KeyValue usage tutorial
Autel KeyValue Usage Tutorial
The KeyManager class provides a set of methods to access the request parameters of the hardware module and control the behavior of the hardware module, including Key Value setting, Value acquisition, Value monitoring and Action execution.
Through Key/Value, all Keys supported by KeyManager are debugged. Each Key will be limited to whether it supports setting, getting, monitoring, executing commands, and reporting.
1. AccessoriesProxyKey
Description: Thrower control
Input parameters:
data class JettisionGearControlBean(
* Throwing device id
var moduleID: Int = 0,
* Each throw position status 0: not throw, 1: throw.
val action: MutableList<ThrowingGearActionEnum> = mutableListOf(), //Each throwing bit status 0: not throwing, 1: throwing.
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Report the status of the thrower
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class JettisionGearStatusBean(
* Throwing device id
var moduleID: Int = 0,
* Is the channel valid? 0: invalid (not in use) 1: valid (in use),
var validFlag: MutableList<ThrowingGearValidEnum>? = null,
* Channel status 0: not yet thrown 1: already thrown
var status: MutableList<ThrowingGearStatusEnum>? = null,
var timestamp: Long = 0L
Type: Listen
Description: Tracer message sending interface App->Aircraft (Accessory Gateway)
Input parameters:
data class TracerUavMessageBean(
var msgChannel: String = "",
var msgType: TracerMessageType = TracerMessageType.TRACERUAVMSG_HEART_BEAT,
var msgName: String? = null,
var msgHandle: Int = 0,
var msgSeq: Int = 0,
var workMode: CtrlWorkModeBean? = null,
var flyStatus: FlyStatusBean? = null,
var measureInfo: MeasureInfoBean? = null
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: Tracer message reporting interface aircraft (accessory gateway) -> App
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TracerUavMessageBean(
var msgChannel: String = "",
var msgType: TracerMessageType = TracerMessageType.TRACERUAVMSG_HEART_BEAT,
var msgName: String? = null,
var msgHandle: Int = 0,
var msgSeq: Int = 0,
var workMode: CtrlWorkModeBean? = null,
var flyStatus: FlyStatusBean? = null,
var measureInfo: MeasureInfoBean? = null
Type: Listen
Description: APP controls the ultimate shouting lighting all-in-one machine
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerLightingJzControlBean(
val moduleID: ModuleIDEnum,
val action: Any,
val value: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Extreme shouting lighting all-in-one machine opus real-time shouting data message
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerLightingJzSpeakRealtimeMsgBean(
val seqNum: Long,
val value: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Extreme call lighting all-in-one machine query interface Specific value Searchlight brightness level (-1 invalid, 1, 2, 3 normal // Pitch angle -1 invalid, -90 ~ 30 normal 4: PTZ linkage status 1 on 2 off Specific value of the megaphone volume (-1 is invalid, 0 ~ 100 is normal)
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerLightingJzQueryBean(
val moduleID: ModuleIDEnum,
val query: Any,
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: General heartbeat status reporting of accessories Accessory type 1 Extreme shouting lighting all-in-one machine
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class AccessoriesNormalHeartbeatBean(
val accessoriestType: Int, //Accessory type 1 Extreme shouting and lighting all-in-one machine
val accessoriestName: String //Specific model of accessories
Type: Listen
2. AirLinkKey
Description: Image transmission frequency band reading and writing
Input parameters:
enum class AirLinkBandModeEnum(val value: Int) {
* Location not found
* 2.4G
* 2.4 and 5.2 automatic switching
* 2.4 and 5.8 automatic switching
* 5.2 and 5.8 automatic switching
* 2.4, 5.2 and 5.8 automatic switching
* Single 900 frequency band
* 2.4, 5.8, 900M automatic switching
* 2.4, 5.8, 900M automatic switching
* 2.4, 5.2, 5.8, 900M automatic switching
* All available frequency bands
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image transmission clarity mode
Input parameters:
enum class VideoTransMissionModeEnum(val value: Int) {
* Smooth Low Latency
* High Quality
* 2.7K Ultra HD
* Unknown
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Functional Description: Radiated Power Mode
Input parameters:
enum class FccCeModeEnum(val value: Int) {
* CE (Adaptive Mode)
* FCC (Full Band Mode)
* CE_FOREVER (Adaptive mode), permanent effect (does not restore to default value after aircraft restart)
*FCC_FOREVER (full frequency band mode), permanent effect (does not restore to default value after aircraft restart)
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Start frequency binding
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Frequency link progress reporting event
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class AirLinkMatchStatusEnum (val value: Int) {
* Unknown
* Start binding, Binding in progress
* Binding successful
* Binding timeout or frequency binding startup failure
* The frequency binding action is completed regardless of success or failure
Type: Listen
Description: Reset the frequency binding flag
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Function Description: User clicks on the battery to confirm the connection notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Listen
Description: Switch to high-speed mode 0-Normal mode, 1-High-speed file upload (upload task files), 2-High-speed download mode (download photos or videos), 3-Exclusive mode (upgrade)
Input parameters:
enum class HighSpeedEnum(val value: Int) {
* Normal mode
* High-speed file upload (upload task files)
* 2- High-speed download mode (download photos or videos)
* Exclusive mode
* quit
EXIT (4);
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get high-speed mode interface
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class HighSpeedEnum(val value: Int) {
* Normal mode
* High-speed file upload (upload task files)
* 2- High-speed download mode (download photos or videos)
* Exclusive mode
* quit
EXIT (4);
Type: Action
Description: Enter the silent mode of image transmission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: App image transmission display mode
Input parameters: List<GimbalTransmissionBean>
data class GimbalTransmissionBean(
* PTZ label
var label: String? = null,
* camera_id corresponding to visible light, infrared, night vision and other cameras
var cameraId: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Maximum bitrate for 4G streaming
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum bit rate of visible light image transmission
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Set the frequency band list of the image transmission. In some SS scenarios, users require to force certain frequency bands to be enabled or blocked.
Input parameters:
data class FrequencySetBean(
val operation: Int, // Operation type (0: turn on the frequency band, 1: turn off the frequency band)
val frequencyList: List<FrequencyInfoBean>, //frequency band list
val cyCode:String, //country code
//Indicates the source of the operation, 0: sent by the APP background, 1: sent manually by the customer
val indicatorOperationSource: Int,
//Defense flag: 0: non-defense, 1: defense
val defenseFlag:Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get the frequency band list of the image transmission. Get the frequency band list of the image transmission. The APP obtains the frequency band setting information from the aircraft and displays it.
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class FrequencyGetBean(
val disableFrequencyList: List<FrequencyInfoBean>, //User-specified frequency band list to be disabled
val frequencyList: List<FrequencyInfoBean>, //User-specified frequency band list
val hdSupportFrequencyList: List<FrequencyInfoBean>, //Hardware supported frequency band list
val operation: Int, //Operation type 0: open the frequency band 1: close the frequency band
val cyCode: String, //country code
val indicatOperationSource: Int, //Indicates the operation source, 0: sent by the APP background, 1: sent manually by the customer
val defenseFlag: Int //Defense flag: 0: non-defense, 1: defense
Type: Action
Description: Turn image transmission on or off
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image transmission wireless RF signal transmission power
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
3. AIServiceKey
Description: After the user selects a target on the App, the aircraft locks on the target and sends the tracking frame to the App
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TrackAreaBean(
* Timestamp
var timestamp: Long = 0L,
* id
var frameId: Int = 0,
* Resolution width
var resolutionWidth: Int = 0,
* Resolution height
var resolutionHeight: Int = 0,
* quantity
var objNum: Int = 0,
* Tracking box array
var infoList: List<ObjectBean>? = null,
Type: Listen
Description: Target detection type setting
Input parameters:
data class AIDetectObjectConfigBean(
var sceneType: AiDetectSceneTypeEnum = AiDetectSceneTypeEnum.UNRECOGNIZED, //Current scene type, reference value: AI_DETECT_SCENE_TYPE
var targetTypeList: List<Int>? = null, //The detection type list currently selected by the user, reference value: TARGET_TYPE, when the list is empty, it indicates the usage scenario type
var aiLensTypeEnum: AiLensTypeEnum = AiLensTypeEnum.Visible // Lens type
Output parameter: None
Type: Set, Action
Description: Extended recognition model acquisition
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class ExtendedDetectCapBean(
var modelId:Long,
var capList :MutableList<ExtendedDetectBean>
Type: Action
Description: AIService reports the current recognition extension capability set to App
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class ExtendedDetectCapBean(
var modelId:Long,
var capList :MutableList<ExtendedDetectBean>
Type: Listen
Description: Planner bag record switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
4. AITrackingKey
Description: Enter intelligent tracking mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit smart tracking mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Intelligent tracking and locking
Input parameters:
data class TrackTargetRectBean(
* Starting point x coordinate
val startX: Float = 0F,
* Starting point y coordinate
val startY: Float = 0F,
* Width
val width: Float = 0F,
* high
val height: Float = 0F,
* Target ID
var objectId: Int? = 0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Free follow
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Hover to follow
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Intelligent 8-way
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Parallel follow
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Follow the task to stop
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enter infrared intelligent tracking mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit infrared intelligent tracking mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared intelligent tracking and locking
Input parameters:
data class TrackTargetRectBean(
* Starting point x coordinate
val startX: Float = 0F,
* Starting point y coordinate
val startY: Float = 0F,
* Width
val width: Float = 0F,
* high
val height: Float = 0F,
* Target ID
var objectId: Int? = 0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared free following
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared hovering and following
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared intelligent eight-way
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared parallel following
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Infrared following task stops
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enter the security intelligent detection mode
Input parameters:
data class AIDetectConfigBean(
var sceneType: AiDetectSceneTypeEnum = AiDetectSceneTypeEnum.UNRECOGNIZED, //Current scene type, reference value: AI_DETECT_SCENE_TYPE
var targetTypeList: List<Int>? = null, //The detection type list currently selected by the user, reference value: TARGET_TYPE, when the list is empty, it indicates the usage scenario type
var aiLensTypeEnum: AiLensTypeEnum = AiLensTypeEnum.Visible // Lens type
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit security intelligent detection mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enter the panoramic intelligent detection mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit panoramic intelligent detection mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
5. CameraKey
Description: Camera device information
Input parameters:
data class DeviceInfoBean(
* Identification code, a random number generated when the system starts, will not change before the system is restarted, used by the client to identify whether it is connected to other cameras
var identifyCode: Int = 0,
* Device Type
var deviceType: String? = null,
* Equipment Model
var deviceModel: String? = null,
* Protocol version
var protocolVersion: Int = 0,
* Manufacturer
var manufacturer: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var firmwareVersion: String? = null,
* Serial Number
var serialNumber: String? = null,
* Hardware ID
var hardwareId: String? = null,
* Lens Model
var lensModel: String? = null,
* Lens software version number
var lensSoftVersion: String? = null,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Storage device type
Input parameters:
enum class StorageTypeEnum(var value: Int) {
* SD card
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: SD card status
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CardStatusBean(
* SD card status
var storageStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total capacity of SD card in KB
var totalSpace: Long = 0L,
* SD card remaining capacity, in KB
var freeSpace: Long = 0L,
* Remaining recording time in seconds
var remainRecordTime: Long = 0L,
* Number of photos remaining
var remainCaptureNum: Long = 0L,
Type: Get, Listen
Description: MMC onboard flash memory status
Input parameters:
data class CardStatusBean(
* SD card status
var storageStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total capacity of SD card in KB
var totalSpace: Long = 0L,
* SD card remaining capacity, in KB
var freeSpace: Long = 0L,
* Remaining recording time in seconds
var remainRecordTime: Long = 0L,
* Number of photos remaining
var remainCaptureNum: Long = 0L,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Functional Description: Video encoder configuration
Input parameters:
data class VideoEncoderConfigBean(
* Stream ID, 0 - main stream, 1 - sub-stream (secondary stream)
var streamId: Int = 0,
* Video encoding type
var encoding: VideoCompressStandardEnum = VideoCompressStandardEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Image resolution/frame rate information
var resolution: VideoResolutionBean? = null,
* QP value
var quality: Int = 0,
* I frame interval
var govLength: Int = 0,
* Coding level
var profile: VideoCompressProfileEnum = VideoCompressProfileEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Stream type
var bitrateType: VideoBitrateEnum = VideoBitrateEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Bit rate
var bitrate: Int = 0,
* Slow motion on
var slow : Boolean = false,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video source configuration
Input parameters:
data class VideoSourceConfigBean(
* Video rotation angle
var rotation: Int = 0,
* Video format
var videoStandard: VideoStandardEnum = VideoStandardEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Anti-flicker
var antiFlicker: ResistanceBlinkEnum = ResistanceBlinkEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Enable 3D noise reduction
var enable3DNR: Boolean = false,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera gear
Input parameters:
enum class CameraGearEnum(var value: Int) {
* automatic
* Manual
* Shutter priority
* Aperture priority
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera mode
Input parameters:
data class CameraWorkModeInfoBean(
var workMode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
var photoMode: TakePhotoModeEnum = TakePhotoModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
var videoMode: RecordModeEnum = RecordModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Display mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set, Listen
Description: Photo parameters
Input parameters:
data class TakePhotoParametersBean(
* Image Type
var picType: PhotoFormatEnum = PhotoFormatEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Image resolution
var resolution: PhotoResolutionEnum = PhotoResolutionEnum.PR_UNKNOWN,
* Delayed photo shooting time
var delaySeconds: Int = 0,
* The pan/tilt rotation step in degrees
var gimbalRollingStep: Int = 0,
* Pan/tilt rotation angle
var gimbalRollingDirection: GimbalRotateDirectionEnum = GimbalRotateDirectionEnum.CLOCKWISE,
* Enable HDR
var enableHDR: Boolean = false,
* Number of photos per second in Burst mode
var burstCount: Int = 0,
* The duration of taking photos in Timelapse mode, in seconds
var interval: Int = 0,
* The pan/tilt rotation step in degrees
var duration: Int = 0,
* Switch video generation in Timelapse mode
var composeVideo: Boolean = false,
* Video playback frame rate when video generation is enabled in Timelapse mode
var resolutionInfo: VideoResolutionBean? = null,
* How many pictures can be captured at one time in AEB mode
var aebCount: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video recording parameters
Input parameters:
data class RecordParametersBean(
* File Format
var fileFormat: VideoFormatEnum = VideoFormatEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Save audio stream when recording
var enableAudio: Boolean = false,
* Image resolution
var enableSubtitle: Boolean = false,
* Enable automatic photo taking function when recording video
var enablePiv: Boolean = false,
* Automatic photo taking interval for video recording
var interval: Int = 0,
* Slow motion video resolution playback frame rate settings
var resolutionInfo: VideoResolutionBean? = null,
* Maximum storage time of loop recording, in seconds
var maxRecordTime: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Metering point
Input parameters:
data class MeteringPointBean(
* Measuring point X coordinate 0-100
var x: Int = 0,
* Measuring point Y coordinate 0-100
var y : Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style
Input parameters:
data class ImageStyleBean(
*Image style
var style: ImageStyleEnum = ImageStyleEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Brightness, -3 - +3
var brightness: Int = 0,
*Contrast, -3 - +3
var contrast: Int = 0,
* Saturation, -3 - +3
var saturation: Int = 0,
* Chroma, -3 - +3
var hue: Int = 0,
* Sharpness, -3 - +3
var sharpness: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: White balance parameters
Input parameters:
data class WhiteBalanceBean(
* White balance mode
var mode: WhiteBalanceEnum = WhiteBalanceEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Valid when Mode is set to Custom, range 2000 - 10000, step length 100
var colorTemperature: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image color parameters
Input parameters:
enum class ImageColorEnum(var value: Int) {
* Original image
* Log style
* Bright style
* Black and white style
* Artistic style
* Movie Style
* Beach Style
* Dreamy style
* Classical style
* Nostalgic style
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image exposure parameters
Request parameter: Double
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image sensitivity
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: AELock
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Shutter speed
Input parameters:
data class ShutterSpeedBean(
var numerator: Int = 0,
* Denominator
var denominator: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Shutter mode
Input parameters:
enum class ShutterModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* automatic
* Manual
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Focus on information mode
Input parameters:
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Auto focus mode
Input parameters:
enum class AFLensFocusModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Average focus
* Center focus
* Point focus
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Point focus coordinate group
Input parameters:
data class MeteringPointBean(
* Measuring point X coordinate 0-100
var x: Int = 0,
* Measuring point Y coordinate 0-100
var y : Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Manual zoom Object distance Object distance [0-50]
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: AF auxiliary focus enable
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: MF auxiliary focus enable
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Aperture size
Request parameter: Double
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Aperture mode
Input parameters:
enum class ApertureModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* automatic
* Manual
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Digital/thermal imaging zoom information
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera interface mode
Input parameters:
enum class PatternModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Manual flight
* Mission flight
* Intelligent tracking, gesture recognition, and tap-to-fly
* Time-lapse photography
* Surround Vision
* Panoramic photography
* Task recording
* Traffic Police Project
* Low power consumption
* Movie mode
* Portrait mode
* Night mode
* Professional Mode
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: PIV recording status
Input parameters:
data class CameraRecordPivInfoBean(
* Whether to enable
var enable: Boolean = false,
* Interval time
var interval: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: HDR configuration
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Mist penetration function configuration
Input parameters:
data class DefogBean(
* Whether to enable
var enable: Boolean = false,
* Fog penetration intensity, range [1-10].
