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Development Note

Before developing payload devices using PSDK, please carefully read this document to avoid improper operation that may damage the aircraft, hardware platform, or payload device.

Firmware Upgrade

Before developing the payload device, ensure that the aircraft and hardware platform's firmware are upgraded via OTA, PC upgrade tools, or other methods. For detailed information on firmware versions, refer to the Version Release Notes section.

Development and Testing

When developing payload devices using PSDK, to protect developers from accidents, please pay attention to the following:

  • Remove the propellers from the aircraft when using or testing the payload device developed with PSDK.
  • Do not approach the aircraft when its motors are running.
  • Do not input high-power current into the aircraft's power output interface.


  • Before using the payload device developed with PSDK, check the local laws and regulations in the area where the payload device will be used. Autel Robotics is not responsible for any security issues or legal disputes arising from the use of PSDK.
  • When performing flight missions using the payload device developed with PSDK, follow the instructions in the user manual to ensure the aircraft is in good flight condition and reduce potential safety risks and accidents.
  • Autel Robotics will not, under any circumstances, obtain any private data of third-party users. Developers should implement features that protect user privacy data, such as data encryption and obfuscation. Autel Robotics will not bear any legal responsibility for any incidents involving the leakage of user privacy data caused by the use of Autel Robotics PSDK.