obstacle avoidance switch
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_TOP_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE_MSG -> "上方避障开关"
* Upper obstacle avoidance braking distance
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_TOP_BRAKE_DISTANCE_MSG -> "上方避障刹车距离"
* Upper warning distance
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_TOP_WARNING_DISTANCE_MSG -> "上方告警距离"
* Lower obstacle avoidance switch
* Bottom obstacle avoidance braking distance
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_BOTTOM_BRAKE_DISTANCE_MSG -> "下方避障刹车距离"
* Lower warning distance
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_BOTTOM_WARNING_DISTANCE_MSG -> "下方告警距离"
* radar switch
MessageTypeConstant.VISION_RADAR_DETECTION_MSG -> "雷达开关"
* MIF visual positioning working status
MessageTypeConstant.AUTONOMY_MIF_WORK_STATUS_MSG -> "MIF视觉定位工作状态"
* flight control
* compass calibration
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_CALIBRATE_COMPASS_MSG -> "指南针校准"
* take off
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_TAKEOFF_AIRCRAFT_MSG -> "起飞"
* Auto Land/Cancel Auto Land
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_LANDING_MSG -> "自动降落/取消自动降落"
* Start and stop motor
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_START_STOP_MOTOR_MSG -> "启停电机"
* Auto Return/Cancel Auto Return
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_START_STOP_AUTOBACK_MSG -> "自动返航/取消自动返航"
* Home Return point setting
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_HOMELOCATION_MSG -> "Home返航点设置"
* Custom home point settings
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_CUSTOM_HOMELOCATION_MSG -> "自定义返航点设置"
* Check if no-fly zone file needs to be uploaded
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_CHECK_NFZ_UPLOAD_MSG -> "检查是否需要上传禁飞区文件"
* Enable no-fly zone
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_ENABLE_NFZ_MSG -> "禁飞区使能"
* Toggle attitude mode switch
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_ATTI_TAKEOFF_MSG -> "切换姿态模式开关"
* IMU calibration
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_CALIBRATE_IMU_MSG -> "IMU校准"
* Obtain RTK authorization information
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_GET_RTK_AUTH_INFO_MSG -> "获取RTK授权信息"
* Set RTK authorization information
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_RTK_AUTH_INFO_MSG -> "设置RTK授权信息"
* Aircraft RTK information reporting
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_RTK_DRONE_RTK_INFO_NTFY -> "飞机RTK信息上报"
* Get current task GUID
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_GET_MISSION_GUID_MSG -> "获取当前任务GUID"
* Cancel low power return
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_CANCEL_LOWPOWER_BACK_MSG -> "取消低电返航"
* Set magnetometer exception to allow takeoff
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_COMPASS_TAKEOFF_MSG -> "设置磁力计异常允许起飞"
* Set magnetometer exception to allow takeoff
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SET_PORTRAIT_MODE_MSG -> "设置磁力计异常允许起飞"
* Get the set of flight control parameters
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_GET_COMMON_PARAMS_MSG -> "获取飞控参数集合"
* Flight parameter reading and setting
* Novice mode
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_BEGIN_MODE_MSG -> "新手模式"
* Maximum flight altitude setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_MAX_HEIGHT_MSG -> "最大飞行高度设置/获取"
* Maximum flight radius setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_MAX_RADIUS_MSG -> "最大飞行半径设置/获取"
* Maximum horizontal flight speed
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SPEED_MSG -> "最大水平飞行速度"
* Maximum ascent flight speed
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_MAX_ASCENT_SPEED_MSG -> "最大上升飞行速度"
* maximum descent speed
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_MAX_DESCENT_SPEED_MSG -> "最大下降飞行速度"
* Return altitude setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.MISSIONMANAGER_BACK_HEIGHT_MSG -> "返航高度设置/获取"
* Beep Status (Find Aircraft)
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_BUZZING_STATUS_MSG -> "蜂鸣状态(查找飞机)"
* ATTI mode
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_ATTI_MODE_MSG -> "ATTI模式"