var strength: DefogEnum = DefogEnum.DEFOG_CLOSE
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: ROI configuration
Input parameters:
data class ROIBean(
*Is it enabled?
var enable: Boolean = false,
*ROI area configuration, supports setting 8 ROI areas at the same time
var roiRegionList: MutableList<RoiRegionBean>? = null,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Sensitivity mode
Input parameters:
enum class ISOModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* automatic
* Manual
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video segment packaging size
Input parameters:
data class RecordPacketBean(
*The current storage device file system format
var format: StorageTypeEnum = StorageTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Pre-recording file segment packing size (unit: M). If StorageFormat is SD card Fat32 or EMMC Fat32, it is fixed to 3500M. If it is SD card exFat format, the file segment size can be configured. If it is 0, it means no segmentation. The default segment size is 3500M.
var recordPacket: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Watermark
Input parameters:
data class WatermarkBean(
* Time watermark switch, 0: off 1: on
var enableTime: Int = 0,
* Enable custom watermark
var enableCustom: Boolean = false,
* Custom watermark content currently only supports English characters, including uppercase and lowercase A-Za-z, numbers, and punctuation marks
var custom: String? = null,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging pseudo-color information
Input parameters:
enum class ThermalColorEnum(var value: Int) {
* White hot
* Hot and cold
* rainbow
* Enhanced Rainbow
* Iron Red
* Lava
* Aurora
* Burning
* Gradient
* Thermal detection
/**-----GAOD Infrared-----**/
* White hot
* Black Hot
* Rainbow 1
* Rainbow 2
* Iron Red
* Lava
* Arctic
* Hot iron
* Medical
* Tracing
/**-----Gaode infrared end-----**/
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging mode
Input parameters:
data class ThermalImageBean(
* Image Mode
var imageMode: ThermalImageModeEnum = ThermalImageModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Contrast 0~255
var contrast: Int = 0,
* Brightness 0~511
var lum: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image enhancement
Input parameters:
data class ThermalEnhanceBean(
* Enable
var enable: Boolean = false,
* Intensity 1~8
var strength: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image denoising
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image gain
Input parameters:
enum class ThermalGainEnum(var value: Int) {
* High gain
* Low gain
* automatic
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging isotherm
Input parameters:
data class ThermalIsothermBean(
* model
var mode: IsothermEnum = IsothermEnum.UNKNOWN,
*High threshold in custom mode
var hotThred: Int = 0,
* Low threshold in custom mode
var coldThred: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Functional Description: Thermal imaging temperature attributes
Input parameters:
data class ThermalTempAttrBean(
* Temperature measurement mode
var tempMode: TemperatureModeEnum = TemperatureModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Point to the temperature measurement x coordinate, calculated in proportion to the width of the yuv image
var touchX: Int = 0,
* Point temperature measurement Y coordinate
var touchY: Int = 0,
* Regional temperature measurement x coordinate
var regionX: Int = 0,
* Regional temperature measurement Y coordinate
var regionY: Int = 0,
* Area temperature measurement width
var regionW: Int = 0,
* Regional temperature measurement is high
var regionH: Int = 0,
* Limit the x coordinate of the temperature measurement small screen
var limitTempX: Int = 0,
* Limit the y coordinate of the temperature measurement small screen
var limitTempY: Int = 0,
* Limit the width of the temperature measurement screen
var limitTempW: Int = 0,
* Limit the temperature measurement small screen height
var limitTempH: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute
Input parameters:
data class ThermalTempAlarmBean(
* Alarm Enable
var enable: Boolean = false,
* Alarm when the temperature exceeds the threshold, unit: Celsius*10
var hotThred: Int = 0,
* If the temperature is lower than the threshold, an alarm will be triggered, in degrees Celsius*10
var coldThred: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging emissivity
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera photo resolution information
Input parameters:
enum class PhotoResolutionEnum(val width: Int, val height: Int, val tag: String,val prId:String) {
PR_8000_6000(8000, 6000, "48M","8000x6000"),
PR_6912_5184(6912, 5184, "36M","6192x5184"),
PR_4000_3000(4000, 3000, "12M","4000x3000"),
PR_1920_1200(1920, 1200, "1200P","1920x1200"),
PR_1920_1080(1920, 1080, "1080","1920x1080"),
PR_4096_3072(4096, 3072, "4K", "4096x3072"),
PR_8192_6144(8192, 6144, "50M","8192x6144"),
PR_640_512(640, 512, "640*512","640x512"),
PR_3840_2160(3840, 2160, "4K","3840x2160"),
PR_5472_3648(5472, 3648, "6K","5472x3648"),
PR_5472_3076(5472, 3076, "6K","5472x3076"),
PR_UNKNOWN(0, 0, "unknown","unknown");
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera video resolution information
Input parameters:
data class VideoResolutionBean(
* Resolution enumeration
var videoResolutionEnum: VideoResolutionEnum = VideoResolutionEnum.VR_UNKNOWN,
* Frame rate
var fps: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera photo picture type
Input parameters:
enum class PhotoFormatEnum(val value: Int, val tag: String) {
* JPG format of image captured
* DNG format of image captured
*JPGDNG format of image captured
* RJPEG format of image captured
* RJPEGTIFF format of image captured
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera AEB photo count
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera Bus Photo Count
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera Timelapse photo interval
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video file type
Input parameters:
enum class VideoFormatEnum(var value: Int) {
* video format defines MOV
* video format defines MP4
* video format defines TIFF
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video file encoding type
Input parameters:
enum class VideoCompressStandardEnum(var value: Int) {
* video compress standard H264
* video compress standard H265
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video subtitle switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Get basic camera parameters
Input parameters:
data class CameraBaseParamBean(
* Storage device type
var storageType: StorageTypeEnum = StorageTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* SD card status
var sdStatus: CardStatusBean? = null,
* Flash card status
var mmcStatus: CardStatusBean? = null,
* Watermark
var waterMark: WatermarkBean? = null,
* HDR status
var hdrStatus: Boolean = false,
* Image Type
var picType: PhotoFormatEnum = PhotoFormatEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Image resolution
var resolution: PhotoResolutionEnum = PhotoResolutionEnum.PR_UNKNOWN,
* Number of photos per second in Burst mode
var burstCount: Int = 0,
* The duration of taking photos in Timelapse mode, in seconds
var interval: Int = 0,
* How many pictures can be captured at one time in AEB mode
var aebCount: Int = 0,
* Piv status
var pivStatus: CameraRecordPivInfoBean? = null,
* File Format
var fileFormat: VideoFormatEnum = VideoFormatEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Subtitle switch
var enableSubtitle: Boolean = false,
* Video resolution
var resolutionInfo: VideoResolutionBean? = null,
* Video encoding type
var encoding: VideoCompressStandardEnum = VideoCompressStandardEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Graphics style
var imageStyleInfo: ImageStyleBean? = null,
* AE Lock
var aeLock: Boolean = false,
* Fog penetration information
var dehazeInfo: DefogBean? = null,
* Video format
var videoStandard: VideoStandardEnum = VideoStandardEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Anti-flicker
var antiFlicker: ResistanceBlinkEnum = ResistanceBlinkEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Camera focus information
var focusInfo: FocusInfoBean? = null,
* Thermal imaging pseudo-color information
var color: ThermalColorEnum = ThermalColorEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Thermal imaging mode
var irImageModeInfo: ThermalImageBean? = null,
* Image enhancement
var irEnhanceInfo: ThermalEnhanceBean? = null,
* Image denoising
var irNr: Boolean = false,
* Image gain
var gain: ThermalGainEnum = ThermalGainEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Isotherm
var irIsoThermInfo: ThermalIsothermBean? = null,
* Thermal imaging emissivity
var irTempEmit: Int = 0
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Anti-flicker mode
Input parameters:
enum class AntiflickerEnum(val value: Int) {
* automatic
* 50hz
* 60hz
* closure
* Unknown
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Automatically turn off the arm light when taking photos or recording videos
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Linked zoom switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Silky zoom
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Visual image transmission
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera working mode
Input parameters:
enum class CameraWorkModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Video
* Photograph
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera photo mode
Input parameters:
enum class TakePhotoModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Single shot
* NightShot To get the supported modes in NightShot
* Fusion To obtain the supported modes under Fusion hot fusion
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera video sub-mode
Input parameters:
enum class RecordModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* standard
* Slow Motion
* Super sensitive
* HDR To get the modes supported by HDR
* LinkedZoom To get the modes supported by LinkedZoom
* Super Night Vision
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style type
Input parameters:
enum class ImageStyleEnum(var value: Int) {
* standard
* Custom
* Scenery
* Neutral
* Fair skin
* Contrast color
* Japanese
* Tender
* Fresh
* Black Gold
* Black Gold 03
* Black Gold 04
* Black Gold 05
* Black and white
* Nostalgia
* Natural Portrait J
* Hong Kong style movie 01
* Ancient Style 01
* Bright
* Classic LUT
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style brightness
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style contrast
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style saturation
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style chromaticity
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Image style sharpness
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: White balance parameter mode
Input parameters:
enum class WhiteBalanceEnum(var value: Int) {
* automatic
* Daylight
* cloudy day
* Incandescent lamp
* Fluorescent lamp
* Custom color temperature, valid when Mode is set to Custom, range 2000 - 10000, step length is 100
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: White balance parameter color temperature
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Is PIV recording status turned on?
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: PIV recording status interval
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Whether the fog penetration function is enabled
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Mist penetration function configuration mist penetration intensity
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image mode type
Input parameters:
enum class ThermalImageModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Manual (manual adjustment of contrast and brightness)
* Automatic 0
* Automatic 1
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image mode contrast
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image mode brightness
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image enhancement enablement
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging image enhancement intensity
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature attribute temperature measurement mode
Input parameters:
enum class TemperatureModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* none
* Central temperature measurement
* Thermal measurement
* Cold temperature measurement
* Click the location to measure temperature
* Regional temperature measurement
* Tracking temperature measurement
* User 1 temperature measurement
* User 2 temperature measurement
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature attribute points to temperature measurement coordinates
Input parameters:
data class ParameterPointBean(
* Point temperature measurement x coordinate; calculated in yuv image width ratio [0..100]
var x: Int = 0,
* Point temperature measurement Y coordinate [0..100]
var y : Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature attribute area temperature measurement
Input parameters:
data class ParameterRectBean(
* x coordinate [0..100]
var x: Int = 0,
*Y coordinate [0..100]
var y : Int = 0,
* width [0..100]
var w: Int = 0,
* High [0..100]
var h: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature attribute limit temperature measurement
Input parameters:
data class ParameterRectBean(
* x coordinate [0..100]
var x: Int = 0,
*Y coordinate [0..100]
var y : Int = 0,
* width [0..100]
var w: Int = 0,
* High [0..100]
var h: Int = 0,
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute enable
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute high temperature threshold
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Thermal imaging temperature alarm attribute low temperature threshold
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Electronic image stabilization switch
Input parameters:
enum class ElectronicAntiShakingEnum(var value:Int) {
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Task folder name
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: User-defined folder name
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Fast zoom
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera data encryption switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Get
Description: Camera custom debugging
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Visual camera recording switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Visual camera recording frame rate
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Video recording duration of visual camera
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Number of visual camera videos saved
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Get the camera capability set version number
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera switch false turns off, true turns on
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera watermark GPS switch false off, true on
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera watermark SN switch false off, true on
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Camera vision switch false off, true on
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Photo and video ultra-sensitive switch false off, true on
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: The encoding type of the image transmission video needs to be distinguished from the encoding type of the video recording
Input parameters:
enum class VideoCompressStandardEnum(var value: Int) {
* video compress standard H264
* video compress standard H265
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Restart the camera
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: SD card format
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: MMC onboard flash memory format
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Restore factory settings
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start taking photos
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Stop taking photos
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start recording
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Stop recording
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: FFC shutter
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get video/photo storage type
Input parameters:
data class CameraVideoPhotoStorageBean(
* type
var mode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Lens ID collection
var ids: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(),
Output parameter:
data class CameraVideoPhotoStorageListBean(
* type
var mode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Storage information collection
var ids: MutableList<CameraVideoPhotoStorageInfoBean> = mutableListOf(),
Type: Action
Description: Video/photo storage type settings
Input parameters:
data class CameraVideoPhotoStorageListBean(
* type
var mode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Storage information collection
var ids: MutableList<CameraVideoPhotoStorageInfoBean> = mutableListOf(),
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Camera data encryption settings
Input parameters:
data class CameraEncryptSetBean(
* Encryption setting type
var mode: CameraEncryptEnum = CameraEncryptEnum.CLOSE,
* password
var key: String = "",
Output parameter:
data class CameraDeEncryptRspBean(
var keyContinuousWrongTimes :Int=0
Type: Action
Description: Camera data encryption settings
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Get
Description: Zoom IRCut switch
Input parameters:
enum class IrcutSwitchEnum(val value: Int) {
* automatic
* Turn off IRCut, image color<
* Open IRCut, the image is black and white
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Infrared night vision fusion switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Mechanical shutter switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Task recording switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Task recording photo storage switch query
Description: Task recording photo storage switch setting
Input parameters:
data class CameraVideoPhotoStorageListBean(
* type
var mode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Storage information collection
var ids: MutableList<CameraVideoPhotoStorageInfoBean> = mutableListOf(),
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: XMP data type when the camera takes a photo: CameraImageXmpTypeEnum AUTEL_PIX4D(0), DJI(1)
Input parameters:
enum class CameraImageXmpTypeEnum(val value: Int) {
AUTEL_PIX4D(0), // 0: Autel/Pix4d
DJI(1) // 1: DJI
Output parameter: None
Type: Get
Description: Camera status message reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraStatusBean(
* Device Type
var deviceType: String? = null,
* System status
var systemStatus: SystemStatusEnum = SystemStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Current mode
var currentMode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* UI mode
var pattern: PatternModeEnum = PatternModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Current display mode
var displayMode: DisplayModeEnum = DisplayModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Video recording sub-mode
var recordMode: RecordModeEnum = RecordModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Photo sub-mode
var photoTakingMode: TakePhotoModeEnum = TakePhotoModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Storage device type
var storageType: StorageTypeEnum = StorageTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Minimum photo-taking interval, in milliseconds
var photoIntervalMin: Int = 0,
* Lens information
var cameraInfoList: MutableList<CameraInfoBean> = mutableListOf(),
Type: Listen
Description: Professional parameter information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class ProfessionalParamInfoBean(
* camera ID
var cameraID: Int = 0,
* ISO Mode
var isoMode: ISOModeEnum = ISOModeEnum.AUTO,
* Aperture Mode
var apertureMode: ApertureModeEnum = ApertureModeEnum.AUTO,
* Shutter mode
var shutterMode: ShutterModeEnum = ShutterModeEnum.AUTO,
* ISO value
var isoValue: Int = 0,
* Aperture value
var apertureValue: Double = 0.0,
Shutter speed
var shutterSpeed: ShutterSpeedBean? = null,
* Exposure value
var exposureValue: Double = 0.0,
* White balance mode
var whiteMode: WhiteBalanceEnum = WhiteBalanceEnum.UNKNOWN,
* White balance color temperature value
var colorTemperature: Int = 0,
* Actual digital zoom value * 100
var zoomValue: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Report photo file information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class PhotoFileInfoBean constructor(
* Current mode
var currentMode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* File path
var filePath: String? = null,
* Thumbnail path
var thumbnailPath: String? = null,
* Photo file modification time
var fileModifyTime: Long = 0,
* Photo size
var fileSize: Long = 0,
* Photo format
var fileFormat: Int = 0,
* Resolution of the photo
var photoResolution: PhotoResolutionBean? = null
Type: Set, Listen
Description: Reporting the photo taking status
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TakePhotoStatusBean(
*Current submode
var currentMode: TakePhotoModeEnum = TakePhotoModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Photo status
var state: TakePhotoStatusEnum = TakePhotoStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Recording status report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RecordStatusBean(
*Current mode is undetermined
var currentMode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Recording status
var state: RecordStatusEnum = RecordStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* The current video recording time, in seconds
var currentRecordTime: Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Report video file information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RecordFileInfoBean(
* Current mode
var currentMode: RecordStatusEnum = RecordStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* state
var state: RecordVideoFileEnum = RecordVideoFileEnum.UNKNOWN,
* File path
var filePath: String? = null,
* Thumbnail path
var thumbnailPath: String? = null,
* Video file modification time
var fileModifyTime: Long = 0L,
* File size
var fileSize: Long = 0L,
* Photo and video formats
var fileFormat: Int = 0,
* Video duration
var videoDuration: Int = 0,
* Resolution of the video file
var videoResolution: VideoResolutionBean? = null,
* Compression standard of video files, see CAMERA_VIDEO_COMPRESSION_STANDARD_TYPE
var videoCompressionStandard: VideoCompressStandardEnum = VideoCompressStandardEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: SD card status report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CardStatusBean(
* SD card status
var storageStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total capacity of SD card in KB
var totalSpace: Long = 0L,
* SD card remaining capacity, in KB
var freeSpace: Long = 0L,
* Remaining recording time in seconds
var remainRecordTime: Long = 0L,
* Number of photos remaining
var remainCaptureNum: Long = 0L,
Type: Listen
Description: MMC status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CardStatusBean(
* SD card status
var storageStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total capacity of SD card in KB
var totalSpace: Long = 0L,
* SD card remaining capacity, in KB
var freeSpace: Long = 0L,
* Remaining recording time in seconds
var remainRecordTime: Long = 0L,
* Number of photos remaining
var remainCaptureNum: Long = 0L,
Type: Listen
Description: Timed shooting countdown report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Int
Type: Listen
Description: Panoramic status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class PanoramaStatusBean(
* Panorama status
var state: PanoramaShootStatusEnum = PanoramaShootStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Panorama type
var type: PanoramaEnum = PanoramaEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Overall steps
var totalStep: Int = 0,
* Current number of steps for panoramic photo taking
var currentStep: Int = 0,
* The current completion ratio of panoramic photography
var proportion: Float = 0f,
Type: Listen
Description: Time-lapse photography status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DelayShotStatusBean(
* The remaining time in seconds
var remainTime: Int = 0,
* Countdown to taking the next photo, in seconds
var countDown: Int = 0,
* Number of photos taken
var captured: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Reset camera status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Listen
Description: AE/AF status change
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraAFAEStatusBean(
* AE status
var aeStatus: CameraAfAeEnum = CameraAfAeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* AF status
var afStatus: CameraAfAeEnum = CameraAfAeEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Temperature alarm event
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TempAlarmBean(
* 0 high temperature, 1 low temperature
var status: TempEnum = TempEnum.HOT,
* High temperature alarm point temperature, unit: Celsius*10
var hotTemp: Int = 0,
* High temperature alarm X coordinate, in proportion to image width
var hotX: Int = 0,
* High temperature alarm Y coordinate, in image height ratio
var hotY: Int = 0,
* Low temperature alarm point temperature, unit: Celsius*10.
