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PSDK Functionality Overview

Log Management

Payload devices with log management functionality allow users to output log information from different modules through methods like serial port, terminal, or USB. For payload devices that need to save logs, they can also use the interfaces provided by the log module to save logs to the aircraft for future problem analysis.

Message Subscription

Payload devices can subscribe to real-time sensor data and system status information generated by various components of the aircraft, such as attitude quaternion, fused altitude, and RTK positioning.

Camera Management

  • Parameter Settings: Set parameters such as aperture, exposure time, and resolution for the camera.
  • Camera Control: Control the camera to perform functions like taking photos, recording videos, and zoom control.

Gimbal Management

  • Gimbal Control: Control the angle and angular velocity of the gimbal.
  • Information Retrieval: Retrieve the current angle and angular velocity of the gimbal.

Power Management

Payload devices with power management functionality can not only request higher power from the aircraft but also receive shutdown notifications from the aircraft to shut down normally, preventing data loss from the payload device.

Flight Control

  • Set or retrieve parameters of the aircraft's flight controller, such as return-to-home altitude, obstacle avoidance status, etc.
  • Execute basic flight missions, such as takeoff, landing, and return-to-home.
  • Basic aircraft control functions, such as speed control, attitude control, and position control.

HMS (Health Management System)

Obtain health management information of the aircraft and effectively monitor its current status.

Time Synchronization

  • Get UTC Time: Retrieve the unified UTC time.

Data Transmission

  • Data Transmission: Users can transmit control commands and data between the payload device and the mobile app.
  • Status Retrieval: Users can retrieve the current status of different data transmission channels.

Advanced Vision

Get Camera Stream: Retrieve the H.264 stream from the camera. Users can perform real-time processing on the video stream.

Local Upgrade

Local upgrade is a function used to upgrade the firmware of the payload device. Developers can use this feature to upgrade the payload device firmware.

Motion Planning

  • Waypoint Tasks: Control the aircraft to autonomously fly according to preset waypoints.