* EXP turn left turn right set/get
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_YAW_ANGLE_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "EXP左转右转设置/获取"
* EXP forward and backward set/get
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_PITCH_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "EXP向前向后设置/获取"
* EXP left to right set to get
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_ROLL_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "EXP向左向右设置获取"
* EXP rise and fall set/acquire
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_THRUST_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "EXP上升下降设置/获取"
* Sensitivity attitude setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_ATTITUDE_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "灵敏度姿态设置/获取"
* Sensitivity brake setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_BRAKE_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "灵敏度刹车设置/获取"
* Sensitivity yaw travel setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_YAW_TRIP_SENSITIVITY_MSG -> "灵敏度偏航行程设置/获取"
* Low battery warning
* Critically low battery warning
* low battery return
MessageTypeConstant.MISSIONMANAGER_LOW_BAT_LOW_BACK_MSG -> "低电量返航"
* RTK positioning
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_RTK_LOCATION_ENABLE_MSG -> "RTK定位"
* RTK signal mode
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_RTK_SIGNAl_TYPE_MSG -> "RTK信号方式"
* RTK coordinate system
* aircraft activation status
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_AIRCRAFT_ACTIVATION_MSG -> "飞行器激活状态"
* missing plane behavior
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_RC_LOST_ACTION_MSG -> "飞机失联行为"
* Aircraft gear setting/acquisition
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_GEAR_LEVEL_MSG -> "飞行器档位设置/获取"
* coordinated turn
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_COORDINATED_TURN_MSG -> "协调转弯"
* Fusion Vision Positioning Switch
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_VISION_LOCATION_STATUS_MSG -> "融合视觉定位开关"
* Bypass function switch
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_APAS_MODE_EN -> "绕障功能开关"
* Silent Mode Status Switch
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SILENT_MODE_STATUS_MSG -> "静默模式状态开关"
* Super capacitor switch state
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_EN_SUPER_CAP_MSG -> "超级电容开关状态"
* GPS flight switch
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_EN_GPS_MODE -> "GPS飞行开关"
* GPS working mode
MessageTypeConstant.FCS_SWITCH_GPS_MODE -> "GPS工作模式"
* smart tracking
* Enter Smart Tracking Mode
MessageTypeConstant.INTELLIGENT_TRACKING_ENTER_MSG -> "进入智能跟踪模式"
* Exit smart tracking mode
MessageTypeConstant.INTELLIGENT_TRACKING_EXIT_MSG -> "退出智能跟踪模式"
* Smart Track Lock
* follow freely
* hover to follow
* Smart eight directions
* parallel follow
* follow task stop
MessageTypeConstant.INTELLIGENT_TRACKING_STOP_MSG -> "跟随任务停止"
* Enter infrared intelligent tracking mode
* Exit infrared smart tracking mode
MessageTypeConstant.INTELLIGENT_INFRARED_TRACKING_EXIT_MSG -> "退出红外智能跟踪模式"
* Infrared intelligent tracking and locking
* Infrared Free Follow
* Infrared hover follow
* Infrared intelligent eight directions
* Infrared parallel follow
* Infrared follow task stopped
* Enter security intelligent detection mode
MessageTypeConstant.SECURITY_INTELLIGENT_DETECT_ENTER_MSG -> "进入安防智能检测模式"
* Exit security smart detection mode
MessageTypeConstant.SECURITY_INTELLIGENT_DETECT_EXIT_MSG -> "退出安防智能检测模式"
* Enter panoramic intelligent detection mode
MessageTypeConstant.PANORAMA_INTELLIGENT_DETECT_ENTER_MSG -> "进入全景智能检测模式"
* Exit panorama intelligent detection mode
MessageTypeConstant.PANORAMA_INTELLIGENT_DETECT_EXIT_MSG -> "退出全景智能检测模式"
// follow task stop
* RemoteId
* dataBlock import status query
MessageTypeConstant.RID_QUERY_IMPORT_STATUS_MSG -> "dataBlock导入状态查询"
* dataBlock write/delete
MessageTypeConstant.RID_SET_DELETE_MSG -> " dataBlock写入/删除"
* Set Aircraft ID
MessageTypeConstant.RID_SET_DRONEID_MSG -> "设置飞机ID"
* Set pilot ID
MessageTypeConstant.RID_SET_OPERATORID_MSG -> "设置飞手ID"
* set flight purpose
MessageTypeConstant.RID_SET_SELFID_MSG -> "设置飞行目的"