var coldTemp: Int = 0,
* Low temperature alarm X coordinate, in proportion to image width
var coldX: Int = 0,
* Low temperature alarm Y coordinate, in image height ratio
var coldY: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Mobile time-lapse photography status
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MotionDelayShotBean(
* state
var status: MotionDelayShootEnum = MotionDelayShootEnum.UNKNOWN,
* The duration of taking photos, in seconds
var photoTime: Int = 0,
* The total time required to take photos, in seconds
var totalPhotoTime: Int = 0,
* Number of photos taken
var photoNum: Int = 0,
* Total number of photos required
var totalPhotoNum: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Camera exposure status
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class ExposureEnum(var value: Int) {
* Overexposure
* Underexposure
Type: Listen
Description: Task recording waypoint information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MissionRecordWaypointBean(
* Photo path
var filePath: String? = null,
* Longitude
var latitude : Double = 0.0,
* Latitude
var longitude: Double = 0.0,
* Absolute altitude read from the flight controller
var altitude: Double = 0.0,
* The nose direction read from the flight controller
var heading: Double = 0.0,
* Gimbal Pitch angle read from the flight controller
var cameraPitch: Double = 0.0,
* Gimbal Yaw angle read from the flight controller
var cameraYaw: Double = 0.0,
* Camera zoom ratio
var zoom: Int = 0,
* Gimbal Roll angle read from the flight controller
var cameraRoll: Double = 0.0,
* Relative altitude read from the flight controller
var height: Double = 0.0,
* Camera id -1 means invalid
var cameraId: Int = -1
Type: Listen
Description: AF camera focus status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class AFStateEnum(val value: Int) {
* Start focusing
* In focus
* Focusing ends
Type: Listen
Description: Camera mode switching report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraModeSwitchBean(
* Current mode
var currentMode: CameraWorkModeEnum = CameraWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Video recording sub-mode
var recordMode: Int = 0,
* Photo sub-mode
var photoTakingMode: TakePhotoModeEnum = TakePhotoModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Display mode switching report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class DisplayModeEnum(var value: Int) {
* Visible light
* Picture in Picture
* Infrared
* Fusion
Type: Listen
Description: Infrared camera temperature information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class InfraredCameraTempInfoBean(
* Average temperature, in degrees Celsius*10
var averageTemp: Int = 0,
* Center temperature, in degrees Celsius*10
var centerTemp: Int = 0,
* Hot spot temperature, unit: Celsius*10
var hotTemp: Int = 0,
* Cold spot temperature, in degrees Celsius*10
var coldTemp: Int = 0,
* Point temperature, unit Celsius*10
var touchTemp: Int = 0,
* The hotspot X coordinate, in proportion to the image width
var hotX: Int = 0,
* Hotspot Y coordinate, in proportion to image height
var hotY: Int = 0,
* X coordinate of the cold spot, in proportion to the image width
var coldX: Int = 0,
* X coordinate of the cold spot, in proportion to the image height
var coldY: Int = 0,
* True value * 100
var zoomValue: Int = 0,
* cameraId
var cameraId: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Report storage status information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class StorageStatusInfoBean(
* Storage device type
var storageType: StorageTypeEnum = StorageTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* SD card status
var sDCardStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total capacity of SD card in KB
var totalSpace: Long = 3,
* SD card remaining capacity, in KB
var freeSpace: Long = 4,
* eMMC status
var mMCStatus: CardStatusEnum = CardStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Total eMMC capacity in KB
var mMCTotalSpace: Long = 6,
* The remaining capacity of the eMMC card in KB
var mMCFreeSpace: Long = 7,
* The remaining recording time of the currently selected storage device, in seconds
var remainRecordTime: Long = 8,
* The number of photos remaining in the currently selected storage device
var remainCaptureNum: Long = 9,
Type: Listen
Description: Spot metering report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MeteringPointBean(
* Measuring point X coordinate 0-100
var x: Int = 0,
* Measuring point Y coordinate 0-100
var y : Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: White balance parameter reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class WhiteBalanceBean(
* White balance mode
var mode: WhiteBalanceEnum = WhiteBalanceEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Valid when Mode is set to Custom, range 2000 - 10000, step length 100
var colorTemperature: Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: AELock information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Listen
Description: Focus on information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class FocusInfoBean(
* Focus Mode
var mode: FocusModeEnum = FocusModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Auto focus mode
var meterMode: AFLensFocusModeEnum = AFLensFocusModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Focus point coordinates, X range (0 - 100)
var spotAreaX: Int = 0,
* Point focus coordinates, y range (0 - 100)
var spotAreaY: Int = 0,
* Object distance, unit: mm, divided into three sections (10 scales in each section): [10cm - 1m], [1m - 10m], [10m - 100m], special value 0: macro, -1: infinity
var objectDistance: Int = 0,
* Assisted focus enable, 1: Enable 0: Disable
var aFAssistFocusEnable: Boolean = false,
* Assisted focus enable, 1: Enable 0: Disable
var mFAssistFocusEnable: Boolean = false,
Type: Listen
Description: HDR information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Listen
Description: ROI configuration reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class ROIBean(
*Is it enabled?
var enable: Boolean = false,
*ROI area configuration, supports setting 8 ROI areas at the same time
var roiRegionList: MutableList<RoiRegionBean>? = null,
Type: Listen
Description: Report camera photo resolution information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class PhotoResolutionEnum(val width: Int, val height: Int, val tag: String,val prId:String) {
PR_8000_6000(8000, 6000, "48M","8000x6000"),
PR_6912_5184(6912, 5184, "36M","6192x5184"),
PR_4000_3000(4000, 3000, "12M","4000x3000"),
PR_1920_1200(1920, 1200, "1200P","1920x1200"),
PR_1920_1080(1920, 1080, "1080","1920x1080"),
PR_4096_3072(4096, 3072, "4K", "4096x3072"),
PR_8192_6144(8192, 6144, "50M","8192x6144"),
PR_640_512(640, 512, "640*512","640x512"),
PR_3840_2160(3840, 2160, "4K","3840x2160"),
PR_5472_3648(5472, 3648, "6K","5472x3648"),
PR_5472_3076(5472, 3076, "6K","5472x3076"),
PR_UNKNOWN(0, 0, "unknown","unknown");
Type: Listen
Description: Report camera video resolution information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class VideoResolutionBean(
* Resolution enumeration
var videoResolutionEnum: VideoResolutionEnum = VideoResolutionEnum.VR_UNKNOWN,
* Frame rate
var fps: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Decryption progress report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraEncryptProgressReportBean(
* Total
var totalCount: Int = 0,
* Completed quantity
var completeCount: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Camera image transmission information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraTransferInfoBean(
* Camera ID
var cameraId: Int = 0,
* Image transmission mode 1 (smooth)/2 (HD)/3 (2.7K)
var transferMode: Int = 0,
* Video transmission encoding type 0 (H264)/1 (H265)
var transferPayloadType: Int = 0,
* Image transmission frame rate/second
var fps: Int = 0,
* Image transmission bit rate kbps
var bitrate: Int = 0,
* Number of key frames sent/minute
var sendIFrameNum: Int = 0,
* Number of key frames requested/minute
var requestIFrameNum: Int = 0,
* Image transmission switch (false-image transmission is off, true-image transmission is on)
var transferEnable: Boolean = false,
Type: Listen
Description: EIS parameter reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CameraEisReportBean(
* Zoom value, actual value*100
var zoomValue: Int = 0,
* left angle
var leftAngle: Double = 0.0,
* right angle
var rightAngle: Double = 0.0,
* top angle
var topAngle: Double = 0.0,
* bottom angle
var bottomAngle: Double = 0.0,
* left value
var left: Double = 0.0,
* right value
var right : Double = 0.0,
* Top value
var top : Double = 0.0,
* bottom value
var bottom: Double = 0.0,
Type: Listen
Description: The encoding type of the image transmission video needs to be distinguished from the encoding type of the video recording
Input parameters:
enum class CameraPreviewResolutionEnum(var value: Int) {
* video compress standard H264
H480(0), //The preview image size is 640x480
* video compress standard H265
H720(1), //The preview image size is 960x720
H1080(2), //The preview image size is 1440x1080
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Infrared temperature storage format setting interface: 0-default, 1-664 line standard, 2-other
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: 35mm equivalent focal length actual value*10
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
6. CommonKey
Description: Aircraft keep-alive heartbeat
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Listen
Description: APP keep-alive heartbeat
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Listen
Description: Set system time
Input parameters:
data class SystemTimeInfoBean(
* UTC timestamp
var utcTimeInterval: Long = 0,
* The offset in hours relative to the zero time zone, for example, Beijing: UTC+8, timeZone is 8
var timeZone: Float = 0f,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get system initialization data
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class SystemInfoData(
// var droneVersion: String? = null, // Aircraft package version (the package version information has removed the system initialization data)
* Master version
var mainControlVersion: String? = null,
* Aircraft SN
var droneSN: String? = null,
* Aircraft Type
var droneType: Int = 0,
* Activation status
var activeState: Int = 0,
* Flight mode, current aircraft flight status, such as takeoff, landing, etc. See DRONE_FLIGHT_MODE
var flightMode: DroneFlightModeEnum = DroneFlightModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Flight control main mode, see FLIGHT_CONTROL_MAIN_MODE
var droneMainMode: FlightControlMainModeEnum = FlightControlMainModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Aircraft working mode see SMART_MODE
var droneWorkMode: DroneWorkModeEnum = DroneWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* For aircraft working status, see DRONE_WORK_STATUS
var droneWorkStatus: DroneWorkStateEnum = DroneWorkStateEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Action
Description: Get aircraft equipment information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Action
Description: Aircraft general parameters reporting (5HZ)
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneSystemStateHFNtfyBean(
* Aircraft latitude. When it is an invalid value or isGPSValid is NO, it means that the position cannot be determined and should be ignored.
var droneLatitude: Double = 0.0,
* Aircraft longitude. When it is an invalid value or isGPSValid is NO, it means that the position cannot be determined and should be ignored.
var droneLongitude: Double = 0.0,
* Relative altitude of the aircraft
var altitude: Float = 0f,
* Aircraft altitude
var altitudeMSL: Float = 0f,
* x speed X
var velocityX: Float = 0f,
* y speed
var velocityY: Float = 0f,
* z speed
var velocityZ: Float = 0f,
* Aircraft attitude
var droneAttitude: DroneAttitudeBean? = null,
* Gimbal attitude
var gimbalAttitude: DroneAttitudeBean? = null,
* The distance between the aircraft and the Home point
var distance: Float = 0f,
* Ultrasonic height above the ground
var ultrasoundAltitude: Float = 0f,
* Laser distance measurement, unit: cm
var laserDistance: Int = 0,
* Indicates whether the laser distance measurement is valid, 0 is invalid, 1 is valid
var laserDistanceIsValid: Boolean = false,
* Radar altitude detection results
var radarHight: Double = 0.0,
* Airplane mode
var flightMode: DroneFlightModeEnum = DroneFlightModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Flight control main mode, see FLIGHT_CONTROL_MAIN_MODE
var mainMode: FlightControlMainModeEnum = FlightControlMainModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Aircraft intelligent mode, see FlightControlDefine -> DroneWorkMode
var droneWorkMode: DroneWorkModeEnum = DroneWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Aircraft operating status
* 0-TRACK_UNKNOW unknown
* 1-TRACK_DETECT detection
* 3-TRACK_FREE Free tracking (pb 1.17.4 aircraft working status)
var droneWorkStatus: DroneWorkStateEnum = DroneWorkStateEnum.UNKNOWN,
* GPS switch status (false: GPS off true: GPS on)
var isGpsOpen: Boolean = false,
* aiEnableFunc whether to enable AI
var aiEnableFunc: AiServiceStatueEnum = AiServiceStatueEnum.UNKNOWN,
var retractPaddleStatus :RetractPaddleStatusEnum = RetractPaddleStatusEnum.UNRECOGNIZED
Type: Listen
Description: Aircraft general parameters reporting (2HZ)
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneSystemStateLFNtfyBean(
* Remaining flight time
var remainingFlightTime: Float = 0f,
* Remaining battery power
var batteryRemainingPower: Int = 0,
*Battery power percentage
var batteryPercentage: Float = 0f,
* Battery temperature
var batteryTemperature: Float = 0f,
* Current battery voltage
var batteryVoltage: Float = 0f,
* Battery current
var batteryCurrent: Float = 0f,
* Number of visible satellites
var satelliteCount: Int = 0,
//Deprecated and cannot be used
* GPS signal level, see FlightControlDefine
var gpsLevel: GPSLevelEnum = GPSLevelEnum.LEVEL_NONE,
* remoteID working status,
var remoteIdStatus: RemoteIdStatusEnum = RemoteIdStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Current visual SLAM confidence, visual positioning strength: 0.7 or above is high, 0.4 to 0.7 is medium, and below 0.4 is low
var slamConfidence: Double = 0.0,
* Current GPS strength percentage recommendations: below 40% is weak, below 80% is medium, and above 80% is strong
var gpsStrengthPercentage: Int = 0,
* ntrip module status
var ntripStatus: NtripStatusEnumm = NtripStatusEnumm.RTK_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT,
* lte module status
var lteStatus: LTEStatusEnum = LTEStatusEnum.NET_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT,
* 4G, 5G signal volume (0~100)
var lteSignal: Int = 0,
SIM card status 0 not in place, 1 in place
var lteCardIsDetected:Boolean = false,
* Status of mqtt module
var mqttStatus : MqttStatusEnum = MqttStatusEnum.MQTT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT,
* Is there a risk of landing? true: risky, false: no risk
var landIsRisky: Boolean = false,
* *uint32 RTMP_STATUS_DISABLE = 0 #rtmp is closed
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_INIT = 1 #Service initialization
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_NOURL = 2 #No streaming address or SN number
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_NONETWORK = 3 #No network
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_CONNECTED = 4 #Connected to rtmp streaming server
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 5 #Not connected to the rtmp streaming server
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_PUSHSTREAM = 6 #Normal streaming
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_WRITEERROR = 7 #stream push error
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_NOTEUTRAN = 8 #No E-UTRAN network
* uint32 RTMP_STATUS_WEAKSIGNAL = 9 #Network signal is poor
var rtmpStatus: RtmpStatusEnum = RtmpStatusEnum.RTMP_STATUS_DISABLE,
var batteryModeFlag: Int = 0, //Multi-battery flag 0 single battery 1 multiple batteries
var batteryInfoList: List<BatteryInfoBean> = emptyList(), //Battery specific information
var airLinkPowerRate: Int // Image transmission RF signal transmission power, the value is 0-100, indicating the percentage of normal power
Type: Listen
Description: Report aircraft working status information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class FlightControlStatusInfo(
* Aircraft Type
var droneType: Int = 0,
// var flightMode: DroneFlightModeEnum = DroneFlightModeEnum.UNKNOWN, // flight mode
// var mainMode: FlightControlMainModeEnum = FlightControlMainModeEnum.UNKNOWN, // Flight control main mode, see FLIGHT_CONTROL_MAIN_MODE
// var droneWorkMode: DroneWorkModeEnum = DroneWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN, // Aircraft intelligent mode, see FlightControlDefine -> DroneWorkMode
// var droneWorkStatus: DroneWorkStateEnum = DroneWorkStateEnum.UNKNOWN, // Aircraft working status
* Aircraft gear, see GEAR_LEVEL
var droneGear: GearLevelEnum = GearLevelEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Whether RTK is supported
var supportRTK: Boolean = false,
* Is the home point invalid?
