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Safe Flight Guidelines

Key Function Development

To ensure you receive complete UAV maintenance services and support for accident analysis and accountability, Autel Robotics strongly recommends that you complete the development of the following key functions when using the “Payload SDK” for payload functionality:

  • HMS Function: Use the HMS function and aim to retain HMS error code records for the entire flight process.
  • Log Recording: Locally record or store key commands controlling the UAV, subscribed data, and power-on timestamps in the UAV for later after-sales issue analysis.
  • Third-Party Upgrade Function: Third-party firmware upgrade functionality should be supported to facilitate timely issue resolution and guide customers to upgrade.

Loss of Control Flight

  • When developing and using loss of control flight functionality, please fully understand and strictly comply with local regulations and assume responsibility for the legal risks associated with flying beyond the remote controller’s control.
  • For countries or regions that enforce Remote ID regulations and require real-time transmission of the pilot’s location, developers should report the real and accurate pilot position in real-time via the corresponding PSDK interface to ensure compliance. Failure to report the pilot's location as required may result in the UAV being restricted from flying.
  • When using the loss of control flight feature, there may be conflicts with Autel Robotics’ “Free Fly” protection feature. If the UAV is already bound to a controller, it will not take off when it is out of the controller’s range. If you cannot accept this limitation, you can unbind the UAV and controller in the loss of control flight mode (if the UAV is already bound to a controller, perform the unbinding operation). It is recommended that third-party developers and end users be informed of this limitation and associated responsibilities.

Firmware Upgrade

To ensure the stable operation of the UAV and controller and reduce the likelihood of accidents, Autel Robotics strongly encourages you to actively encourage your customers to upgrade to the latest firmware whenever a new firmware version is released.

How to check for the latest UAV/controller firmware:

  • The UAV and controller are connected by frequency, and the controller connects to the internet via Wi-Fi. Open the App, which will automatically detect the latest firmware package.