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Accurate Retake Management

interface IAccurateRetakeManager

Description: Accurate retake management class

method enterTaskRecordMode

fun enterTaskRecordMode(callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

Description: Enters accurate retake mode.

Input Parameters: callback: Return value.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean

method exitTaskRecordMode

fun exitTaskRecordMode(callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

Description: Exits accurate retake mode.

Input Parameters: callback: Return value.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean

method startTaskRecord

fun startTaskRecord(saveSdcard: Boolean,mapID: String,onSuccess: () -> Unit,onFailed: (error: IAutelCode, msg: String?) -> Unit)

Description: Starts task recording, which begins waypoint collection.

Input Parameters: saveSdcard: Whether to save SLAM to the SDCard; otherwise, save to the onboard flash. mapID:Task recording ID. onSuccess:Success callback. onFailed:Failure callback.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,String,IAutelCode

method finishTaskRecord

fun finishTaskRecord(saveMap: Boolean,onSuccess: () -> Unit,onFailed: (error: IAutelCode, msg: String?) -> Unit,)

Description: Ends task recording.

Input Parameters: saveMap: Whether to save the SLAM file; otherwise, do not save. onSuccess:Success callback. onFailed:Failure callback.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,String,IAutelCode

method switchVideoRecord

fun switchVideoRecord(open: Boolean, callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

Description: Starts/stops video recording, typically executed after successful task recording initiation.

Input Parameters: open: If true, starts video recording; otherwise, stops video recording. callback:Callback function.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean

method querySlamMapListFromDrone

fun querySlamMapListFromDrone(saveSdcard: Boolean, lister: FolderQueryListener)

Description: Queries the list of SLAM maps on the drone.

Input Parameters: saveSdcard: If true, queries SLAM information from the drone's SDCard; otherwise, queries from the onboard flash. lister:Query result callback function [FolderQueryListener].

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,FolderQueryListener

method queryAllSlamMapListFromDrone

fun queryAllSlamMapListFromDrone(lister: FolderQueryListener)

Description: Queries all SLAM maps on the drone, including both onboard flash and SDCard.

Input Parameters: lister:Query result callback function [FolderQueryListener].

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,FolderQueryListener

method deleteSlamMapFromDrone

fun deleteSlamMapFromDrone(mapId: String, listener: DeleteFileListener)

Description: Deletes a specified SLAM map with the given mapId from the drone.

Input Parameters: mapID:Task recording ID. listener:Deletion result callback [DeleteFileListener].

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,DeleteFileListener

method registerKeyFrameListener

fun registerKeyFrameListener(l: KeyFrameListener)

Description: Registers a listener for accurate retake message reporting, which returns waypoint data through this interface.

Input Parameters: l:Deletion result callback [KeyFrameListener].

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: Boolean,KeyFrameListener

method unregisterKeyFrameListener

fun unregisterKeyFrameListener()

Description: Unregisters the listener for accurate retake message reporting.

Input Parameters:None.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: None.

method registerMapProgressListener

fun registerMapProgressListener(l: KeyMapProgressListener)

Description: Registers a listener for accurate retake map saving/loading progress reporting.

Input Parameters: l:Saving/loading progress result callback [KeyMapProgressListener].

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: KeyMapProgressListener

method unregisterMapProgressListener

fun unregisterMapProgressListener()

Description: Unregisters the listener for accurate retake map saving/loading progress reporting.

Input Parameters:None.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: None.

method stopSaveMap

fun stopSaveMap(callback: CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Void>)

Description: Stops saving the accurate retake recording map.

Input Parameters: callback:Callback for stopping the saving of the recording map.

Output Parameters: None.

Related Parameters: None.