enum class DetectTargetEnum
Description: Detect Target Enum
enum class DetectTargetEnum(var value: Int, var info: String) {
* background
BACKGROUND(0, "background"),
* animal
ANIMAL(1, "animal"),
* Boat
BOAT(2, "Boat"),
* car
CAR(3, "car"),
* pedestrian
PERSON(4, "pedestrian"),
* rider
RIDER(5, "rider"),
* cart
VEHICLE(6, "cart"),
* Insulated terminal
INSULATOR(10, "Insulated terminal"),
* Hanging point at the cross-arm end
CROSSARMPOINT(11, "Cross arm end hanging point"),
* Hanging point of wire end
WIREPOINT(12, "Wire end hanging point"),
* ground wire hanging point
EARTHWIREPOINT(13, "Ground wire hanging point"),
* ground wire hanging point
DAMPER(14, "Vibration hammer"),
* ground wire hanging point
POLE(15, "Electric pole"),
* ground wire hanging point
TOWER(16, "Tower body"),
* ground wire hanging point
TOWER_HEAD(17, "Tower head"),
* ground wire hanging point
TOWER_FOOT(18, "Taki"),
* civilian
* Soldier
* armored car
SECURITY_ARMORED_VEHICLE(32,"Combat vehicle"),
* Weaponry
SECURITY_EQUIPMENT(33,"Combat equipment"),
* drone
* smoke
* fire
SECURITY_FIRE(36,"Fire source"),
* No target detected, need to clear the target point on the screen