var isHomeInvalid: Boolean = false,
* Latitude of home point
var homeLatitude: Double = 0.0,
* Home point longitude
var homeLongitude: Double = 0.0,
* Obstacle avoidance enabled
var obstacleAvoidanceEnabled: Boolean = false,
* Radar chart display
var radarChartDispalyed: Boolean = false,
// var trackWorkStatus: Int = 0, // Track work status
* Downward-looking fill light status
var visionledStatus: Int = 0,
* Landing protection switch
var visionEnableSecureLanding: Boolean = false,
* Whether to enable the precision landing function
var visionEnablePreciseLanding: Boolean = false,
* Compass calibration status
var compassCalibrationStatus: CompassCalibrationStatusEnum = CompassCalibrationStatusEnum.NONE,
* IMU calibration status
var imuCalibrationStatus: IMUCalibrationStepEnum = IMUCalibrationStepEnum.NONE,
* Battery discharge times
var numberOfDischarge: Int = 0,
* Battery not in place flag 0: in place 1: not in place
var batteryNotInPlaceFlag: Int = 0,
* Current aircraft ambient brightness information 0: Normal brightness means visual features should be feasible 1: The ambient brightness is too low for some visual features
var environmentInfo: EnvironmentEnum = EnvironmentEnum.NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS,
* Flight inspection results
var preflightCheckResult :PerFlightCheckResultEnum = PerFlightCheckResultEnum.CAN_FLIGHT,
* Flight check result, each bit represents the status of each system (0 is normal, 1 is abnormal) 0 is whether the vision is supported, 1 is whether the radar is normal, 2 is whether the flight control status is normal, 3 is whether RTK is normal (fix is normal), 4 is whether the Planner is started normally, 5 is whether the camera is started normally
var preflightCheckResultGcs : List<FlightCheckException> = emptyList(),
* Arm light status, for value, refer to: "1.32 General Light Language Control" LAMPLNG_DIRECT_CTRL
var armLampStatus : LampDirectCtrlEnum = LampDirectCtrlEnum.ALL_OFF
Type: Listen
Description: Aircraft alarm reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneWarningStateNtfyBean(
* Low battery warning
var lowPowerWarning: BatteryPowerWarning = BatteryPowerWarning.NONE,
* Is the battery overheated?
var isBatteryOverheated: Boolean = false,
* Is the battery temperature too low?
var isBatteryLowTemperature: Boolean = false,
*Battery cell voltage imbalance
var isBatteryVoltageDiff: Boolean = false,
* The motor cannot start normally. For the value, refer to FLIGHT_CONTROL_TURN_ON_MOTOR_STATUS
var turnOnMotorError: FlightControlTurnOnMotorStatusEnum = FlightControlTurnOnMotorStatusEnum.NO_ERROR,
* IMU overheating
var isIMUOverheated: Boolean = false,
* Limited rod quantity
var isStickLimited: Boolean = false,
* High wind warning
var highWindWarning: Boolean = false,
* The return point may not be accurate
var isHomePointNotAccurate: Boolean = false,
* Overload alarm
var overloadWarning: Boolean = false,
* IMU calibration warning
var imuCalibrationWarn: IMUCalibratoionWarningEnum = IMUCalibratoionWarningEnum.NONE,
* No-fly zone warning status
var noFlyStatus: MainControllerNoflyZoneStatusEnum = MainControllerNoflyZoneStatusEnum.FLY_STATUS_UNKNOW,
* Compass interference level; flight control notifies when compass receives interference; mode switches to ATTI
var compassInterferenceLevel: CompassInterferenceLevelEnum = CompassInterferenceLevelEnum.LEVEL0,
* Whether the maximum flight range has been reached
var isReachMaxRange: Boolean = false,
* Whether the maximum flight range is about to be reached
var isNearMaxRange: Boolean = false,
* Whether the maximum flight altitude has been reached
var isReachMaxHeight: Boolean = false,
* Is GPS signal available?
var isGPSValid: Boolean = false,
* Is the compass available?
var isCompassValid: Boolean = false,
* Whether the visual function is limited, the environment is poor, and subsequent visual errors are updated to visionErrorCode. This field is deprecated
var visionLimitedWhenDark: Boolean = false,
* Insufficient space to pass
var insufficientSpaceToPass: Boolean = false,
* Move the aircraft to an open area and try again
var flyToOpenSpace: Boolean = false,
* All visual errors, such as whether the visual sensor is available. This field will be added for new errors later.
var visionErrorCode: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Control a single aircraft LED light
Input parameters:
data class DroneLedStatusBean(
* LED light type, see DRONE_LED_TYPE
var ledType: DroneLedTypeEnum = DroneLedTypeEnum.NONE,
* LED switch status, see DRONE_LED_STATUS
var ledStatus: DroneLedStatusEnum = DroneLedStatusEnum.CLOSE
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Query the status of all LED lights on the aircraft
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneAllLedStatusBean(
*LED single light status, see DRONE_LED_STATUS
var ledsStatus: List<DroneLedStatusBean>? = null,
* Night navigation light LED switch status, 0: off, 1: on
var nightLedStatus: Boolean = false
Type: Action
Description: General calibration command
Input parameters:
data class CalibrationCommandBean(
* Calibration Type
var type: CalibrationTypeEnum = CalibrationTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Calibration action instructions
var cmd: CmdEnum = CmdEnum.UNKNOWN,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Calibration event notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CalibrationEventBean(
* Calibration Type
var calibrationType: CalibrationTypeEnum = CalibrationTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Calibration Event
var calibrationEvent: CalibrationEventEnum = CalibrationEventEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Calibration progress notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class CalibrationScheduleBean(
* When the calibrationType value is IMU, use this field
var imcStep: IMUCalibrationStepEnum = IMUCalibrationStepEnum.NONE,
* When the calibrationType value is COMPASS, this field is used
var compassStep: CompassCalibrationStepEnum = CompassCalibrationStepEnum.STEP0,
* Current calibration progress percentage. Calibration functions that support reporting of calibration progress percentage can be used, such as gimbal angle calibration
var calibrationPercent: Int = 0,
* Calibration type, see 1.17.16 Calibration type CALIBRATION_TYPE
var calibrationType: CalibrationTypeEnum = CalibrationTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: High frequency reporting frequency of key flight control parameters on the aircraft side: 5HZ,
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneKeyInfoHFNtfyBean(
var timestamp :Long= 0L,
var qList :List<Float>? = null,
var posList :List<Float>?= null,
var velList :List<Float>? =null,
var gyrList :List<Float>? = null,
var rpyList :List<Float>? = null,
var valid: Boolean = false,
var escNum :Int=0,
var pwmList:List<Int>? = null,
var rpmList:List<Int>?= null,
var fcsPwmList:List<Int>?= null,
var statusList:List<Int>?= null,
var latEst:Double=0.0,
var lonEst:Double=0.0,
var altEst:Float=0.0f,
var lat0:Double=0.0,
var lon0:Double=0.0,
var alt0:Float=0.0f,
var heightGround:Float=0.0f,
var validFlag:Int =0
Type: Listen
Description: Low-frequency reporting frequency of key flight control parameters on the aircraft side: 2HZ,
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneKeyInfoLFNtfyBean(
var timestamp: Long = 0L,
var gpsTime: Int = 0,
var gpsLat: Double = 0.0,
var gpsLon: Double = 0.0,
var gpsAlt: Float = 0.0f,
var velNedX: Float = 0.0f,
var velNedY: Float = 0.0f,
var velNedZ: Float = 0.0f,
var accuracyH: Float = 0.0f,
var accuracyV: Float = 0.0f,
var accuracyS: Float = 0.0f,
var hmsl : Double = 0.0,
var gnssFixType: Int = 0,
var satellitesNum: Int = 0,
var gpsQuality: Int = 0,
var xacc : Double = 0.0,
var yacc: Double = 0.0,
var zacc : Double = 0.0,
var xgyro : Double = 0.0,
var ygyro : Double = 0.0,
var zgyro : Double = 0.0,
var xacc1: Double = 0.0,
var yacc1: Double = 0.0,
var zacc1: Double = 0.0,
var xgyro1: Double = 0.0,
var ygyro1: Double = 0.0,
var zgyro1: Double = 0.0,
var xmag : Double = 0.0,
var ymag : Double = 0.0,
var zmag : Double = 0.0,
var xmag1: Double = 0.0,
var ymag1: Double = 0.0,
var zmag1: Double = 0.0,
var absPressure: Double = 0.0,
var temperature: Double = 0.0,
var absPressure1: Double = 0.0,
var temperature1: Double = 0.0,
var fieldsUpdated: Int = 0,
var smartMode: DroneWorkModeEnum = DroneWorkModeEnum.UNRECOGNIZED, // Aircraft smart mode, drone_work_mode
var smartModeStatus: Int = 0, // Smart mode working status drone_work_status
var batteryStatus: Int = 0, // Battery status see battery_status
var unlockValid: Boolean = false, //Whether the flight control is currently allowed to unlock 0: Not allowed 1: Allowed
var isGpsInterfaceOpen: Boolean = false, // GPS switch status (0: GPS off 1: GPS on)
var button: Int = 0,
* | Bit | Purpose | Description |
| ------ | ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0:1 | Battery warning | 0 – No warning 1 – Low battery 2 – Critical battery 3 – Unknown battery |
| 2 | Reach maximum height or not | |
| 3 | Reach maximum range or not | |
| 4 | GPS valid or not | |
| 5 | Hover on | Home point valid or notDelete|
| 6 | Compass valid or not | |
| 7 | RC disconnected or not | |
| 8 | GPS cheated or not | 0-Not cheated, 1-Cheated |
| 9 | GPS fused or not | 0-not fused, 1-fused|
| 10:11 | Airport warnings | <!--0 -- No warning1 -- Warning zone2 -- Restricted altitude zone3 -- Reached maximum altitude4 -- No-fly zone--> Currently reserved|
| 12 | IMU interface | |
| 13 | BARO interface | |
| 14 | MAG interface | |
| 15 | GPS interface | |
| 16 | Hide Mode is or not | 0:false, 1:trueSilent~~Gohome pending confirmation1 – Waiting to cancel return~~ |
| 17 | Stick is limited | Stick is limited |
| 18 | One click take off valid or not | |
| 19 | Able to take off or not | |
| 20:21 | Led pilot lamp status | 0 – Headlights off, taillights off 1 – Headlights off, taillights on 2 – Headlights on, taillights off 3 – Headlights on, taillights on |
| 22 | FC hot or not | |
| 23 | Battery hot or not | |
| 24:27 | Compass status | 0 – Normal 1 – CALIB_Start 2 – CALIB_Step1 3 – CALIB_Wstep2 4 – CALIB_Step2 5 – CALIB_Calc 6 – CALIB_Failed 7 – CALIB_Success 8 – CALIB_Timedout |
| ~~27~~ | ~~Hover on~~ | ~~Is it in hovering state~~ |
| 28 | Large wind warning |
| 29 | Near the range limit | 1 – Near the range limit |
| 30 | Home point not good | |
| 31 | Warming up or not |
var alarm_status1: Int = 0, // System alarm status 1 See ROS protocol table
*| Bit| Purpose| Description|
| ----- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0:3 | Main fly state | 0- Unknown state 1- ATTI state 2- GPS state 3- IOC state 4- StarPoint state |
| 4:7 | Virtual joystick mode | \- |
| 8:15 | ErrorCode | 0 – No error 1 – IMU loss 2 – Critical battery 3 – Baro loss 4 – RedZone 5 – RedZone - IOC error (IOC mode abnormality) 6 - Beginner NO GPS (No GPS signal in novice mode) 7 - Disarm tilt over 45deg (Aircraft tilt angle is greater than 45 degrees) 8 - Disarm IMU loss (IMU abnormality) 9 - IMU is warming up ( IMU warm-up) 10 - Magnetometer is calibrating (Calibrating magnetometer) 11 - Multiple sensors error (Multiple sensors error) 12 - Gimbal is not ready (Gimbal is not ready) 13 - Upgrade is ongoing (Upgrade is ongoing) 14 - IMU need user calibration (IMU needs user calibration) 15 - Attitude initialization 16 - RTK not ready 17 - Aircraft not activated |
| 16 | Vision orbit stop flag | 0-Normal; 1-Orbit obstacle avoidance brake flag |
| 17 | GPS good for landing | 0-GPS signal is poor during landing, use high altitude VIO; 1-GPS signal is good during landing, use precision landing |
| 18 | Is Calibration Necessary | 0-Not required; 1-Required |
| 19 | Support rtk | 0-Does not support RTK; 1-Supports RTK |
| 20 | ATTI mode allow to fly | 0-takeoff is not allowed; 1-takeoff is allowed |
| 21 | mag error allow to fly | 0-takeoff is not allowed; 1-takeoff is allowed |
| 22 | vertical screen | Whether the 4-axis gimbal is in vertical screen mode, 0-no; 1-yes |
| 23 | full power | Power full load status, 0-not fully loaded; 1-fully loaded |
| 24:31 | Version ID | 0-255
var alarm_status2: Int = 0, // System alarm status 2 See ROS protocol table
* | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0 | Motor stop |
| 1 | The aircraft motor is spinning, but the aircraft is still on the ground |
| 2 | The aircraft is landing |
| 3 | The aircraft is taking off, including automatic takeoff and takeoff controlled by the remote controller |
| 4 | The aircraft is flying and in attitude mode |
| 5 | The aircraft is flying, in GPS mode or Starpoint mode |
| 6 | Aircraft is flying, IOC mode |
| 7 | The aircraft is returning to home automatically. Reason for return: Send an automatic return command to the aircraft via the remote controller or App. |
| 8 | The aircraft is returning automatically. Reason for return: low battery alarm. |
| 9 | The aircraft is returning automatically. Reason for return: Intelligent low-battery return.
| 10 | The aircraft is returning automatically. Reason for return: The aircraft lost the remote controller signal and the loss of connection protection was activated. |
| 11 | Return flight suspended |
| 12 | The aircraft is executing a waypoint mission |
| 13 | The waypoint mission has been paused, the aircraft is hovering |
| 14 | The aircraft has automatically exited the intelligent flight mode and is returning to the home position. |
| 15 | The aircraft is performing a follow-up mission |
| 16 | The aircraft is performing a point of interest orbit mission |
| 17 | The follow mission has been paused, the aircraft is hovering |
| 18 | Orbiting mission has been paused, the vehicle is hovering |
| 19 | The aircraft is performing a 360Shoot mission |
| 20 | The aircraft is performing an Epic mission |
| 21 | The aircraft is performing the Rise mission |
| 22 | The aircraft is performing the FadeAway mission |
| 23 | The aircraft is performing the IntoSky mission |
| 24 | The aircraft is performing a Boomerang mission |
| 25 | The aircraft is performing the Screw mission |
| 26 | The aircraft is performing the Parabola mission |
| 27 | The aircraft is performing an Asteroid mission |
| 28 | The aircraft is performing a CircleRound mission |
| 29 | The aircraft is performing DollyZoom mission |
| 30 | The aircraft is performing a *Tripod* mission |
| 31 | The aircraft is performing the *Photographer* mission|
| 32 | The aircraft is performing a rectangular mission |
| 33 | Aircraft Rectangular Mission Pause |
| 34 | The aircraft is performing a polygonal mission |
| 35 | Aircraft polygon mission paused |
| 36 | The aircraft is performing a free time-lapse photography mission |
| 37 | Aircraft free time-lapse photography mission suspended |
| 38 | The aircraft is performing an oblique photography mission |
| 39 | Aircraft oblique photography mission suspended |
| 40 | The aircraft is performing a panoramic mission |
| 41 | Lock Mode |
| 42 | One-click short film (based on locked flight) |
| 43 | One-click short film (flying according to the measured points) |
| 44 | One-click video return|
| 45 | Portrait mode takes off |
| 46 | Portrait mode is returning|
| 47 | Portrait mode (no scene, only lock, the plane only adjusts the angle) |
| 48 | Portrait mode (with scene resolution and moving aircraft) |
| 49 | Surround delay calculation in progress|
| 50 | Surround Delay
var flight_mode: FlightModeEnum = FlightModeEnum.MOTOR_STOP, // Flight model see ros protocol table
* | type | definition | description |
| ---- | -------------------- | ------------- |
| 0 | MAV_TYPE_XSTAR2_0 | |
| 1 | MAV_TYPE_GEN2 | |
| 3 | MAV_TYPE_MODELC | EVO2 model |
| 5 | MAV_TYPE_MODELX_MINI | EVO Lite model |
| 6 | MAV_TYPE_MODELA | EVO Nano model |
var type: FlightTypeEnum=FlightTypeEnum.MAV_TYPE_MODELC, // See ros protocol table for MAV type
var error_code: Int = 0, // Flight control heartbeat error code
//topic name:/fcs_heartbeat_plus
var uav_sta1: Int = 0, // Flight control heartbeat plus system alarm status 1
var uav_sta2: Int = 0, // Flight control heartbeat plus system alarm status 2
var uav_sta3: Int = 0, // Flight control heartbeat plus system alarm status 3
var data_u32: List<Int>? = listOf(),
var data_u8: List<Int>? = listOf(),
* Table 4-6-1-1 Battery safety status bit definition
| Bit 31 | Bit 30 | Bit 29 | Bit 28 | Bit 27 | Bit 26 | Bit 25 | Bit 24 |
| ------ | -------- | --------- | ------- | --------- | -------- | ------- | -------- |
| **SD** | **CF** | **CVD** | **-** | **UTD** | **UTC** | **-** | **-** |
| Bit 23 | Bit 22 | Bit 21 | Bit 20 | Bit 19 | Bit 18 | Bit 17 | Bit 16 |
| **-** | **-** | **OTD1-** | **-** | **-** | **-** | **-** | **-** |
| Bit 15 | Bit 14 | Bit 13 | Bit 12 | Bit 11 | Bit 10 | Bit 09 | Bit 08 |
| **-** | **CUVC** | **OTD2** | **OTC** | **ASCDL** | **ASCD** | **-** | **ASCC** |
| Bit 07 | Bit 06 | Bit 05 | Bit 04 | Bit 03 | Bit 02 | Bit 01 | Bit 00 |
| **-** | **AOLD** | **-** | **-** | **-** | **OCC1** | **COV** | **CUV** |
Note: For detailed information on each bit, see the table below. A bit state of 1 indicates that the state is valid, and 0 indicates that it is invalid.