* Set the RID switch
MessageTypeConstant.RID_SET_SWITCH_MSG -> "设置RID开关"
* Nest commands
* door control
NestConstant.NestCabinControl -> "舱门控制"
* X stick control
NestConstant.NestXRodControl -> "X杆控制"
* Y stick control
NestConstant.NestYRodControl -> "Y杆控制"
* Z stick control
NestConstant.NestZRodControl -> "Z杆控制"
* drone charging
NestConstant.NestChargeControl -> "无人机充电"
* nest reset
NestConstant.NestReset -> "机巢复位"
* Calibration Operation Instructions
NestConstant.NestCalibrationOperation -> "校准操作指令"
* One-step calibration operation
NestConstant.NestSingleCalibration -> "单步校准操作"
* Nest system configuration
NestConstant.NestSystemConfig -> "机巢系统配置"
* UAV switch
NestConstant.NestTurnOnOff -> "无人机开关机"
* Air conditioner switch control
NestConstant.NestACControl -> "空调开关控制"
* emergency stop control
NestConstant.NestScramControl -> "急停控制"
* autocommand
NestConstant.NestAutoCommand -> "自动命令"
* Motor return to zero
NestConstant.NestMotorToZero -> "电机归零位"
* retraction control
NestConstant.NestRetractPaddleControl -> "收桨控制"
* App returns waiting time
NestConstant.NestReturnWaitTimeInfo -> "App返回等待时间"
* Virtual joystick status report
NestConstant.NestVirtualPoleStatusUpload -> "虚拟摇杆状态上报"
* Virtual joystick status report
NestConstant.NEST_CONTROL_PAGE_HEARTBEAT_MSG -> "虚拟摇杆状态上报"
* Nest local RTK switch
NestConstant.RTK_BASE_STATION_ON_OFF_MSG -> "机巢本地RTK开关"
* Nest local RTK mode setting NEST_RTK_MODE_MSG
NestConstant.RTK_BASE_STATION_MODE_MSG -> "机巢本地RTK模式设置"
* Nest precision landing ready notification to the aircraft
NestConstant.NEST_CABIN_STATE_NOTIFY_MSG -> "机巢精降就绪通知飞机"
* Set up an alternate landing point in the nest for the aircraft
NestConstant.NEST_SET_DRONE_DIVERSION_POINT_MSG -> "机巢设置备降点给飞机"
* Nest status information notification
NestConstant.NestStatusInfo -> "机巢状态信息通知"
* Body battery dynamic information notification
NestConstant.NestBatteryDynamicStatusInfo -> "机身电池动态信息通知"
* Nest backup battery information notification
NestConstant.NestBackupBatteryStatus -> "机巢备用电池信息通知"
* Nest system self-test message notification
NestConstant.NestSystemSelfCheck -> "机巢系统自检消息通知"
* Autocommand Completion Notification
NestConstant.NestAutoCommandFinish -> "自动命令完成通知"
* Video transmission heartbeat notification
NestConstant.NestTransmitHeartBeat -> "图传心跳通知"
* Z-bar readiness notification
NestConstant.NestZrodReadyStatus -> "Z杆就绪状态通知"
* Body battery static information notification
NestConstant.NestBatteryStaticStatus -> "机身电池静态信息通知"
* Motor driver board status report
NestConstant.NestMotorDriverStateNtfy -> "电机驱动板状态上报"
* Remote control mode switching
NestConstant.RC_MODE_SWITCH_MSG -> "遥控器控制模式切换"
* Nest system information report
NestConstant.NEST_SYSTEM_INFO_NTFY -> "机巢系统信息上报"
* Nest system RTK information reporting
NestConstant.RTK_BASE_STATION_INFO_NTFY -> "机巢系统RTK信息上报"
* SystemManager
* System service Debug command
MessageTypeConstant.SYSTEM_MANAGER_DEBUG_MSG -> "系统服务Debug指令"
* System status data notification
MessageTypeConstant.SYSTEM_STATUS_DATA_NTFY -> "系统状态数据通知"
* System service status report
MessageTypeConstant.SYSTEM_MANAGER_WORK_STATUS_NTFY -> "系统服务状态上报"
* User defined aircraft name
MessageTypeConstant.SYSTEM_MANAGER_DRONE_CUSTOM_NAME -> "用户自定义飞机名称"
* System service debugging information reporting switch
MessageTypeConstant.SYSTEM_MANAGER_STATUS_REPORT_CONTROL_SW -> "系统服务调试信息上报开关"
* MissionManager
* Fusion Radar Data Switch
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_MANAGER_RADAR_FUSION -> "融合雷达数据开关"
* Precision drop switch
* Enable return home obstacle avoidance
MessageTypeConstant.MISSION_MANAGER_RETURN_OBS_ENABLE -> "使能返航绕障"
* Upgrade condition information notification
* Upgrade Command Asynchronous Response Message
MessageTypeConstant.UPGRADE_BROADCAST_MSG -> "升级指令异步响应消息"
* Upgrading and switching map upload and downlink bandwidth messages
MessageTypeConstant.UPGRADE_SWITCH_UPDOWN_BAND_MSG -> "升级切换图传上下行带宽消息"
* upgrade query
MessageTypeConstant.UpgradeQuery -> "升级查询"
/**Autonomy */
MessageTypeConstant.AUTONOMY_MIF_BAG_RECORD_ENABLE -> "bag数据记录功能开关"
MessageTypeConstant.PLANNER_BAG_RECORD_ENABLE -> "路径规划服务的ParameterType定义"
/**Radar */
MessageTypeConstant.RADAR_CALIB_STATE -> "雷达自标定状态"
else -> {