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Selecting the Development Platform

Please choose the operating system and development platform for the payload device based on the differences in PSDK feature support, resource consumption of the payload device program, and the toolchains supported by PSDK.

Selecting the Flight Platform

Model Feature Differences

  • All interfaces on all models support all functionality modules. However, some interfaces within specific modules may not be supported or may have performance differences. For more details, refer to the interface documentation.
  • The EVO Max series multirotor aircraft have 1 P-Port interface and 1 P-Port Lite interface. The P-Port Lite interface does not support PPS.

Selecting the Operating System

Platform Feature Differences

Feature NamePlatform Support - LinuxPlatform Support - RTOS
Log ManagementSupportedSupported
Message SubscriptionSupportedSupported
Camera ManagementSupportedNot Supported
Gimbal ManagementSupportedSupported
Flight ControlSupportedSupported
HMS FunctionalitySupportedSupported
Time SynchronizationSupportedSupported
Low-speed Data Transmission ChannelSupportedSupported
Power ManagementSupportedSupported
Local UpgradeSupportedSupported
Motion PlanningSupportedSupported
Payload ReleaseSupportedSupported

Resource Usage

Linux Running the PSDK sample program on a Raspberry Pi 4B Linux platform, the resource usage is as follows:

  • Stack: approximately 12,288 bytes
  • Heap: approximately 40,960 bytes
  • Text Segment: 853,010 bytes
  • Data Segment: 26,888 bytes
  • BSS Segment: 2,296 bytes
  • CPU Usage: 7.2%

RTOS Running the PSDK sample program on an HC32F460 RTOS platform, the resource usage is as follows:Text Segment: 141,612 bytes

  • Data Segment: 2,624 bytes
  • BSS Segment: 157,616 bytes

Choosing the Development Platform

PSDK supports using the following tools to compile payload devices based on PSDK. Please select the correct toolchain according to the chosen development platform.


  1. For detailed information on cross-platform adaptation, please refer to the Cross-Platform Migration section.
  2. Developers must select the static library for the specified toolchain based on the platform used. If the required static library for the toolchain is not available in the development package, please provide the model of the development platform, model of the toolchain, and the toolchain installation package to the PSDK Technical Support team, and we will prepare the static library compiled for the corresponding toolchain.
  3. For more supported platforms, please refer to the latest released PSDK firmware.
Toolchain NameTarget PlatformTypical Chip Model
aarch64-linux-gnu-gccaarch64-linux-gnuNVIDIA Jetson TX2、Rockchip RK3399
x86_64-linux-gnu-gccx86_64-linux-gnu64-bit Intel Processor, such as Intel Core i7-8550U
armcc-cortex-m4Cortex M4/M4F Series MCUHC32F460、STM32F407IGT6、STM32F407G