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Tutorial for NetMesh


The MSDK 2.5 version and the Autel UAV firmware 1.8 version support the netmesh function. It is allowed to add multiple remote controllers and multiple UAVs to the same network. After successful netmesh, there is only one master remote controller and one relay aircraft among these devices, and the other remote controllers are slave remote controllers, and the UAVs are ordinary node aircraft.

Currently, only the stream of one aircraft is supported for viewing. For single-control devices, this device needs to be set as a watch device at the same time.

1.NetMesh Model


2.Noun Explanation

NetmeshMulti device add to the same network
DeviceIdDevice ID
NodeIdNode ID In this Netmesh
Relay aircraftCentral node aircraft
Master remote controllerThe remote controller that initiates netmesh
Slave remote controllerThe remote controller joining the net
Single controlSelect one aircraft and control itmust set as a watch device
All controlSelect allaircrafts and control it
watchView the video transmission stream of the aircraft

3.Netmesh roles and permissions

RoleControl permissionRole switchMulti video stream
Master remote controllerFull permissionsCannot switchView the video stream of controlled
Slave remote controllerThe joystick is unavailableCannot switchView the video streamsof controlled
Relay aircraft-master remote controller can switchVideo stream can be pushed to all remote controllers
Leaf aircraft-can be switched to the controlledaircraftCan not push video streams
Controlled aircraft-can be switched to the leaf aircraftVideo stream can be pushed to all remote controllers

Ⅱ、Netmesh Interface


DeviceManager is responsible for the creation and management of various devices. The interface related to netmesh operations can be obtained through DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().

interface IMultiDeviceOperator

* get netmesh interface
fun getNetMeshManager(): INetMeshManager

* is single control
fun isSingleControl(): Boolean

* is netmesh version
fun isNetMesh(): Boolean

* listener for control mode change
fun addControlChangeListener(listener: IControlDroneListener)
fun removeControlChangeListener(listener: IControlDroneListener)

* listener for watch drone change
fun addWatchChangeListener(listener: IWatchDroneListener)
fun removeWatchChangeListener(listener: IWatchDroneListener)

* obtain all drones
fun getDroneDevices(): List<IAutelDroneDevice>

* obtain all remote controller device info
fun getRemoteInfoList(): List<DeviceInfoBean>

* current control mode
fun getControlMode(): ControlMode

* obtain drone by device id
fun getDroneDeviceById(deviceId: Int): IAutelDroneDevice?

* obtain drone by node id
fun getDroneDeviceByNodeId(nodeId: Int): IAutelDroneDevice?

* get local remote contorller device
fun getLocalRemoteDevice(): RemoteDevice

* obtain all ids of connected device
fun getConnectedDeviceIds(): List<Int>

* obtain keyManagerList by ids
fun generateKeyManagerList(deviceIdList: List<Int>): MutableList<IKeyManager>

* execute keymananger performAction for drone list
fun <Param, Result> performActionList(
deviceIdList: List<Int>, key: AutelKey.ActionKey<Param, Result>, param: Param,
callback: DeviceManager.CompletionCallbackWithParam<DeviceManager.DeviceActionResult<Result>>?
* multi drones monitor for key event
fun <Result> addDroneDevicesListener(key: AutelKey<Result>, callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack)
fun <Result> removeDroneDevicesListener(key: AutelKey<Result>, callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack)

* obtain central drone device
fun getCenterDroneDevice(): IAutelDroneDevice?

* obtain all controlled drone devices
fun getControlledDroneList(): MutableList<IAutelDroneDevice>

* obtain all watched drone devices
fun getWatchedDroneList(): MutableList<IAutelDroneDevice>

* is master remote controller
fun isMainRC():Boolean

* listener of device change for netmesh
fun addNetMeshChangeListener(listener: IMeshDeviceChangedListener)
fun removeNetMeshChangeListener(listener: IMeshDeviceChangedListener)

Mainly provide interfaces related to netmesh: functions such as initiating netmesh / joining the network, adding, deleting, renaming devices, setting relay devices, setting Watch devices, switching control modes, and dissolving the netmesh, etc.

interface INetMeshManager {

* obtain device info
fun getAllMeshDeviceList():List<DeviceInfoBean>

* local remote controller name
fun getLocalRCName():String?

* master remote controller name
fun getMainRCName():String?

* the watched drone of master remote controller
fun getMainRcWatchDrone():IAutelDroneDevice?

