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Netmesh Multi Device operate interface


Description: The aggregation management class of the related operation interfaces for multi-machine netmesh. We can obtain various interfaces of the networking through this interface.

val operator = DeviceManager.getMultiDeviceOperator()

method getNetMeshManager

    fun getNetMeshManager():INetMeshManager

Description: Obtain the related operation interfaces of netmesh.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: INetMeshManager

Related Parameters: INetMeshManager

method getGroupMeshApi

    fun getGroupMeshApi():IGroupMeshApi

Description: The group is based on the netmesh, where the aircraft are divided into groups and then controlled. This interface provides the related operations of the group.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: IGroupMeshApi

Related Parameters: IGroupMeshApi

method isSingleControl

    fun isSingleControl():boolean

Description: Is the current control mode a single control mode?

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Boolean

Related Parameters: None.

method addControlChangeListener

     fun addControlChangeListener(listener: IControlDroneListener)

Description: Monitor the change of control mode

Input Parameters: Control mode listener.

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: IControlDroneListener.

method removeControlChangeListener

    fun removeControlChangeListener(listener: IControlDroneListener)

Description: Cancel monitor the change of control mode

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Control mode listener.

Related Parameters: IControlDroneListener

method addWatchChangeListener

    fun addWatchChangeListener(listener: IWatchDroneListener)

Description: Monitor Watch (stream) changes in aircraft

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Watch (stream) change listener

Related Parameters: IWatchDroneListener.

method removeWatchChangeListener

    fun removeWatchChangeListener(listener: IWatchDroneListener)

Description: Cancel monitor Watch (stream) changes in aircraft

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Watch (stream) change listener

Related Parameters: IWatchDroneListener.

method getDroneDevices

    fun getDroneDevices(): List<IAutelDroneDevice>

Description:Obtain the list of networking aircraft devices.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: aircraft device list.

Related Parameters: None.

method getControlMode

     fun getControlMode(): ControlMode

Description: Obtain the current control mode.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Control mode.

Related Parameters: ControlMode.

method getRemoteInfoList

    fun getRemoteInfoList(): List<DeviceInfoBean>

Description: Obtain the list of remote control information in the netmesh.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: remote controller information list.

Related Parameters: DeviceInfoBean.

method getDroneDeviceByNodeId

     fun getDroneDeviceByNodeId(nodeId: Int): IAutelDroneDevice?

Description: Obtain the aircraft device through the device nodeId

Input Parameters: nodeId:Device nodeId.

Output Parameter: aircraft device.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getLocalRemoteDevice

    fun getLocalRemoteDevice(): RemoteDevice

Description: Obtain the local remote control device.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: local remote control device.

Related Parameters: RemoteDevice.

method getFirstDroneDevice

     fun getFirstDroneDevice(): IAutelDroneDevice?

Description: The single control mode refers to a single controlled aircraft; otherwise, it is the first aircraft device in the list.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: IAutelDroneDevice.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getFirstRemoteDevice

    fun getFirstRemoteDevice(): IAutelRemoteDevice?

Description: It is currently the local remote control device.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: IAutelRemoteDevice.

Related Parameters: IAutelRemoteDevice.

method getConnectedDeviceIds

    fun getConnectedDeviceIds(): List<Int>

Description: Obtain the list of IDs of the already connected aircraft devices

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Device ID list.

Related Parameters: None.

method generateKeyManagerList

    fun generateKeyManagerList(deviceIdList: List<Int>): MutableList<IKeyManager>

Description: Obtain the list of KeyManagers based on the list of deviceIds.

Input Parameters: deviceIds.

Output Parameter: KeyManagers .

Related Parameters: IKeyManager.

method performActionList

    fun <Param, Result> performActionList(
deviceIdList: List<Int>, key: AutelKey.ActionKey<Param, Result>, param: Param,
callback: DeviceManager.CompletionCallbackWithParam<DeviceManager.DeviceActionResult<Result>>?

Description: Send commands to the aircraft in the specified list.

Input Parameters: deviceIdList: the specified deviceid list

key: the commands key

param: the commands params

callback: Instruction execution status

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: None.

method addDroneDevicesListener

    fun <Result> addDroneDevicesListener(key: AutelKey<Result>, callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack)

Description: Monitor event of all aircrafts.

Input Parameters: key: Monitor event key.

callback: Callback for event reporting

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: None.

method removeDroneDevicesListener

    fun <Result> removeDroneDevicesListener(key: AutelKey<Result>, callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack)

Description: Cancel monitor event of all aircrafts.

Input Parameters: key: Monitor event key. callback: Callback for event reporting

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: None.

method getCenterDroneDevice

     fun getCenterDroneDevice(): IAutelDroneDevice?

Description: Obtain the relay aircraft device

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: the relay aircraft device.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getControlledDroneList

     fun getControlledDroneList(): MutableList<IAutelDroneDevice>

Description: Obtain the list of controlled aircraft devices.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: the list of controlled aircraft devices.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getWatchedDroneList

     fun getWatchedDroneList(): MutableList<IAutelDroneDevice>

Description: Obtain the list of watch aircraft devices.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: the list of watch aircraft devices.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method isMainRC

      fun isMainRC():Boolean

Description: Is the current remote control device the main remote control?

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Boolean

Related Parameters: None.

method addNetMeshChangeListener

    fun addNetMeshChangeListener(listener: IMeshDeviceChangedListener)

Description: Monitoring of changes in netmesh device information.

Input Parameters: Listener for device information changes.

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: IMeshDeviceChangedListener.

method removeNetMeshChangeListener

    fun removeNetMeshChangeListener(listener: IMeshDeviceChangedListener)

Description: Cancel monitoring of changes in netmesh device information.

Input Parameters: Listener for device information changes.

Output Parameter: None.

Related Parameters: IMeshDeviceChangedListener.

method getGroupList

   fun getGroupList():List<GroupDeviceData>

Description: Obtain the group list.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: the group list.

Related Parameters: GroupDeviceData.

method getSingleDeviceList

    fun getSingleDeviceList(): List<IAutelDroneDevice>

Description: The list of stand-alone machines that have not joined a group.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: stand-alone device list

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getMaxDroneNum

    fun getMaxRcNum(): Int

Description: The maximum number of aircrafts supported by the netmesh configuration.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Number.

Related Parameters: IAutelDroneDevice.

method getMaxRcNum

    fun getMaxRcNum(): Int

Description: The maximum number of remote controller supported by the netmesh configuration.

Input Parameters: None.

Output Parameter: Number.

Related Parameters: None.