Table 4-6-1-2 Battery safety status bit definition
| **Status bit** | **Abbreviation** | **Definition** | **APP battery status display** | **APP and remote control main interface prompt** |
| ---------- | -------- | -------------------------- ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------ ------------------ |
| Bit 31 | SD | Shutdown, power supply output shutdown prompt | \- | \- |
| Bit 30 | CF | Communication Fail, fuel gauge communication abnormality | \- | \- |
| Bit 29 | CVD | Cell Voltage Difference, cell voltage difference alarm | Cell voltage difference is large | The battery is damaged, it is recommended to replace the battery |
| Bit 28 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 27 | UTD1 | Undertemperature During Discharge 1, discharge temperature is low | Battery temperature is low | Battery temperature is low, flight is restricted |
| Bit 26 | UTC | Undertemperature During Charge, charging temperature is too low | \- | \- |
| Bit 25 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 24 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 23 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 22 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 21 | OTD1 | Overtemperature During Discharge 1, discharge temperature is too high | Battery temperature is too high | Battery temperature is too high, flight is restricted |
| Bit 20 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 19 | UTD2 | Undertemperature During Discharge 2, discharge temperature is too low | Battery temperature is too low | Battery temperature is too low, flight prohibited |
| Bit 18 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 17 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 16 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 15 | INC | Inhibit Charge, prohibit charging due to over-temperature (before charging) | \- | \- |
| Bit 14 | CUVC | Cell Undervoltage Compensated, cell undervoltage compensation protection | \- | |
| Bit 13 | OTD2 | Overtemperature During Discharge, discharge temperature is too high | Battery temperature is too high | Battery temperature is too high, stop flying immediately |
| Bit 12 | OTC | Overtemperature During Charge, charging temperature is too high | \- | \- |
| Bit 11 | ASCDL | Short-circuit During Discharge Latch, discharge short circuit protection lock | \- | \- |
| Bit 10 | ASCD | Short-circuit During Discharge, discharge short circuit | \- | \- |
| Bit 09 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 08 | ASCC | Short-circuit During Charge, short circuit during charge | \- | \- |
| Bit 07 | | | | \- |
| Bit 06 | AOLD | Overload During Discharge, discharge overload | \- | \- |
| Bit 05 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 04 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 03 | \- | \- | \- | \- |
| Bit 02 | OCC1 | Overcurrent During Charge 1, overcurrent during charge | \- | \- |
| Bit 01 | COV | Cell Overvoltage, cell voltage is too high | \- | \- |
| Bit 00 | CUV | Cell Undervoltage, cell voltage is too low | \- | \- |
(1) When receiving an SD (output shutdown prompt), it may be necessary to notify the camera to stop working, save files, etc.
var safe_status: Int = 0, //Battery safety status see ROS protocol table 4-6-1-1 and table 4-6-1-2
var maxerror: Int = 0, // Battery error status information
var drone_gear: Int = 0, // aircraft gear
var support_rtk: Boolean = false, // Whether to support RTK
var is_home_invalid: Boolean = false, // Is the home point invalid?
var low_power_warning: Int = 0, // low power warning
var no_fly_status: Int = 0, // No-fly zone warning status
var joyStickBean: DroneKeyInfoJoyStickBean? = null, // Report joystick related information
Type: Listen
Description: Report aircraft operation time statistics. Frequency: 1HZ, corresponding data structure: DroneRuntimeReport
Description: Control LED night navigation lights
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Listen, Action
Description: Aircraft equipment information notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Aircraft event notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class EventInfoBean(
* Component type see VersionMessage.proto->DRONE_COMPONENT_TYPE
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Component ID See CommonHead.proto->DRONE_COMPONENT_ID
var componentId: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* Exception priority, see ABNORMAL_PRIORITY
var priority: EventPriorityEnum = EventPriorityEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Event ID
var eventId: DroneEventEnum = DroneEventEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Cause of the event, see MISSION_STOP_REASON_TYPE for part
var eventsReason: MissionStopReasonType = MissionStopReasonType.UNKNOWN
enum class MissionStopReasonType(val value: Int, val englishName: String, val chineseName: String) {
UNKNOWN(0, "Unkown", "Unknown"),
ERMM_LOW_BATTERY(10001, "Low Battery", "Low Battery"),
ERMM_EMER_BATTERY(10002, "Emergency Battery", "Severely Low Battery"),
ERMM_IN_NOFLYZONE(10003, "Entered No-Fly Zone", "Entered No-Fly Zone"),
ERMM_RC_LOSS(10004, "RC Signal Lost", "rc lost contact"),
ERMM_MISSION_FINISH(10005, "Mission Completed", "Mission Completed"),
ERMM_MAIN_CTRL_CMD(10006, "Main Control Command", "User Input Command"),
ERMM_ALREADY_SAME_MISSION(10007, "Same Mission Already in Progress", "Same mission is in progress"),
ERMM_GEOFENCE_ACTION(10008, "Geofence Triggered", "Trigger geofence"),
ERMM_UAV_ON_GROUND(10009, "UAV on Ground", "Aircraft has not taken off"),
ERMM_PAUSE_BUTTON(10010, "Pause Button Pressed", "Pause Button"),
ERMM_HOME_RETURN_BUTTON(10011, "Home Return Button Pressed", "Return Button"),
ERMM_TIME_NOT_SYNC(10012, "Time Not Synchronized", "Time not synchronized"),
ERMM_INTEL_LOW_BATTERY(10013, "Intel Low Battery", "Intel Low Battery"),
ERMM_FCS_ATTITUDE(10014, "Flight Control System Attitude Mode", "Flight Control Attitude Mode"),
ERMM_PLANNER_OVERTIME(10015, "Planner Overtime", "Planner heartbeat timeout"),
ERMM_MISSION_ERROR(10016, "Mission Error", "Mission error"),
ERMM_NET_LOSS(10017, "Network Loss", "4G Disconnection"),
ERMM_RTK_FLOAT(10018, "RTK Float Solution", "rtk floating point solution"),
ERMM_VISION_POINTCLOUD(10019, "Vision Point Cloud Anomaly", "Vision Point Cloud Anomaly"),
ERMM_AIR_REPLACEMENT_RETURN(10020, "Air Replacement Return", "Air Replacement Mission Return when Replacement Aircraft Approaches"),
ERMM_MISSION_DIS_FAR_AWAY(10021, "Mission Too Far Away", "Mission Too Far Away"),
ERMM_MISSION_PLANNER_STUCK(10022, "Mission Planner Stuck", "Route Stuck"),
ERMM_LAND_FAILED(10023, "Landing Failed", "Descent Failed"),
ERMM_MISSION_MANAGER_CRUSH_RESTART(10024, "Mission Manager Crash Restart", "MM crashed, restarted, returned"),
ERMM_MISSION_ACTION_GIMBAL_ILLEGAL(10025, "Mission Action Gimbal Illegal", "Mission Action Gimbal Illegal"),
ERMM_MISSION_POINTS_IN_NOFLY(10026, "Mission Points in No-Fly Zone", "The entire route passes through a no-fly zone"),
ERMM_MISSION_OUTSIDE_LIMITED(10027, "Mission Outside Limited Range", "Single waypoint is far beyond the take-off point"),
ERMM_EXIT_MISSION_NO_ODOM(10028, "Exiting Mission without Odometry", "No flight control position at startup"),
ERMM_EXIT_MISSION_NO_GPS(10029, "Exiting Mission without GPS", "No GPS at startup, or conversion error"),
ERMM_MISSION_DIS_TOO_LONG(10030, "Mission Too Long", "The total distance of the route is too long"),
ERMM_MISSION_START_FAIL_RTK_FLOAT(10031, "Mission Start Fail RTK Float", "Start is rtk floating point"),
ERMM_MISSION_NO_FILE(10032, "Mission File Not Found", "There is no corresponding route mission file, or an error occurred while reading the file"),
ERMM_MISSION_CMD_NO_ID(10033, "Mission Command No ID", "The start command is illegal and does not have an ID"),
ERMM_FCS_NOT_TAKEOFF(10034, "Flight Control System Not in Takeoff State", "Flight Control System Not in Takeoff State");
Type: Listen
Description: The device can be temporarily connected to report that the aircraft is not connected.
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DeviceTempConnectBean(
* Aircraft SN
var droneSn: String? = null,
* Electromechanical power percentage
var droneBatteryPercentage: Float = 0f,
* Is it a new aircraft that has not been paired? 0: Not paired, 1: Paired
var isMatched: Boolean = false,
* User-defined aircraft name
var droneName: String? = null
Type: Listen
Description: Aircraft GPS UTC time synchronization
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneUTCTimeSyncBean(
* UTC time sent by the time synchronization service
var gpsTime: Long = 0L
Type: Listen
Description: Set the aircraft country code
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Clear no-fly zone files
Input parameters:
enum class CleanNoFlyZoneEnum(var value: Int) {
* Unknown
* Clear all files
* Clear temporary no-fly zone files
* Clear the authorization area files
* Clear geo-fence files
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Aircraft warning notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<WarningAtom>
data class WarningAtom(
* Component Type
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Component ID
var componentId: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* Alarm ID
var warningId: WaringIdEnum = WaringIdEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Real-time aircraft warning notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class WarningAtom(
* Component Type
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Component ID
var componentId: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* Alarm ID
var warningId: WaringIdEnum = WaringIdEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: File processing related message definition file upload
Input parameters:
data class FileUploadBean(
var fileType:Int=0, //File type, the specific value is agreed upon between the two devices
var fileName :String="", //File name, usually with an absolute path, which is agreed upon between the two devices
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: File deletion command Device 1 notifies Device 2 to delete a certain file/type of files, for example: APP notifies the aircraft to delete the temporary no-fly zone file
Input parameters:
data class FileMsgDataBean(
val fileType: Int,
val fileName: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get file information message Device 1 requests file information from device 2, for example: APP requests temporary no-fly zone information from an aircraft
Input parameters:
data class FileMsgDataBean(
val fileType: Int,
val fileName: String
Output parameter:
data class FileInfoListDataBean(
val fileInfoList: List<FileInfoDataBean>
Type: Action
Description: Universal light language control
Input parameters:
data class LampLanguageCommandBean(
val type: LampLanguageTypeEnum,
val cmd: LampCommand //Use the enumeration values in LampDirectCtrlEnum LampLogCommandEnum LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum according to type
//For example
LampLanguageCommandBean(LampLanguageTypeEnum.DIRECT_CTRL, LampDirectCtrlEnum.FRONT_OFF_BACK_ON)
LampLanguageTypeEnum.DIRECT_CTRL -> mapOf(
0 to LampDirectCtrlEnum.ALL_OFF,
1 to LampDirectCtrlEnum.FRONT_OFF_BACK_ON,
2 to LampDirectCtrlEnum.FRONT_ON_BACK_OFF,
3 to LampDirectCtrlEnum.ALL_ON
LampLanguageTypeEnum.GET_LOG -> mapOf(
0 to LampLogCommandEnum.STOP,
1 to LampLogCommandEnum.START
LampLanguageTypeEnum.UPGRADE_SERVICE -> mapOf(
0 to LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum.CLOSE,
1 to LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum.START,
2 to LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum.SUCCESS,
3 to LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum.FAILED
//enumeration definition
enum class LampLanguageTypeEnum(val value: Int) {
UNKNOWN(0), // unknown
GET_LOG(1), // Get log
UPGRADE_SERVICE(2), // Upgrade service
enum class LampDirectCtrlEnum(override val value: Int) : LampCommand {
ALL_OFF(0), // Turn off both front and rear arm lights
FRONT_OFF_BACK_ON(1), // Forearm light off, back arm light on
FRONT_ON_BACK_OFF(2), // Front arm light on, back arm light off
ALL_ON(3); // Both front and rear arm lights are on
enum class LampLogCommandEnum(override val value: Int) : LampCommand {
STOP(0), //Get log stop
START(1); // Start getting logs
enum class LampUpgradeServiceCmdEnum(override val value: Int) : LampCommand {
CLOSE(0), // Close the light
START(1), // Upgrade starts
SUCCESS(2), // Upgrade successful
FAILED(3); // Upgrade failed
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the aircraft operating environment Product Type: productType AUTEL(0), // 0: Autel NEUTRAL(1), // 1: Neutral SAFETY(2) // 2: Safety Area Code: areaCode
Input parameters:
data class DroneRunEnvInfoBean(
val productType: ProductTypeEnum,
val areaCode: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: The APP reports the remote controller's location data to the aircraft. The aircraft's RemoteID, follow-the-remote controller and other functions will use the remote controller's location information.
Input parameters:
data class RCPositionInfoBean(
val timestamp: Long,
val latitude: Double,
val longitude: Double,
val altitude: Float,
val posType: Int,
val altType: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: App notifies the aircraft to turn on the downward fill light. The unit is 10ms. 100 means 1S. Please pay attention to the unit here! !
