Flight Control
The header file for flight control-related functions is uav_flight_control.h
. This document describes the key information and usage of the function prototypes in the uav_flight_control.h
Table of Contents
Macros, Enums, and Structures
typedef enum E_UAVFlithtControl_Mode
typedef enum E_UAVFlightControl_RCLost_Action
typedef enum E_UAVFlightControl_Emergency_Stop_Motor
typedef enum E_HEADING_MODE
typedef enum E_OBSTACLE_MODE
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerRidInfo
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControlPos
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControlSpeed
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerHomeLocation
typedef uint16_t E_UAVFlightControllerGoHomeAltitude
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerGeneralInfoFunction Prototypes
function UAV_FlightControl_Init
function UAV_FlightControl_Deinit
function UAV_FlightControl_SetControlMode
function UAV_FlightControl_GetControlMode
function UAV_FlightControl_POSControl
function UAV_FlightControl_SpeedControl
function UAV_FlightControl_SetRCLostAction
function UAV_FlightControl_GetRCLostAction
function UAV_FlightControl_TurnOnMotors
function UAV_FlightControl_TurnOffMotors
function UAV_FlightControl_EmergencyStopMotor
function UAV_FlightControl_StartTakeoff
function UAV_FlightControl_StartLanding
function UAV_FlightControl_CancelLanding
function UAV_FlightControl_StartForceLanding
function UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingGPSCoordinates
function UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocation
function UAV_FlightControl_SetGoHomeAltitude
function UAV_FlightControl_GetGoHomeAltitude
function UAV_FlightControl_StartGoHome
function UAV_FlightControl_CancelGoHome
function UAV_FlightControl_GetGeneralInfo
Macros, Enums, and Structures
typedef enum E_UAVFlithtControl_Mode
typedef enum {
typedef enum E_UAVFlightControl_RCLost_Action
The actions of the aircraft when it loses the remote control signal.
typedef enum {
UAV_FLIGHTCONTROL_RC_LOST_ACTION_HOVER = 0, /*!< Aircraft will execute hover cation when rc is lost. */
UAV_FLIGHTCONTROL_RC_LOST_ACTION_LANDING = 1, /*!< Aircraft will execute land cation when rc is lost. */
UAV_FLIGHTCONTROL_RC_LOST_ACTION_GOHOME = 2, /*!< Aircraft will execute go-home cation when rc is lost. */
typedef enum E_UAVFlightControl_Emergency_Stop_Motor
- Function: Enable/Disable emergency shutdown function enumeration.
- Enabling the emergency shutdown function while in the air is very dangerous and may lead to the aircraft crashing!
typedef enum {
UAV_FLIGHTCONTROL_ENABLE_EMERGENCY_STOP_MOTOR = 1, /*!< Execute emergency-stop-motor action */
typedef enum E_HEADING_MODE
typedef enum {
UAV__HEADING_MODE_NONE = 0, /*!< No heading mode. */
UAV__HEADING_MODE_ALONG = 1, /*!< Along the waypoint line direction. */
UAV__HEADING_MODE_BY_PSDK = 2,/*!< Control the heading by psdk from user. */
typedef enum E_OBSTACLE_MODE
typedef enum {
UAV__OBSTACLE_MODE_NONE = 0, /*!< No obstacle avoidance. */
UAV__OBSTACLE_MODE_LOITER = 1, /*!< Loiter mode. */
UAV__OBSTACLE_MODE_OBS = 2, /*!< Obstacle avoidance mode. */
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerRidInfo
typedef struct {
double latitude; /*!< Specifies latitude, unit: rad */
double longitude; /*!< Specifies longitude, unit: rad */
float altitude; /*!< Specifies altitude, unit: m */
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControlPos
typedef struct {
float yaw; /*!< Specifies yaw angle. */
double latitude; /*!< Specifies latitude. */
double longitude; /*!< Specifies longitude. */
double altitude; /*!< Specifies altitude. */
int32_t obstacle_mode; /*!< Specifies obstacle mode, see E_OBSTACLE_MODE. */
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControlSpeed
typedef struct {
float x; /*!< Specifies x coordinate. */
float y; /*!< Specifies y coordinate. */
float z; /*!< Specifies z coordinate. */
float yaw; /*!< Specifies yaw angle. */
int32_t heading_mode; /*!< Specifies heading mode, see E_HEADING_MODE. */
int32_t obstacle_mode; /*!< Specifies obstacle mode, see E_OBSTACLE_MODE. */
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerHomeLocation
typedef struct {
double latitude; /*!< unit: rad */
double longitude; /*!< unit: rad */
} T_UAVFlightControllerHomeLocation; // pack(1)
typedef uint16_t E_UAVFlightControllerGoHomeAltitud
typedef uint16_t E_UAVFlightControllerGoHomeAltitude; /*!< Unit:meter, range 20~500 */
typedef struct T_UAVFlightControllerGeneralInfo
typedef struct {
char serialNum[32];
} T_UAVFlightControllerGeneralInfo;
Function Prototypes
function UAV_FlightControl_Init
- Function: Flight control initialization request.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_Init(T_UAVFlightControllerRidInfo ridInfo);
function UAV_FlightControl_Deinit
- Function: Flight control de-registration request.
