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EVO Max Device Connection

Drone Hardware Connection

Before starting the device connection for the EVO Max series multi-rotor Aircraft, please read the relevant chapters in the EVO Max series user manual and familiarize yourself with the introduction of aircraft components. The EVO Max series supports connections to load devices via P-Port and P-Port Lite interfaces. img.jpg

Connecting Devices via P-Port Interface



  • Autel Robotics does not currently provide custom adapter boards, which need to be designed based on actual development requirements; the custom adapter board shown in the image is for illustration purposes only.

Connecting Devices via P-Port Lite Interface

Directly connect the aircraft to a computer using a USB-C cable for debugging or firmware upgrades*; or connect a UART load device via a USB-C OTG cable and USB to TTL serial module to transmit simple command data. p-port-lite.jpg


  • PC-side upgrade and parameter debugging tools will be released later.

Hardware Reference Design

The above hardware connections are mainly based on Autel Robotics' development accessories, which help developers quickly build the hardware environment and start PSDK software development. Once the device development is complete, hardware pins on the aircraft can be directly integrated into the device hardware environment, without the need for Autel Robotics' expansion accessories. To facilitate developers' integration of hardware connections based on interfaces, Autel Robotics can provide reference schematics for all models and interfaces. Developers can refer to these and combine them with their own hardware device designs. For more information, please contact the Autel Robotics SDK development team via email for consultation and access.