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the flyable area code
Input parameters:
data class DroneSetFlyZoneCommandBean(
val flyZoneList: List<FlyZoneBean>
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the flight area and nearby country and region codes
Input parameters:
data class DroneSetFlyRegionCommandBean(
val regionCode: String,
val nearRegionCodeList: List<String>
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
7. FlightControlKey
Description: Compass calibration
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Take off
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: false: cancel automatic landing, true: automatic landing
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start and stop motor
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: action: Int = 0, //Execute action 0: cancel automatic return, 1: automatic return type: Int = 0 //Return type 0: Return to home point 1: Return to alternate landing point
Input parameters:
data class DroneAutoBackBean(
var action: Boolean = true, //Execute action false: cancel automatic return, true: automatic return
var type: AutoBackEnum = AutoBackEnum.HOMEPOINT //Return type 0: Return to home point 1: Return to alternate landing point
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Home return point setting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Customize the return point setting
Input parameters:
data class HomeLocation(
* latitude of home location
var latitude: Long = 0,
* length of home location
var longitude: Long = 0,
* height of home location
var height: Long = 0,
* location enum type
var type: LocationTypeEnum=LocationTypeEnum.UNKNOWN
enum class LocationTypeEnum(val value: Int) {
* Unknown
* Aircraft take-off position
* Remote control and machine nest location
* Aircraft current location
* Alternate landing point
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Customize the return point setting (double type)
Input parameters:
data class HomeLocationDouble(
* latitude of home location
var latitude : Double = 0.0,
* length of home location
var longitude: Double = 0.0,
* height of home location
var height: Double = 0.0,
* location enum type
var type: LocationTypeEnum=LocationTypeEnum.UNKNOWN
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Check whether it is necessary to upload the no-fly zone file
Input parameters:
data class NoFlyQzoneBean(
* Country Code
var countryCode :String? = null,
* No-fly zone file md5
var fileMd5 : String? = null
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Action
Description: No-fly zone enable
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Attitude mode allows takeoff
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: IMU calibration
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get the current task GUID
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: String
Type: Action
Description: Cancel low battery return
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the magnetometer to allow takeoff if it is abnormal
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the 4th axis gimbal to portrait mode
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get the flight control parameter set
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneCommonParamSetBean(
* Whether RTK is supported
var supportRTK: Boolean = false,
* Whether it is novice mode
var beginMode: Boolean = false,
* Whether it is novice mode
var gearLevel: GearLevelEnum = GearLevelEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Lost connection action
var lostAction: DroneLostActionEnum = DroneLostActionEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Maximum height
var maxHeight: Float = 0f,
* Maximum distance
var maxRange: Float = 0f,
* Return altitude
var backHeight: Float = 0f,
* Low battery warning value
var batLowWarningValue: Int = 0,
* Severe low battery warning value
var batSeriousWarningValue: Int = 0,
* Whether atti is running takeoff (user setting)
var attiAllowFly: Boolean = false,
* Whether to operate takeoff when magnetometer is abnormal (user setting)
var magErrorAllowFly: Boolean = false
Type: Action
Description: Propeller retraction control
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestWaitTimeBean(
*Waiting time
var waitTime: Int = 0,
Type: Action
Description: Precise calibration of longitude and latitude settings
Input parameters:
data class DronePositionCorrectionBean(
* Longitude
var lon : Float = 0.0f,
* Latitude
var lat : Float = 0.0f,
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Enter command flight mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit command flight mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Remote control aircraft: After entering the command flight mode, the APP controls the aircraft's flight direction and speed through the command. The transmission frequency needs to be kept within 5-10hz so that the device can control the speed change and direction more accurately.
Input parameters:
data class DroneRemoteControlBean(
* Increasing sequence number to ensure the order of instruction execution. If the x, y, h, w parameters change, seq needs to start from 0.
private var seq: Int = 0,
* {"max":17,"min":-17,"unit":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum speed in forward and reverse directions, negative values indicate backward movement
private var x: Double = 0.0,
* {"max":17,"min":-17,"unit":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum speed in left and right directions, negative values indicate leftward movement
private var y : Double = 0.0,
* {"max":5,"min":-4,"unit":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum speed in the up and down directions, negative values indicate downward movement
private var h: Double = 0.0,
* {"max":90,"min":-90,"unit":"radians per second/rad/s"} | Maximum angular velocity in clockwise and counterclockwise directions, negative values indicate counterclockwise rotation
private var w: Double = 0.0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: App notifies the aircraft to make an emergency stop, and the aircraft will hover in place after the emergency stop
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: App notifies the aircraft to make an emergency stop, and the aircraft will hover in place after the emergency stop
Input parameters:
data class DroneRemoteControlHeartBeatBean(
* Increasing serial number to ensure the order of execution of instructions
private var seq: Int = 0,
* Heartbeat timestamp
private var timestamp: Double = 0.0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
8. FlightMissionKey
Description: Enter waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start a waypoint mission
Input parameters:
data class MissionWaypointGUIDBean(
* guid data for mission way points
var guid: Int = 0
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Pause waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Restore waypoint mission
Input parameters:
data class MissionWaypointGUIDBean(
* guid data for mission way points
var guid: Int = 0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Stop waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Query waypoint mission breakpoint information
Input parameters:
data class MissionWaypointGUIDBean(
* guid data for mission way points
var guid: Int = 0
Output parameter:
data class MissionWaypointBreakRspBean(
* Task id
var missionId: Int = 0,
* Execution index
var executeIndex: Int = 0,
* Task Type
var missionType: Int = 0,
* Latitude (precision: 10e-7)
var lat : Double = 0.0,
* Longitude (accuracy: 10e-7)
var lon : Double = 0.0,
* Altitude (accuracy: 10e-3)
var alt: Double = 0.0,
* Query historical task information
var status: MissionQueryStatusEnum = MissionQueryStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Current mission status, see MISSION_CURRENT_STATUS
var executeStatus: MissionCurrentStateEnum = MissionCurrentStateEnum.UNKNOWN
enum class MissionQueryStatusEnum(var value: Int) {
* Task does not exist
* The task has no breakpoint information
* The task has breakpoint information
enum class MissionCurrentStateEnum(val value: Int) {
* Task Pause
* Task in progress
* Task execution completed
* Task stopped abnormally
* Mission Completed
Type: Action
Description: Waypoint status information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MissionWaypointStatusReportNtfyBean(
* System timestamp; uint: ms
var timestamp: Long = 0L,
* Task ID
var missionId: Int = 0,
* Waypoint number
var wpSeq: Int = 0,
* Remaining distance
var remainDistance: Int = 0,
var missionType: MissionTypeEnum = MissionTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Current number of photos taken
var photoNum: Int = 0,
* Remaining time; uint:s
var remainTime: Int = 0,
* Current mission status, see MISSION_CURRENT_STATUS
var status: MissionCurrentStateEnum = MissionCurrentStateEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Task guid
var guid: Int = 0,
* Current action number
var actionSeq: Int = 0,
* Waypoint arrival status; 0 - arrived; 1 - Not arrived
var arrived: Int = 0,
* Task setting speed; Uint: 10E-3 m/s
* Note: This field is not used, it is used to distinguish between kml tasks and bin tasks
var speedSet: Int = 0,
* Task progress percentage
var percent: Int = 0,
* For route type, see MISSION_LINE_TYPE
var missionLineType: MissionLineType = MissionLineType.MISSION_LINE_TYPE_BIN,
* See MISSION_STOP_REASON_TYPE for the reason of stop
var stopReason: MissionStopReasonType = MissionStopReasonType.UNKNOWN,
enum class MissionLineType(val value: Int) {
MISSION_LINE_TYPE_BIN(0), // Original .bin route mission type
MISSION_LINE_TYPE_KML(1); // kml route
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start a waypoint mission
Input parameters:
data class MissionKmlGUIDBean(
var kmlMissionId: Int = 0,
var startTime: Int = 0, //Default is 0
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Pause waypoint mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Restore waypoint mission
Input parameters:
data class MissionKmlGUIDBean(
var kmlMissionId: Int = 0,
var startTime: Int = 0, //Default is 0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enter the point of interest flight mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit point of interest flight mission
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start a point of interest flight mission
Input parameters:
data class MissionInterestPointStartMsgBean(
* Target latitude (accuracy: 10e-7) or NED coordinate x
var latitude: Int = 0,
* Target longitude (accuracy: 10e-7) or NED coordinate y
var longitude: Int = 0,
* Target relative height (mm) or NED coordinate z
var altitude: Int = 0,
* Point of interest type, see MISSION_INTEREST_POINT_TYPE
var missionType: MissionInterestPointEnum = MissionInterestPointEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Flight speed (mm/s)
var speed: Int = 0,
* Circling radius (mm)
var radius: Int = 0,
* Request id, the caller needs to ensure that it is unique, generally using the point of interest id
var reqId: Int = 0 //Request ID, the caller needs to ensure that it is unique, usually using the point of interest ID
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Stop the flight mission at the point of interest
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Report flight status information of points of interest
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MissionInterestPointStatusReportNtfyBean(
* System timestamp; uint: ms
var timestamp: Long = 0,
* Task ID
var missionId: Int = 0,
* Remaining distance
var remainDistance: Int = 0,
var missionType: MissionInterestPointEnum = MissionInterestPointEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Task progress percentage
var percent: Int = 0,
* Current mission status, see MISSION_CURRENT_STATUS
var status: MissionCurrentStateEnum = MissionCurrentStateEnum.UNKNOWN
Type: Listen
Description: User image transmission result notification message
Description: Point of interest image transmission and marking
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class MissionInterestPointCreatePointMsgBean(
* Starting point x coordinate
var startX: Float = 0F,
* Starting point y coordinate
var startY: Float = 0F,
* Width
var width: Float = 0F,
* high
var height: Float = 0F
Type: Listen, Action
Description: One-key emergency stop
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Notify the aircraft to enter automatic rotation state
Input parameters:
data class MissionAutoRotateBean(
var angle: Int = 0, //Rotation angle unit: degree
var time: Int = 0 //Rotation period unit: s
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Notify the aircraft to enter the mid-air changeover Use one aircraft to take over the hovering task from another aircraft
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
9. FlightPropertyKey
Description: Novice mode
Input parameters:
enum class OperatorModeEnum(var value: Int = 0) {
* Professional Mode
* Novice Mode
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum flight altitude setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum flight radius setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum horizontal flight speed
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum ascent speed
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Maximum descent flight speed
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Set/get the return altitude
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Buzzer status (find aircraft)
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: ATTI mode
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: EXP left turn right turn setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: EXP forward and backward setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: EXP left and right settings to obtain
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: EXP increase and decrease setting/acquisition
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Sensitivity attitude setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Brake sensitivity setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Sensitivity yaw stroke setting/getting
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Low battery warning
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: 7.18 Battery critical low power warning
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Low battery return
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Low battery return Remarks:
means no action.1
means return home.2
means landing in place.3
means continue the task.- It is recommended to keep the default value or set it to the value corresponding to "Battery Low Power Setting".
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Aircraft lost contact behavior
Input parameters:
enum class DroneLostActionEnum(val value: Int) {
* Unknown
* Lost contact and returned
* Lost contact and hovering
* Lost contact landing
* New: Climb 1200 meters
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Aircraft gear setting/getting
Input parameters:
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Coordinated turning
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Fusion vision positioning switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Obstacle bypass function switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Silent mode status switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Supercapacitor switch status
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: GPS flight switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: GPS working mode
Input parameters:
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer Y-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer X-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer Y-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main magnetometer Z-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Magnetometer X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Y-axis scale factor of magnetometer
Description: Y-axis scale factor of magnetometer
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Magnetometer Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Prepare magnetometer X-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Y-axis zero bias of magnetometer
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Z-axis zero bias of magnetometer
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer X-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer Y-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer Z-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer Y-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main accelerometer Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope X-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope Y-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope Z-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope Y-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Main gyroscope Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Prepare accelerometer X-axis zero
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Prepare accelerometer Y axis zero
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Accelerometer Z axis zero
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Prepare the accelerometer X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Prepare the accelerometer Y-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Accelerometer Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope X-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope Y-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope Z-axis zero bias
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope X-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope Y-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gyroscope Z-axis scale factor
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: None
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
10. GimbalKey
Description: PTZ reporting parameters
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class DroneGimbalStateBean(
* Whether the gimbal attitude has been initialized
var isAttitudeValid: Boolean = false,
* Return to PTZ working mode
var workMode: GimbalWorkModeEnum = GimbalWorkModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Returns whether the gimbal is currently being calibrated
var isCalibrating: Boolean = false,
* Motor status
var motorStatus: GimbalMotorStatus = GimbalMotorStatus.NONE,
* Indicates whether the gimbal roll axis hits the limit
var isRollReachMax: Boolean = false,
* Is the gimbal overheated?
var isOverheat: Boolean = false,
* Does the gimbal need IMU calibration?
var isIMUNeedCalibrate: Boolean = false,
* Four-axis gimbal rotate axis angle value
var rotateAngle: Float = 0f,
* Angular velocity value of the four-axis gimbal rotate axis
var rotateAngleRange: Float = 0f,
* The gimbal has a hardware failure
var isHardwareFail: Boolean = false,
* Is the gimbal in sleep mode due to not receiving flight control attitude data?
var isSleepForNoAttitude: Boolean = false,
* Whether the gimbal enters sleep mode due to reaching the Roll axis limit
var isSleepForRollReachMax: Boolean = false,
* Indicates the current angle calibration status of the gimbal
var gimbalCalibrateStatus: Int = 0,
* Indicates the current angle calibration percentage of the gimbal (0-100)
var gimbalCalibratePercent: Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Gimbal ROLL axis fine-tuning angle
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gimbal PITCH axis fine-tuning angle
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Gimbal YAW axis fine-tuning angle
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Enable gimbal IMU calibration
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enable gimbal calibration
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Rotating four-axis gimbal
Input parameters:
data class RotateFourAxisParamsBean(
* Rotation speed
var rotateSpeed: Int = 0,
* Rotation direction, +: clockwise; -: anti-clockwise
var rotateDirection: Int = 0,
* Rotation, Each time set to 1; will be set to 0 after 0.05s
var rotate: Int = 0
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: PTZ working mode
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: PTZ pitch limit switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: PTZ pitch speed
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: PTZ angle control (radian)
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: PTZ angle control (degrees)
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: PTZ direction control (downward control, PTZ return to center)
Input parameters:
enum class GimbalOrientationEnum(var value: Float) {
* Downward control
DOWN(-(Math.PI / 2).toFloat()),
* 45 degrees downward
DOWN_45(-(Math.PI / 4).toFloat()),
* Yuntai returns to the center
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: PTZ laser ranging switch true on false off
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
11. HardwareDataSecurityKey
Description: Limit the generation of business data on the aircraft side
Input parameters:
data class UavDataGenerationLimitBean(
val enable: Int, // Do not save task data switch, closed by default
val limitList: List<Int> // limitList[0] indicates that flight logs are not limited, limitList[1] indicates that media files are not limited,
// limitList[2] indicates the limit of media file generation. Media files contain unnecessary information (such as GPRS). 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled. When disabled, this data does not need to be filled in.
Output parameter:
data class UavDataGenerationLimitBean(
val enable: Int, // Do not save task data switch, closed by default
val limitList: List<Int> // limitList[0] indicates that flight logs are not limited, limitList[1] indicates that media files are not limited,
// limitList[2] indicates the limit of media file generation. Media files contain unnecessary information (such as GPRS). 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled. When disabled, this data does not need to be filled in.
Type: Action
Description: Data destruction settings
Input parameters:
data class UavDataDestroyListBean(
val enable: Int, //Data destruction setting switch, closed by default
val disConnectDestroyMode: Int, // Enable is 1 to take effect, 0 to disable, 1 to enable the disconnection destruction mode
val missionNoReturnDestroyMode: Int, // Enable is 1, it takes effect, 0 is off, 1 is on mission no return mode
val manualDestroyMode: Int, // Enable takes effect only when it is 1, 0 turns it off, 1 turns on manual destruction mode and destroys all data (trigger by pressing C1+C2 for 3 seconds)
val destroyList: List<Int> // Enable is 1 to take effect, custom destruction data,
// destroyList [0] indicates the destruction of media resources.
// destroyList [1] indicates route file destruction,
// destroyList [2] indicates that the upgrade file is destroyed.
// destroyList [3] indicates log file destruction.
// 0 is off, 1 is on. When off, this data does not need to be filled in
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Data encryption operation pin code setting
Input parameters:
data class UavDataEncryptionSetPinBean(
val oldPin: String,
val newPin: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Data encryption license initialization
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Report data destruction results
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class UavDataDestroyListNtfyBean(
val enable: Int, //Data destruction setting switch, closed by default
val disConnectDestroyFin: Int, // 1 means data is deleted in this mode
val missionNoReturnDestroyFin: Int, // 1 means data deletion is complete in this mode
val manualDestroyFin: Int, // 1 means data deletion is complete in this mode
val destroyListFin: List<Int> // Enable is 1 to take effect, custom destruction data,
// destroyList [0] indicates the destruction of media resources.
// destroyList [1] indicates route file destruction,
// destroyList [2] indicates that the upgrade file is destroyed.
// destroyList [3] indicates log file destruction.