extern void UAV_FlightControl_Deinit(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_SetControlMode
- Function: Set flight control mode.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SetControlMode(E_UAVFlithtControl_Mode mode);
function UAV_FlightControl_GetControlMode
- Function: Get flight control mode.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_GetControlMode(E_UAVFlithtControl_Mode &mode);
function UAV_FlightControl_POSControl
- Function: Control flight using position information.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_POSControl(T_UAVFlightControlPos pos);
function UAV_FlightControl_SpeedControl
- Function: Control flight using speed information.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SpeedControl(T_UAVFlightControlSpeed speed);
function UAV_FlightControl_SetRCLostAction
- This setting takes effect only when both the remote controller and OSDK are disconnected.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SetRCLostAction(E_UAVFlightControl_RCLost_Action rcLostAction);
- Parameter
: Action to be taken when the remote controller is disconnected (Hover/Land/Return).
function UAV_FlightControl_GetRCLostAction
- Function: Get the action to be taken when the remote controller is disconnected (Hover/Land/Return).
- This setting only takes effect when both the remote controller and OSDK are disconnected.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_GetRCLostAction(E_UAVFlightControl_RCLost_Action &rcLostAction);
- Parameters:
: The action to be taken when the remote controller is lost (Hover/Land/Return).
function UAV_FlightControl_TurnOnMotors
- Function: The aircraft starts the motors while on the ground.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_TurnOnMotors(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_TurnOffMotors
- Function:The aircraft stops the motors while on the ground.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_TurnOffMotors(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_EmergencyStopMotor
- Function: Emergency stop of the motors under any circumstances.
- You need to use this interface to send a disable command to exit the motor lock state.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_EmergencyStopMotor(E_UAVFlightControl_Emergency_Stop_Motor command, const char debugMsg[32]);
- Parameters:
: Injects debug information into the flight control firmware for logging, with a size limit.cmd
: Refer toE_UAVFlightControl_Emergency_Stop_Motor
for the reference.
function UAV_FlightControl_StartTakeoff
- Function: Request takeoff when the aircraft is on the ground.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_StartTakeoff(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_StartLanding
- Function: Request landing when the aircraft is in the air.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_StartLanding(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_CancelLanding
- Function: Request to cancel landing when the aircraft is landing.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_CancelLanding(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_StartForceLanding
- Function: Force landing in any situation.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_StartForceLanding(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingGPSCoordinates
- Function: Set custom GPS (non-RTK) home point location.
- Reasons for failure to set a custom take-off point may include: The distance between the new take-off point and the previous take-off point exceeds MAX_FLY_RADIUS (20km). Failure to record the initial take-off point after startup.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingGPSCoordinates(T_UAVFlightControllerHomeLocation homeLocation);
function UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocation
- Function: Use the current aircraft's GPS (non-RTK) location to set the home point location.
- Reasons for failure to set the take-off point may include: The aircraft's GPS level does not meet the conditions for recording the take-off point. Failure to record the initial take-off point after startup.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SetHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocation(void);;
function UAV_FlightControl_SetGoHomeAltitude
- Function: Set the return-to-home altitude.
- If the aircraft's current altitude is higher than the set return-to-home altitude, the aircraft will return using the current altitude. Otherwise, it will climb to the set return-to-home altitude and then perform the return-to-home operation. The return-to-home altitude can be set between 20m and 1500m.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_SetGoHomeAltitude(E_UAVFlightControllerGoHomeAltitude altitude);
function UAV_FlightControl_GetGoHomeAltitude
- Function: Get the return-to-home altitude.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_GetGoHomeAltitude(E_UAVFlightControllerGoHomeAltitude *altitude);
function UAV_FlightControl_StartGoHome
- Function: Request a return-to-home action when the aircraft is in the air.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_StartGoHome(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_CancelGoHome
- Function: Request to cancel the return-to-home action when the aircraft is returning home.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_CancelGoHome(void);
function UAV_FlightControl_GetGeneralInfo
- Function: Get general information about the aircraft.
extern T_UAVReturnCode UAV_FlightControl_GetGeneralInfo(T_UAVFlightControllerGeneralInfo *generalInfo);