* weather in netmeshing
fun isNetMeshing():Boolean

* weather netmesh disband
fun isMeshDisband():Boolean

* start netmesh
* @param bean :CreateDeviceNetworkReq
* @param meshMode: configure the max number of device,but final depend on device firmware.
* @param callback
fun startNetMeshMatching(
bean: CreateDeviceNetworkReq,
meshMode: MeshModeEnum? = MeshModeEnum.STANDARD,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<CreateDeviceNetworkResp>

* finish netmesh
fun completeNetMeshMatching(
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* delete device from netmesh
fun delNetMeshDevice(
deviceId: Int,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* set device as central drone
fun setCenterNode(
deviceId: Int,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* join netmesh
fun joinDeviceNetMesh(
joinReq: JoinDeviceNetworkReq?,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* disband netmesh
fun disbandNetMesh(
groupId: Long?,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* exit netmesh
fun quitNetMeshMatching(
groupId: Long?,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* set device name
fun nameDeviceNetMeshMatching(
editDeviceNameReq: EditDeviceNameReq,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* set watch device
* return : 1:success 2:failure 0:unknown
* */
fun setWatchDevice(
selectDevice: List<Int>?,
callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>

* NetMesh Stream Control
fun setNetMeshStreamControl(streamList: List<CameraStreamInfo>, callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Int>)

* switch control mode
fun switchControlMode(mode: ControlMode,id: Int,callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Void>)

3. Aircraft Evenvt monitoring

It provides device event monitoring for multi-aircraft netmesh, facilitating the monitoring of events in multi-aircraft scenarios.

DeviceManager.getDeviceManager().addDroneDevicesListener(reportKey, devicesListener)
DeviceManager.getDeviceManager().removeDroneDevicesListener(reportKey, devicesListener)

private val devicesListener = object : DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack {
override fun onListenerValueChanged(value: DeviceManager.DeviceListenerResult<*>) {
(value.result as? MissionWaypointStatusReportNtfyBean)?.let { bean ->
missionStatusMap[value.drone.getDeviceNumber()] = bean

Ⅲ、Autel Netmesh sample

1. Master remote controller

  • Start netmesh pairing: if set 30 seconds timeout. After timeout, you can continue to initiate netmesh.

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().startNetMeshMatching(bean,callback)
  • Delete device :can't delete relay device(or call disband()

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().delNetMeshDevice(id,callback)
  • set Relay drone: if you want to finish netmesh, you must set relay drone first

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().setCenterNode(id,callback)
  • Finish netmesh:all devices will be reconnected after finish netmesh

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().completeNetMeshMatching(callback)
  • Disband netmesh: delete all devices

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().disbandNetMesh(groupdId,callback)
  •  Rename device name

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().nameDeviceNetMeshMatching(req,callback)
  • set Control Mode(id GROUP mode : groupId; SINGLE mode :NodeId; ALL mode:This parameter is ignored)

    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().switchControlMode(mode, id, callback)
      enum class ControlMode(val value: Int) {
      * unknown
      *Group control
      * single control
      * control all

2. Slave remote controller

  • Join in Netmesh
    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().joinDeviceNetMesh(req,callback)
  • exit form netmesh
    • DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().getNetMeshManager().quitNetMeshMatching(groupdId,callback)

3. Netmesh monitoring

  • Device status monitoring (device life cycle)

    • They are in sequence: device creation -> device connection change -> device main service availability change -> device capability set change -> device destruction

    • interface IAutelDroneListener {
      * drone create
      * @param drone drone device
      fun onDroneCreate(drone: IAutelDroneDevice){}

      * connection monitoring
      * @param connected - is connected
      * @param drone - drone device
      fun onDroneChangedListener(connected: Boolean, drone: IAutelDroneDevice){}

      * main service is available
      * @param valid true available,false unavailable用
      * @param drone drone device
      fun onMainServiceValid(valid: Boolean, drone: IAutelDroneDevice) {}

      * camera ability ready
      * @param localFetched true: loacl cache read
      * @param remoteFetched true: downlaod from drone
      fun onCameraAbilityFetchListener(localFetched: Boolean, remoteFetched: Boolean, drone: IAutelDroneDevice){}

      * SDK error listener
      * @param errorInfo
      fun onSDKErrorListener(errorInfo: SDKErrorUtil) {}

      * drone destroy
      * @param drone drone device
      fun onDroneDestroy(drone: IAutelDroneDevice){}

  • Device control change (triggered during the netmesh process and triggered after the user issues a control switch)

.addControlChangeListener(object : IControlDroneListener {
override fun onControlChange(mode: ControlMode, droneList: List<IAutelDroneDevice>){
  • Device watch change monitoring

    It is necessary to monitor the changes of the watch device. The relay aircraft has an independent video channel ID configuration, and all leaf aircraft share a set of channel ID configurations. Therefore, when switching the code stream, it is necessary to determine whether it is a relay aircraft. For the channel configuration, please refer to ISDKConstants.

DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator().addWatchChangeListener(object:object : IWatchDroneListener {
override fun onWatchChange(droneList: List<IAutelDroneDevice>) {
val playerId = DeviceUtils.getPlayerId(droneDevice, lensTypeEnum)
if (playerId != null) {
val autelPlayer = AutelPlayerManager.getInstance().getAutelPlayer(playerId)

if (autelPlayer != null) {

AutelLog.i("SwitchDrone", "startPlay = " + autelPlayer + " port:" + playerId + " view :" + renderView.toString())