// 1 means deletion is completed. When closed, this data does not need to be filled in
Type: Listen
12. MissionManagerKey
Description: Radar data fusion switch false-turn off radar data fusion true-turn on radar data fusion
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Precision landing switch false-turn off QR code precision landing true-turn on QR code precision landing
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Enable return obstacle avoidance false-disable return obstacle avoidance true-enable return obstacle avoidance
Description: Aircraft operation mode, 1 means Nanfang Aircraft Nest, 2 means U Aircraft Nest 0: Remote controller manual flight mode 3 Mobile hangar simple hangar
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Aircraft take-off altitude, unit: meter
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Exit precision reduction
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Whether to enable landing protection
Description: 0: Cancel the current landing. The user can manually control the aircraft to move to a safe position and then land. 2: Ignore the risk and force a landing
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Power grid automatic mission take-off height
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Return horizontal speed
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Return vertical speed
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Intelligent low-battery return, enable switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Return to the original route
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Enter modeling surround mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Start modeling surround mode
Input parameters:
data class MissionOrbitModelingSettingMsgBean(
val radius:Int,
val height:Int,
val speed:Int,
val dir:Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Pause modeling surround mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit modeling surround mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Continue to model surround mode parameters
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Emergency propeller stop
Description: ss scene customization mode
Input parameters:
enum class FcsCustomModeEnum(val value: Int) {
//Normal mode
//Customized mode, low battery will not return, lost contact, the plane will rise to 1200 meters and automatically fall after the battery is exhausted
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Power grid route flight mode setting (waypoint process) During the waypoint process, whether to fly obliquely 0 invalid 1 effective
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Grid route flight mode setting (whether to fly obliquely from the take-off point to the first waypoint) 0 Invalid 1 Valid
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: The scene mode of the drone operation. The scene mode of the drone operation, NORMAL (0) normal mode, SUBSTATION (1) substation mode, the default is NORMAL (0) normal mode
Input parameters:
enum class DroneWorkSceneModeEnum(val value: Int) {
NORMAL(0), // Normal mode
SUBSTATION(1) // Substation mode
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Speed to the first waypoint, unit: m/s, default: 10m/s
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Hotspot area function switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
13. NestKey
Description: Door control
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: X-bar control
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Y-rod control
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Z rod control
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Drone charging
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Machine nest backup battery switch
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Machine nest reset
Input parameters:
data class NestResetBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Calibration operation instructions
Input parameters:
data class NestCalibrationOperateBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Calibration started 2-Calibration completed
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Single-step calibration operation
Input parameters:
data class NestSignalCalibrateBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*Machine nest parts 1-x rod, 2-y rod, 3-door, 4-right rear servo, 5-right front servo, 6-left rear servo, 7-left front servo
var nestComponents: Int = 0,
*Calibration direction 1- Forward calibration 2- Reverse calibration
var direction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Machine nest system configuration
Input parameters:
data class NestSystemConfigBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*Air conditioning automatic start threshold, unit: ℃
var airOpenLimit: Int = 0,
*Unix time, little endian format
var unixTime: Int = 0,
*Self-discharge time threshold (1~5 hours)
var autoDischarge: Int = 0,
*Automatic power replenishment threshold (50%~70%)
var autoCharge: Int = 0,
*Air conditioning automatic shutdown threshold, unit: ℃
var airCloseLimit: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Drone power on and off
Input parameters:
data class NestTurnOnoffBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1- Power on 2- Power off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Air conditioning switch control
Input parameters:
data class NestControlBean(
*1-Automatic 2-Jog 3-Stop 21930-General Instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1-Open door 2-Close door 1-Charge on 2-Charge off
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Emergency stop control
Input parameters:
data class NestScramControlBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1- Emergency stop 2- Emergency stop release
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Automatic command
Input parameters:
data class NestAutoCommandBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*1- One-key standby flight 2- One-key standby landing 3- Terminate the current automatic command and exit the automatic mode 4- Self-test
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Motor returns to zero position
Input parameters:
data class NestMotorZeroBean(
* General instructions
var nestType: Int = 0,
*0: Door zero 1: Position zero 2: Charging zero
var nestAction: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: App returns waiting time
Input parameters:
data class NestWaitTimeBean(
*Waiting time
var waitTime: Int = 0,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Report virtual joystick status
Input parameters:
data class NestVirtualPoleStatusBean(
* Left joystick horizontal direction value
var leftHorizontalValue: Int = 1024,
*Left joystick vertical direction value
var leftVerticalValue: Int = 1024,
* The horizontal direction value of the right joystick
var rightHorizontalValue: Int = 1024,
*Right joystick vertical direction value
var rightVerticalValue: Int = 1024,
* PTZ pitch
var gimbalPitch: Int = 1024,
*Key 359: invalid, 625: stop mission, 891: one-key takeoff and landing, 1157: return, 1423: hover, 1689: custom
var generalKey: Int = 359,
*Combination key 329: invalid, 625: compass calibration
var combinedKey: Int = 329,
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: Remote control mode switching
Input parameters:
data class RcModeSwitchBean(
* Device access default -1
var messageType: Int = 1,
* The default parameter length is -1
var paramsLength: Int = 1,
* action type for remote controller mode
var actionType: Int = 1
Output parameter:
data class RcModeSwitchBean(
* Device access default -1
var messageType: Int = 1,
* The default parameter length is -1
var paramsLength: Int = 1,
* action type for remote controller mode
var actionType: Int = 1
Type: Action
Description: Heartbeat report on the machine nest control page
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: Machine nest status information notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestStatusInfoBean(
*Power module status
var power: PowerStatus? = null,
* Drone status
var uav: BatteryStatus? = null,
*Charging module status
var chg0: ChargeStatus? = null,
*Charging module status
var chg1: ChargeStatus? = null,
* Backup battery status
var bat_stby: BatteryStandbyStatus? = null,
* Motor board status
var motor: MotorStatus? = null,
* Temperature and humidity conditions
var temp0: TemperatureStatus? = null,
* Temperature and humidity conditions
var temp1: TemperatureStatus? = null,
* Weather station status
var atmos: AtmosStatus? = null,
* Vibrator status
var mpu: MpuStatus? = null,
*Water sensor status
var water: WaterStatus? = null,
*Semiconductor air conditioning status
var tec: TecStatus? = null,
*Indicator status
var led: LedStatus? = null,
*System mode information
var sys_mode: SystemMode? = null,
*Fan status
var fan_status: FanStatus? = null,
Type: Listen
Description: Battery dynamic information notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestBatteryDynamicStatusBean(
*Communication status
var status: Int = 0,
* Security status information
var safe_status: Int = 0,
*Current total voltage, in mV
var voltage: Int = 0,
*Current total current, unit: mA
var current: Int = 0,
*Battery remaining capacity, unit: mAh
var remain_cap: Int = 0,
*Battery full charge capacity, unit: mAh
var full_cap : Int = 0,
*Battery temperature, unit 0.1 degrees Celsius
var temperature: Int = 0,
*Battery Cell
var cell_vol: List<Int>? = null,
*Remaining battery percentage, range 0-100
var rsoc : Int = 0,
*Number of cells
var cell_num: Int = 0,
* Remaining charging time
var remain_time: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Machine Nest backup battery information notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestBackupBatteryStatusBean(
*Current total voltage, in mV
var voltage: Int = 0,
*Current total current, unit: mA
var current: Int = 0,
*Battery remaining capacity, unit: mAh
var remain_cap: Int = 0,
*Number of cells
var rsoc : Int = 0,
*Battery design capacity
var cell_num: Int = 0,
* design cap
var design_cap: Int = 0,
* Cycle count
var cycle_cnt: Int = 0,
* date about manus
var manus_date: Int = 0,
* balance status length
var balance_sta_l: Int = 0,
* balance status height
var balance_sta_h: Int = 0,
* protect status
var protect_stat: Int = 0,
* software version
var soft_ver: Int = 0,
* fet status
var fet_sta: Int = 0,
* ntc status of bit value
var ntc_num: Int = 0,
var temperature: List<Int>? = null,
* bat cell voltage
var bat_cell_voltage: List<Int>? = null,
* Backup battery charge status
var fetStaCharge:Int?=0,
* Backup battery discharge status
var fetStaDisCharge:Int?=0
Type: Listen
Description: Machine nest system self-check message notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestSystemSelfCheckBean(
*Self-test results of machine nest components
var nest_result: Int = 0,
*Fan self-test results
var fan_result: Int = 0,
*Self-test flag 0-Not started 1-Self-test in progress Self-test completed
var self_check: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Automatic command completion notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestAutoCommandFinishBean(
*Automatic command type 0x3001: One-key standby command 0x3002: One-key standby command
var autoCommandType: Int = 0,
*0 success 1 failure
var errorCode: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Image transmission heartbeat notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestTransmitBeatBean(
*Image transmission temperature, ℃
var temprature: Int = 0,
* Flight mode, 0xFFFF means no aircraft
var flightmode: Int = 0,
*UNIX time, little endian format
var timestamp: Int = 0,
* Command center connection status, 1-online, 0-offline
var nettyConnectStatus: Int = 0,
*Internal APP connection status, 1-online, 0-offline
var appConnectStatus: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Z-bar ready status notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Listen
Description: Battery static information notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestBatteryStaticStatusBean(
* app version code
var app_ver: Int = 0,
* boot version code
var boot_ver: Int = 0,
* Hardware version code
var hw_ver: Int = 0,
* design cap code
var design_cap: Int = 0,
* Cycle count
var cyc_cnt: Int = 0,
* soh
var soh: Int = 0,
* sn list of integers
var sn: List<Int>? = null,
Type: Listen
Description: Motor driver board status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestMotorDriverStatusBean(
* door status of nest
var door_status: Int = 0,
var door_angle: Int = 0,
* Door limit software status
var door_limit_sw_status: Int = 0,
* x bar status
var xbar_status: Int = 0,
* x bar angle value
var xbar_angle: Int = 0,
* x bar limit software status
var xbar_limit_sw_status: Int = 0,
* y bar status
var ybar_status: Int = 0,
* y bar angle
var ybar_angle: Int = 0,
* y bar limit software status
var ybar_limit_sw_status: Int = 0,
* z bar status
var zbar_status: Int = 0,
* z bar angle
var zbar_angle: Int = 0,
* z bar limit software status
var zbar_limit_sw_status: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Reporting of machine nest system information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestSystemInfoBean(
* working status 1
var work_status1: Int = 0,
* working status 2
var work_status2: Int = 0,
* device type
var device_type: Int = 0,
* work mode defines
var work_mode: Int = 0,
* CPU usage value
var cpu_usage: Int = 0,
* memory usage value
var mem_usage: Int = 0,
* CPU temperature value
var cpu_temp : Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Report local RTK information on the machine nest
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
class NestRtkStatusNotifyBean {
* uint32_t fix_status; //Single point positioning result
0 -- SOL_COMPUTED, solved
1 -- INSUFFICIENT_OBS, insufficient observation data
2 -- NO_CONVERGENCE, no convergence
4 -- COV_TRACE, the trace of the covariance matrix exceeds the maximum value
var fixStatus: Int = 3 //fix status
var latitude: Double = 0.0 // longitude
var longitude: Double = 0.0 // latitude
var altitude: Double = 0.0 // altitude
var setLatitude: Double = 0.0 //Set longitude
var setLongitude: Double = 0.0 //Set latitude
var setAltitude: Double = 0.0 //Set the height
var workMode = 0 //Working mode 0. Self-positioning mode, 1. Setting coordinate mode (parameters longitude, latitude, altitude), 2. Mobile mode, 3. Mobile station mode
var rtcmIsValid = false //RTCM parsing status - is the data valid?
var rtcmSwitch = false //RTCM switch
var rtkDebug = false//Whether to enable debugging\
Type: Listen
Description: Alarm notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<WarningAtom>
data class WarningAtom(
* Component Type
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Component ID
var componentId: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* Alarm ID
var warningId: WaringIdEnum = WaringIdEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: RTK RTCM switch
Input parameters:
class NestRtkSwitch {
var rtkSwitch = false
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Machine Nest RTK Set RTK mode
Input parameters:
class NestRtkModeCommand {
var workMode = 0 //Working mode 0. Self-positioning mode, 1. Setting coordinate mode (parameters longitude, latitude, altitude), 2. Mobile mode, 3. Mobile station mode
var latitude = 0.0 // longitude
var longitude = 0.0 // latitude
var altitude = 0.0 //Altitude
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Notification of machine nest precision landing readiness
Input parameters:
class FineDropReadyBean {
var fineDropReady = false
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Machine nest watchdog control command
Input parameters:
data class WatchDogBean(
var command: Int = 1,
var overtime: Int = 15,
var mode: Int = 1
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Direct power supply from the machine nest
Input parameters:
data class WatchDogBean(
var command: Int = 1,
var overtime: Int = 15,
var mode: Int = 1
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Set the antenna mode of the machine nest
Input parameters:
data class NestAntennaeModeSwitchMsgBean(
val mode: AntennaeIOMode
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Get the current antenna mode of the machine nest
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestAntennaeModeSwitchMsgBean(
val mode: AntennaeIOMode
Type: Action
Description: Fill light switch control message
Input parameters:
data class NestCommonSwitchMsgBean(
val command: Int // 1: open, 2: close
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
14. PayloadKey
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class PayloadListBean(
val payloadList: List<PayloadInfoBean>
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TracerMeasureInfoMessageBean(
val frameNum: Int, // frame number
val workStatus: Int, // System working status
val tarNum: Int, // Valid number of targets
val tarInfo: List<SingleTargetInfoBean> // Target information list
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TracerWorkModeControlRspMessageBean(
val seq: Int, // sequence number, corresponding to the request message
val rlt: Int // Response result 0: Success 1: Failure
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class TracerWorkModeControlMessageBean(
val seq: Int, // sequence number
val workMode: Int, // working status control
val dxNum: Int, // directional target number
val dxFreq: Int, // Directional frequency
val airType: Int // Aircraft type
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class TracerSystemInfoMessageBean(
val sn: String, // serial number
val version: String, // version number
val ssid: String, // wifi name
val ipAddress: String, // IP address
val workStatus: Int, // working status
val faultStatus: Int, // fault status
val netStatus: Int, // Network status
val upTime: Int, // boot time
val cpu: Int, // cpu occupancy
val memory: Int, // memory usage
val disk: List<Int>, // disk usage list
val temperature: Int // Chip temperature
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class ThrowerMessageBean(
val type: String, //thrower model
val multiChannelNum: Int, //Supports several channels, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.....
val channelValidState: List<Boolean>, //channel 1, bit0~bit31, bit0 indicates the 1st channel, bit1 indicates the 2nd channel, and so on, the corresponding bit is 1 for valid, 0 for unvalid
val currentChannelState: List<Boolean>, //Channel 1, bit0~bit31, bit0 indicates channel 1, bit1 indicates channel 2, and so on. The corresponding bit is 1 for thrown, 0 for unthrowed
var timestamp: Long = 0L
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class ThrowActionMessageBean(
val channelIndexActive: List<Boolean>
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class LightSpeakerRspMessageBean(
val seq: Int,
val rlt: Int
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerLightingControlBean(
val seq: Int,
val moduleID: ModuleIDEnum,
val action: Any,
val value: Int,
val strValue: String = ""
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerRealTimeMsgBean(
val seq: Int,
val value: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class LightSpeakerRspMessageBean(
val seq: Int,
val rlt: Int
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class LightSpeakerQueryRspMessageBean(
val seq: Int,
val value: Int,
val strValue: String,
val pageContent: List<LightSpeakerPageContentBean>,
val pageIndex: Int
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerQueryBean(
val seq: Int,
val moduleID: ModuleIDEnum,
val query: Any,
val pageIndex: Int = 0// ??????,??0,?1??,????5?
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters:
data class LoudspeakerRealTimeMsgBean(
val seq: Int,
val value: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class LightSpeakerRspMessageBean(
val seq: Int,
val rlt: Int
Type: Listen
15. RemoteControllerKey
Description: Query remote control device information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Action
Description: Set the remote control system time
Input parameters:
data class SystemTimeInfoBean(
* UTC timestamp
var utcTimeInterval: Long = 0,
* The offset in hours relative to the zero time zone, for example, Beijing: UTC+8, timeZone is 8
var timeZone: Float = 0f,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Joystick control mode
Input parameters:
enum class RcOperateModeEnum(val value: Int) {
* American Hand
* Chinese Hand
* Beautiful Japanese hands
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Enter remote control calibration mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Exit remote control calibration mode
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enable remote control fixed frequency reporting
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Quick pairing confirmation
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Quick pairing and clearing blacklist
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Switch the real-time video stream of the aircraft
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: RCType type notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCBandInfoTypeBean(
* Maximum string length is 63 characters
var bandMode: String? = null,
* Maximum string length is 63 characters
var bandWidth: String? = null,
* district value
var district: Int = 0,
* disable set band mode value
var disableSetBandMode: Int = 0,
* RC Type integer setting
var RCType: Int = 0,
* modem mode value
var modemMode: Int = 0,
* fcm value
var fccMode: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Remote controller fixed frequency reporting (remote controller fixed frequency reporting needs to be enabled first)
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCHardwareStateNtfyBean(
* Left joystick horizontal direction value
var leftHorizontalValue: Int = 0,
* Left joystick vertical direction value
var leftVerticalValue: Int = 0,
* The horizontal direction value of the right joystick
var rightHorizontalValue: Int = 0,
* The vertical direction value of the right joystick
var rightVerticalValue: Int = 0,
* Roller value (PTZ pitch)
var wheelValue1: Int = 0,
* Roller value (PTZ pitch)
var wheelValue2: Int = 0,
* Flight mode, see RemoteControlDefine->RC_FLIGHT_MODE (GPS mode, ATTI mode, IOC mode)
var flightMode: RcFlightModeEnum = RcFlightModeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Remote controller define -> RC_BUTTON_TYPE
var buttonType: RCButtonTypeEnum = RCButtonTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Key combination
var combinedButtonType: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Remote control button triggers reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class HardwareButtonInfoBean(
* RC pad button type state
var buttonType: RCButtonTypeEnum = RCButtonTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
* RC pad button clicked type state
var clickType: RcButtonStateEnum = RcButtonStateEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Key value, which can be used to represent the difference between the forward and backward scrolling of the wheel or the amplitude of the zoom key 0-255
var thumbWheelValue: Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Remote control status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCStateNtfyBean(
*Remote control signal strength, [0-100]
var rcSignalQuality: Int = 0,
*Image transmission signal strength, [0-100]
var dspSignalQuality: Int = 0,
*Remaining battery percentage, [0-100]
var remainPowerPercent: Int = 0,
*Remote controller calibration status (not used, fill in 0)
var calibrationState: Int = 0,
*Remote controller battery temperature, unit: Celsius (not used, fill in 0)
var batteryTemperature: Int = 0,
*Remote controller charging input voltage, unit: mV. (Not available for remote controller with screen)
var chargingVoltage: Int = 0,
*Whether it is in machine nest mode 0: No, 1: In machine nest mode (with screen remote control no)
var isDroneNestMode: Int = 0,
Type: Listen
Description: Remote controller calibration report
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RockerCalibrationStateNtfyBean(
* Right stick calibration status information
var rightStickStatus: Int = 0,
* Left stick calibration status information
var leftStickStatus: Int = 0,
* Right wheel calibration status information
var rightThumbWheelStatus: Int = 0,
* Left dial calibration status information
var leftThumbWheelStatus: Int = 0,
* 1: The center position is valid. 0: The joystick or wheel is not centered
var midValibFlag: Int = 0,
var gimYawThumbWheelStatus: Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Remote control LED light switch 0: turn off the remote control LED light, 1: turn on the remote control LED light
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: MCU joystick sends switch 0: turn off MCU joystick sending, 1: turn on MCU joystick sending
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Control the image transmission to perform soft start and soft shutdown 1-soft start, 0-soft shutdown
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Query the current CP pairing key pairKey cp pairing key
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: String
Type: Action
Description: Set the CP pairing key pairKey cp pairing key
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: 6.0-inch remote control GPS information reporting monitoring
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCGpsInfoMsgBean(
val msgType: RC60GPSInfoMessageTypeEnum,
val latitude: Double, // latitude
val longitude: Double, // longitude
val altitude: Double, // altitude
val utcSec: Long // UTC time
Type: Listen
Description: 6.0-inch remote control sets virtual GPS information
Input parameters:
data class RCGpsInfoMsgBean(
val msgType: RC60GPSInfoMessageTypeEnum,
val latitude: Double, // latitude
val longitude: Double, // longitude
val altitude: Double, // altitude
val utcSec: Long // UTC time
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: 6.0-inch remote control obtains GPS information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCGpsInfoMsgBean(
val msgType: RC60GPSInfoMessageTypeEnum,
val latitude: Double, // latitude
val longitude: Double, // longitude
val altitude: Double, // altitude
val utcSec: Long // UTC time
Type: Action
Description: 6.0-inch remote control imu report monitoring
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RcImuAngMsgBean(
val x: Float, //imu X-axis angle, 0~360
val y: Float, //imu Y axis angle, 0~360
val z: Float, //imu Z axis angle, 0~360
val status: IMUStatus, //imu status, 0: normal, 1: abnormal
val calibState: IMUCalibrationState, //imu calibration state, 0: Not calibrated: 1: Calibrated: 2: Calibration successful: 3: Calibration failed
Type: Listen
Description: 6.0 inch remote control imu calibration command
Input parameters:
data class Rc60ImuCalibMessageBean(
val calibrationCommand: ImuCalibrationCommandEnum
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Remote control production test mode switch, 1: start test, 2: stop test
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Remote control production test result notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RCFactoryTestBean(
* Remote control production test result data
var data: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY
Type: Listen
Description: None
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class Rc60ImuDataBean(
val accelerometer: List<Int>,
val gyroscope: List<Int>,
val magnetometer: List<Int>,
val timestamp: Long
Type: Action
Description: Data encryption and decryption settings
Input parameters:
data class UavDataEncryptionBean(
val enable: Int, //Data encryption and decryption setting switch, closed by default
val cpPassword: String, // Fill in when enabling frequency encryption
val encryptionList: List<Int> // encryptionList [0] indicates frequency encryption, 0 is off, 1 is on. If it is off, this data does not need to be filled in
Output parameter:
data class UavDataEncryptionBean(
val enable: Int, //Data encryption and decryption setting switch, closed by default
val cpPassword: String, // Fill in when enabling frequency encryption
val encryptionList: List<Int> // encryptionList [0] indicates frequency encryption, 0 is off, 1 is on. If it is off, this data does not need to be filled in
Type: Action
16. RemoteIDKey
Description: dataBlock import status query (Japan)
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Boolean
Type: Action
Description: dataBlock write/delete (Japan)
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set aircraft ID
Input parameters:
data class DroneIdBean(
*The market category of the aircraft is currently consistent with the country category
var market: MarketEnum = MarketEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Country of Aircraft Registration
var region: RegionEnum = RegionEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Aircraft ID
var droneId: String? = null,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set pilot ID
Input parameters:
data class OperatorIdBean(
* Country of the pilot
var operatorIdType: RegionEnum = RegionEnum.UNKNOWN,
* Pilot ID
var operatorId: String? = null,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set flight purpose
Input parameters:
data class RIDSetSelfIDBean(
var selfIDMsgType: RidSelfIdEnum = RidSelfIdEnum.TXT_DESC,
var selfIDMsg: String? = null,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Set the RID switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
17. RtcKey
Description: RTC streaming settings
Input parameters:
data class RtcPublishSettingBean(
val enable: Boolean, // Whether to enable RTC streaming. true means enable, false means disable
val serverUrl: String?, // Server Url (optional)
val roomId: String?, //Room ID (optional), currently should be a full numeric string
val roomName: String?, //Room name (optional)
val roomPwd: String?, //Room password (optional)
val pubId: String?, // Publisher ID (optional) should be a full numeric string
val maxBitrate: Int?, // Maximum bitrate for streaming (optional) Unit (kbps) Default is 4000kbps
val sourceId: Int?, // Video source ID (optional) 0) default; 1) wide angle; 2) zoom; 3) infrared; 4) night vision; default is wide angle
val videoCloudUrl: String //Video Cloud URL
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: RTMP push stream video source sets the video camera source of RTMP push stream. sourceId: 0) default; 1) wide angle; 2) zoom; 3) infrared; 4) night vision; default is wide angle |
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
18. RtkPropertKey
Description: RTK information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RtkReportBean(
var solState: Int = 0,
/**< Solution status, see FlightControlDefine->RTK_SOLUTION_TYPE */
var posType: RTKPositionTypeEnum = RTKPositionTypeEnum.UNKNOWN_POSITION,
/**< Position type, see FlightControlDefine->RTK_POSITION_TYPE */
var lat: Double = 0.0, //latitude, deg/
var lon: Double = 0.0, // longitude, deg/
var hgt: Double = 0.0, // altitude, m/
var latSigma: Float = 0.0f, //< latitude standard deviation
var lonSigma: Float = 0.0f, // longitude standard deviation
var hgtSigma: Float = 0.0f, // height standard deviation
var svCnt: Int = 0, //Number of satellites tracked/
var solnSVs: Int = 0, // Number of satellites used in the solution /
var gpsCnt: Int = 0, // Number of GPS satellites/
var beidouCnt: Int = 0, // Beidou satellite number/
var glonassCnt: Int = 0, //glonass satellite number/
var galileoCnt: Int = 0, //galileo satellite number/
var inPos: Int = 0, // Is the RTK in position? 0 -- Not in position, 1 -- In position
var rtkUsed: Int = 0, // Whether to use RTK positioning / 0 -- not used, 1 -- used
var fixSta: Int = 0, // fix status / 0 -- not fixed, 1 -- fixed
var locationType: Int = 0, // Positioning method / 0 -- GNSS, 1 -- RTK
var signalType: RTKSignalEnum = RTKSignalEnum.SELF_NETWORK, // RTK signal type, see FlightControlDefine->RTK_SIGNAL_TYPE
var coordinateSys: RTKCoordinateEnum = RTKCoordinateEnum.MOBILE_STATION, //RTK coordinate system, see FlightControlDefine->RTK_COORDINATE
Type: Listen
Description: RTK information reporting
Description: RTK positioning
Input parameters: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTK signal mode
Input parameters:
enum class RTKSignalEnum(val value: Int) {
* Unknown
* RTK Mobile Station
* Nest RTK
* Network RTK (remote controller RTK)
* 4G/5G mobile network (airborne RTK)
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTK coordinate system
Input parameters:
enum class RTKCoordinateEnum(val value: Int) {
* WGS84
* RTK Mobile Station
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTK base station information reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class NestRtkStatusInfo(
var fixStatus: Int = 0, //fix status
var latitude: Double = 0.0, // longitude
var longitudeval: Double = 0.0, // latitude
var altitudeval: Double = 0.0, // altitude
var setLatitudeval: Double = 0.0, //Set longitude
var setLongitudeval: Double = 0.0, //Set latitude
var setAltitudeval: Double = 0.0, //Set the height
var workMode: Int = 0, //Working mode 0. Self-positioning mode, 1. Setting coordinate mode (parameters longitude, latitude, altitude), 2. Mobile mode, 3. Mobile station mode
var rtcmIsValidval: Boolean = false, //RTCM parsing status - is the data valid?
var rtcmSwitch: Boolean = false, //RTCM switch
var rtkDebug: Boolean = false //Whether to enable debugging
Type: Listen
Description: RTK service MessageType definition 0x0000A000 ~ 0x00000A0ff
Input parameters:
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: RTCM data transmission
Input parameters:
data class RtkRtcmDataBean(
var rtcmSource: Int = 0, //RTCM data source (machine nest/network, etc.)
var rtcmPackageSerial: Int = 0, //Serial number of the rtcm data packet (an rtcm packet may be split into multiple sub-packets for network transmission, and the serial numbers of multiple sub-packets are the same)
var rtcmPackageCnt: Int = 0, //The number of unpacked rtcm data
var rtcmPackageIdx: Int = 0, //rtcm data sub-package id
var rtcmData: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY //RTCM data, maximum length 1029 bytes
Output parameter: None
Type: Report
Description: Configure the RTK base station working mode
Input parameters:
data class RtkWorkModeCommandBean(
var workMode: Int = 1 ,////Working mode 0. Self-positioning mode, 1. Setting coordinate mode (parameters longitude, latitude, altitude), 2. Mobile mode, 3. Mobile station mode
var latitude : Double = 0.0 ,//longitude
var longitude : Double = 0.0, //latitude
var altitude : Double = 0.0 //altitude
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTK service MessageType definition 0x0000A000 ~ 0x00000A0ff
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class RtkGpggaInfoBean(
var gpggaPackageCnt:Int = 0, //Number of unpacked gpgga data
var gpggaPackageIdxval :Int = 0, //gpgga data subpackage id
var gpggaData:ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY //gpgga data
Type: Listen
Description: RTK service MessageType definition 0x0000A000 ~ 0x00000A0ff
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
19. RtmpKey
Description: RTMP module switch
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTMP server address
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTMP push mode, see [RtmpPushTypeEnum] for the value
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTMP maximum stream bandwidth, unit: Kb/s, default is 750Kb/s
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: RTMP push stream video source sets the video camera source of RTMP push stream. sourceId: 0) default; 1) wide angle; 2) zoom; 3) infrared; 4) night vision; default is wide angle |
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
20. SystemManagerKey
Description: System status data notification
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<SystemStatusDataAtomBean>
data class SystemStatusDataAtomBean(
*Platform type, see SYSTEM_DEBUG_PLATFORM
var platform: SystemDebugPlatformEnum = SystemDebugPlatformEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Chip type, see SYSTEM_CORE_TYPE
var coreType: SystemCoreTypeEnum = SystemCoreTypeEnum.UNKNOWN,
*Chip index ID, see SYSTEM_CORE_INDEX
var coreIndex: SystemCoreIndexEnum = SystemCoreIndexEnum.CORE_0,
*Data, [0] load%, temperature °C, frequency Hz, frequency limit Hz. If the data does not exist or is abnormal, the data value is 0
var dataList: List<Float> = mutableListOf(),
Type: Listen
Description: System service status reporting
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class SystemWorkStatusBean(
* Debug platform, see SYSTEM_DEBUG_PLATFORM
var platform: SystemDebugPlatformEnum = SystemDebugPlatformEnum.UNKNOWN,
*System working mode
var systemWorkMode: SystemWorkStatusEnum = SystemWorkStatusEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: User-defined aircraft name
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: System service debugging information reporting switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: System service exception information query
Input parameters:
data class SystemExceptionReqBean(
var platform: SystemDebugPlatformEnum = SystemDebugPlatformEnum.UNKNOWN,
var errorType: SystemExceptionErrorEnum = SystemExceptionErrorEnum.ERROR_TYPE_ALL
Output parameter:
data class SystemExceptionRspBean(
var statisticStr: String,
Type: Action
21. UpgradeServiceKey
Description: Upgrade condition query
Input parameters:
data class UpgradeQueryBean(
*Client type, see CLIENT_TYPE_E enumeration
var clientType: UpgradeClientTypeEnum = UpgradeClientTypeEnum.CLIENT_TYPE_GND,
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Enter the upgrade state
Input parameters:
data class UpgradeQueryBean(
*Client type, see CLIENT_TYPE_E enumeration
var clientType: UpgradeClientTypeEnum = UpgradeClientTypeEnum.CLIENT_TYPE_GND,
Output parameter:
data class UpgradeEnterRes(
var port : Int,
var ip : String,
var path : String
Type: Action
Description: Product package transfer progress message
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Product package file verification
Input parameters:
data class UpgradeCheckBean(
* MD5 verification of product package files
var MD5: String = "",
* Product package file name, including full path
var filename: String = "",
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: View remote controller firmware device information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Action
Description: Query remote control device information
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Action
Description: Start upgrading
Input parameters:
data class UpgradeExecuteReqBean(
* Forced upgrade flag
var force: Boolean = false,
* Product package file name, including full path
var filename: String = "",
Output parameter: Int
Type: Action
Description: Report the overall progress of the upgrade
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: Int
Type: Listen
Description: Upgrade result message
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class UpgradeResultBean(
*Upgrade error, see ERROR_TYPE_E enumeration
var errCode: UpgradeErrorTypeEnum = UpgradeErrorTypeEnum.CODE_UNKNOWN,
*Error description
var errDesc: String = "",
*Response result 1-success 2-error
var result: ResponseResultEnum = ResponseResultEnum.UNKNOWN,
Type: Listen
Description: Component consistency check warning message
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<DroneVersionItemBean>
data class DroneVersionItemBean(
* After the aircraft capability set is established, this field will be determined by the order in which the equipment is registered on the aircraft. Modelx aircraft currently has a fixed ID (for example: forward radar ID, rear radar ID)
var componentID: DroneComponentIdEnum = DroneComponentIdEnum.NONE,
* component serial number
var componentSN: String? = null,
* Hardware version
var hardwareVersion: String? = null,
* software version
var softwareVersion: String? = null,
* Integer enumeration value, component device model
var componentModel: Int = 0, //
* Character type component device model, (for example: camera device model XM802)
var strComponentModel: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the information of the current component (for example: front camera, rear camera), which is meaningless for Modelx aircraft.
var label: String? = null,
* Aircraft capability set reserved field, describing the current component type (e.g. camera, gimbal, flight control). ModelX aircraft currently has no meaning
var componentType: DroneComponentEnum = DroneComponentEnum.UNKNOWN,
* MCU bootloader version information
var bootloaderVersion: String? = null,
* Data source, 0 remote controller, 1 aircraft
var dataSource:Int = 0
Type: Listen
Description: Execute component recovery message
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: None
Type: Action
Description: Query upgrade status message
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
enum class UpgradeStateEnum(var value: Int) {
* Idle
* Product package file is being transferred
* Upgrading
* Upgrade completed
Type: Action
Description: Check whether differential upgrade message is supported
Input parameters: None
Output parameter:
data class UpgradeDiffAbility(var diffUpgrade:Boolean)
Type: Action
22. UtmissPropertyKey
Description: UTMISS switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Manufacturer code unified social credit code
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Real-name registration number
Request parameter: String
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
23. VisionKey
Description: Visual radar map alarm
Input parameters: None
Output parameter: List<VisionRadarInfoBean>
data class VisionRadarInfoBean(
var timeStamp: Long = 0,
* Sensor location
var position: VisionSensorPositionEnum = VisionSensorPositionEnum.FRONT,
* Multiple distances between the sensor and obstacles
var distances: List<Float>? = null
Type: Listen
Description: Obstacle avoidance switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Horizontal obstacle avoidance braking distance
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Horizontal warning distance
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Upper obstacle avoidance braking distance
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Upper warning distance
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Braking distance for obstacle avoidance below
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Warning distance below
Request parameter: Float
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Radar switch
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: MIF visual positioning working status
Request parameter: Boolean
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: MIF visual positioning working status
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Left camera raw data acquisition frequency
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Right camera raw data acquisition frequency
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Left camera raw data acquisition switch
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set
Description: Right camera raw data acquisition switch
Request parameter: Int
Output parameter: When a Get request is made, a result will be returned. The result is the same as the request parameter.
Type: Get, Set